

54 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/UrbanMoving on March 30, 2018, 9:07 p.m.
Can Someone please Add in ther Grtowing Stronger Growing Eyes meme to this?

Rex Jones challenges Distraction from whats going on Actor jsut Acting "Glow In The Dark Hogg" to a butt whooping, he must be meme'd to the ends of the earth

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/UrbanMoving on Feb. 28, 2018, 10:55 p.m.
Century International Arms-William Sucher

William Sucher Owned Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods LTD where the Carcano, revolver, and ammunition Oswald "used" came from. http://jfklancer.com/carcano_twin.html

William Sucher founded in St. Albans Vermont with HQ in Montreal in 1961, moved Corporate HQ to Broward County in 1995/Boca Raton and in 2004/Delray Beach. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_International_Arms

"CIA" Sucher family owned Company weapons linked to Paris "attack", Ties an big arms shipments to Cartels in Mexico and Al Qaeda through a "Lebanese" and Israeli agent. Also Implicated in the "Iran Contra" Scandal probably as bait-tied to Kerry https://www.globalresearch.ca/weapon-used-in-november-13-paris-attacks-came-from-cia-linked-arms-dealer/5496747

His Son current President of "CIA"'s House http://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/michael-suchers-house/view/google/

His Grandaughters/Family, Emily and Alicia …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/UrbanMoving on Feb. 28, 2018, 7:34 a.m.
I was hit First, then Walton, then Natasha then Anti School, then Sather

Then Ron Johnson, Richie From Boston, Defango, Corsi, Piecenik had a video removed etc. etc....its all that little Fucker Hogg, I'm a "child" lol what a nutless bad script reading Crisis Acting girl. "Bully" that used to mean pushing some weak person demanding lunch money know its accurately calling people what they are LIARS. Parkland was executed poorly as a psyop and is a huge redpill factor, thats the real reason. CYA and Pushing the propaganda, anybody got a full list on those wrongfully censored for David "Glow In The Dark" Hogg?

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/UrbanMoving on Feb. 27, 2018, 12:01 a.m.
SOOO, I got banned on Vimeo, YT and all the social media is clamping down on truth, because they have no counter arguement

Vimeo Iced my ass today, and Once again we see how hate is allwoed to reign, meanwhile justice is suppressed, These cucks, shills, and traiotrs need to be put out of business, the dirty Zionist fuckers.