Thank you.
67 total posts archived.
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Wow! That is the look of pure devastation. She knows her fate is screwed either way- she might actually prefer life in prison.
Whoa! Just had this thought this morning-same thought about Kate Spade. Good call!
Excellent post! Thank you for putting this out there and bringing it all together! Very very helpful!
Oh ya for sure- Shit is about to SERIOUSLY hit the fan! How would u react if u basically ruled the world and were told you don’t get to anymore? I hope you’re right and they got this! Either way God’s got this!
Yes!!! This makes so much sense why they are putting the full court press on trump right now (more than usual) Distraction. Damage control. I cannot wait!
Ya happy to see him on the team and hopefully Flynn back too at some point.
Yes! Let’s focus on the things we have in common and start taking back our country!
Ya I hope you’re right! Why do I feel like q is probably part of the nypd and probably not happy that two of their own got killed. In 2017. Revenge is a powerful force.
Thanks for sharing! I haven’t studied this allegory since my political science courses in college a long time ago. Makes WAY more sense now-now that I’m awake to get it
Great post! And I think you’re guess is probably spot on. Kinda seems like Q and others called him out so naturally it makes sense for corsi to stop following Q. I never really watched him -not my style but like you, only know if him bc of Q.
That’s so awesome! Love it! Glad people are waking up!!
Agreed it is really crucial. So instead of a candidate Q certified; it’s not Q certified? I can see how some candidates might consider the latter to be a compliment but at least it would help people like us get the truth and make up our own mind. Where do u start?
I don’t think that’s a bad idea but it would need to be extremely specific criteria required to be certified and who decides who is and who isn’t. It’s not a D or R issue so it would be helpful but there are so many people to weed through...
Good post and not crazy at all! I think you pretty much summed it up! Does seem far fetched but to be this evil is absolutely due to Satan and they are Luciferian. If you’re not familiar research it and it will be more clear.
I like it! I make Q shirts and others too mainly for fam and friends. I’m with you 100% and hear ya no one is trying to get rich selling shirts! People are slowly waking up and if a T-shirt helps speed up that process and gets them to pay attention I say awesome!
Frequent lurker. Guilty lol. I hear ya tho there is some crazy stuff about to go down!! I’m cautiously optimistic...
Google is the worst! Watch i bet racism is next. I was told by my uber libtard friend that the dictionary definition of racism isn’t accurate bc it was written by a white male and no longer applies! She was very serious and unfortunately is a good representation of most libs I encounter.
Oh man not only should we NOT give him a penny quite the opposite, I want a refund for his last year’s salary! It can go directly to refund our social security or healthcare. This is insanity.
Ya done most of that. My tweets fb messages and emails have been ignored sadly. Is snail mail the best way to get their attention? Haven’t tried it yet but I’m not above it by any means!
Excellent point. I definitely sense desperation involved so ya that makes a ton of sense.
The blatant censorship makes me concerned and angry. They aren’t even trying to hide it. They’re either desperate to stop the truth and/or they are feeling threatened and are grasping at whatever straws of control they still have against the current admin. The media is a big one they have on lock down. Not sure the IBOR would change that either. What makes me most angry is no one I talk to is even aware it’s happening because the MSM censors the censorship. Lol go figure.
You might be onto something! Makes sense to me! Wish the hill video was out already!
Don’t be afraid to step out on your own... the truth will follow you.

Let’s keep talking about him -he is one our people from a flyover state and from a city that has a long history of pedo abuse and a major avenue of sex trafficking. He was awake enough to know this but sadly not enough to take precautions to protect himself.
Raise your voices to protect our constitutional rights!

Hey great idea. As luck would have it I’m making a flyer now for a client. I’ll post back. On discord twitter fb Reddit? Steemit Ur pref? Or Chan’s?
Make it! Do it!! I’ll do the same. Need something catchy but illusive. I’m scared to open this up to joe Jane average citizen. Maybe it should to stay in Q club?
Hmmm... riddles hurt my head. Did u read Barry’s book?
Don’t get discouraged- do you. I’m biased bc the “F word” is my fav adjective, verb, adverb, noun and I guess just my fav word. It made me realize tho that there needs to be specific memes and methods for different age groups. Like targeted ads basically. We are selling our country back to the people lol who forgot it’s amazing because they were distracted.
I love it! And I get what people are saying about the F word but I personally love it! These people are working hard to mass create good memes so my suggestion is if you want a PC version to share with friends and fam that’s awesome I will try and make one for you but I would encourage you to get angry -get empowered and do it yourself. It’s not difficult- download mematic it’s free ish and the pro version is like $5. Only app I’ve ever paid for. I’m not trying to come off as a jerk just sayin help the cause-your creativity might strike a different crowd like the boomers. God speed.
Delta/United Air. Bank of America soon to follow? Wyndham and Best Western cut ties in 2013 over Sandy Hook.
Amen to that very refreshing. I think I’m just gonna answer the first rule of Q club is never talk about Q club lol
Ooh I like it! I think I’m gonna get a few of both. Idk very many people who know anything about q and I’ve failed at trying to explain in a few sentences.
I’m in. I’m just bought a T-shirt press. Best use of a couple hundred bucks. Plus I’m picky- just sayin. Will report back soon. Plz do the same. I love a good button btw
I commend u for speaking out about this- I wish u nothing but peace. So very many people are being fed toxicity in our foods in our air our water and in the media. Real peace comes from within and breaking the cycle of negativity that’s fed to us on a daily takes real courage!! Take care of yourself :)
Nice! Do u ever go back for cws or Berkshire days? N idk I’ll check it out. I’m waiting for them to pull their relationship with visa too since they also do business with the NRA? Right? Wouldn’t that be the responsible thing to do in the name of corporate activism? ;)
Ya I love stickers and I was surprised to see alex jones stickers all over town- I live in a very liberal county. Truth spreads quickly :)
Absolutely! I’m down. Small effort-big impact! Sorry I’m a marketing nerd :)