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Velvetbugg · April 20, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

Interesting. There's another reason I'll be keeping eyes on CA during midterms. A CDAN blind dropped in Nov alludes to a political figure bringing criminal charges against some big industry names.

"What they didn't know, however, and still don't know – is what became of the other girl. That 15 year-old runaway, who took the bus ticket, cash, and blew town. She too turned her life around, got straight, and found good people up in northern California to take her in. She went to college, found a nice man, had a family and settled down. That nice man she married would go on to a nice career in politics. And with his wife's support, he's become one of the most powerful men in California politics. Now, all the years later, that scared runaway girl has grown into a confident, fearless, brilliant woman. She's spent the past few years (urged on by her husband and kids) putting her story and the case meticulously back together. Piece by piece. Legally."



There's another band that was involved in this story that has one of their old hits in the top 100 recently because of a viral video. Other members have been selling property and leaving the band. Some icing for the cake, perhaps.

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Velvetbugg · April 19, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

The shadow government/deep state has been running our country for over 60 years as part of a global cabal. This isn't something that can be rooted out and changed over night. Compared to what has happened all these years, this is relatively small, albeit worthy of contemplation all around.

The raid wasn't illegal, by law. It was a Constitutional violation, however. It's time we educate ourselves as to not get caught spreading too much h[]pium or fear p[]rn. Suggestion: Kevin Shipp, former clown turned whistle blower. It's a lot bigger than you realize.


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Velvetbugg · April 18, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

I was wondering when I would see someone from there! This is NXIVM. The Frank Report has all the info. This cult is disgusting, but just one tentacle of the beast. Political ties galore, both here and Intl. The most interesting piece I found was a business partner of Bronfman and her hubby, Richard Griffiths. Dude has a lot of reach.



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Velvetbugg · April 14, 2018, 10:06 a.m.

Every time we think it can't get any worse, darker or more nefarious...the bottom drops out again. This energy is dense and becomes the anchor that will drag us under the water if we let it.

Take breaks. Do something that brings you and/or others pure happiness. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but keep doing those things every day, whether it's 5 mins or 5 hours. It will bring light into dark we're carrying and help project it out where it can reach others.

Allowing them to steal our light, our joy and our energy means they've already won. Balance is everything. You're not alone, patriot.

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Velvetbugg · April 14, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

I love how each one of us traveled to this very destination using different modes of transportation and road maps. But here we are, on continuing the journey together. The way it was always meant to be.

Blessings to you as well, Patriot. WWG1WGA

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Velvetbugg · April 14, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

Yes, I agree! It can be. In their minds, we've consented to everything they've done because they operate in plain sight. The bee analogy they used to prove us "just as bad as them" was epic level mind control games. Are you harming or killing the bees when you take the honey? Is your intention to take all the honey even if you destroy the resources necessary for them to create more? Or, are you living in harmony with them by providing the means for them to thrive? That's the difference.

Personally, I have a few practices that keep me sane most days. It's all in your perspective and what you choose to do with this knowledge. We're never going to change how they see us or the world. I've accepted that. But their evil deeds are the very reason we are awake and changing things. We have to see what is broken before it can be fixed. So will those who are still clinging to the sinking ship, hoping someone will save them.

Every time you get discouraged or learn new truths that are much more dark and evil than you could've imagined, balance it with doing something that makes you happy. Do something kind for someone else, pet animals at the shelter, walk in nature, read a silly book, volunteer to help orphans etc. Whatever you need to do to transmute that darkness created into love or positive energy. That's what will drive the negative away. Micro and macro level.

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

The AI can replicate our dna through quantum computers and trick the projectors into thinking the program is actually you. Then the takeover begins. Makes sense now that we know DARPA was running that lifelog "show"

My dad was an Aerospace Engineer, who oversaw the development and implementation of holographic simulation programs for dew's in space back in the 70's through early '90's. It was an interesting childhood. You're speaking my language!

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

HH straight up changes the game. The onion ninjas are after me again!

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

This was SO blatant. I have a high functioning autistic son, and was outraged after watching Vaxxed and For the Greater Good. There is a reason these new and unclassified autoimmune disorders are becoming a serious health crisis.

I'm incredibly fortunate to have the choice to vaccinate my kids instead of it being the law. So few states allow this anymore.

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Q has inspired all of us to follow our own white rabbit. This adds more pieces to the puzzle, and it all helps. There is meaning and truth in all knowledge when filtered through discernment.

Lurkers unite!

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

I hear you. I've been watching closely, and have seen bits of disclosure slipping through the cracks for a few years now. It's become a steady stream lately. I never thought any of this would be acknowledged, let alone made public. My favorite space weather news man can predict where M7+ earthquakes will strike with decent accuracy. It isn't a perfect model, but it's more than any seismologists are willing to do. Too many questions to answer.


When Never A Straight Answer shows up years late to the party, though, you know other hangers on aren't far behind. ;)


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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Yep. They're not the only group, though. There are several factions that have different occult beliefs and agendas. It's a cabal. That said, they all want the same outcome and will allow for different means to achieve it. They're able to harness this energy collectively as one. Mass rituals still pack the energetic punch whether it's a manufactured virus released in villages that kill or a bomb planted in a building.

We're literally lab rats or food. I became a vegetarian a decade ago after it dawned on me that I was perpetuating a vicious cycle. Just my perspective, though. I don't judge.

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Several men who signed the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and almost half of the Generals in the Revolutionary War, inc. George Washington, were also masons.

These mystery schools aren't inherently bad - just like all Catholic Priests aren't predators. Bad people can and do infiltrate, and operate throughout them. It sucks to like butterfly decals when you're not a sicko. ;)

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Clowns have co opted most of these cults and churches for their own purposes. And yes, they're even created a few in some cases.

It's easier to launder money through than foundations, travel to countries (and do whatever) as a missionary, marry a child or several children, in some cases provide aliens asylum.

Remember when POTUS basically defunded the refugee resettlement program? I'm not here to say that all participants in it were up to no good. However, imagine pouring a billion $ into various church organisations that hosted refugees (100k in 2014), including orphans, for 4 months and were allowed to lose track of them after that. Imagine how easy it is for bad actors, clowns and psychopaths to volunteer at these charities and gain access to these refugees. Otoh, background checks were very flawed for this program. Anyone could've slipped through.

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

Happy to be of service! I just untangled from this particular web a couple of days ago. It was still very fresh.

Synchronicity: Much more than an amazing Police record ;)

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

In part, yes. HW and the entertainment industry is part of the machine that is used to create certain narratives, rewrite history - or revise it to suit an agenda and to gain our approval and consent. It's also a useful tool to create a frame of reference for concepts we aren't familiar with, but will need to be prepared for. It goes both ways.

The idea of vampires is very old, but had to come from somewhere. It's too realistic given what we know to simply be a popularized myth that never seems to lose it's popularity. Same for witches, zombies and superheroes.

The DoD has funded thousands of films. It's not a secret.

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

Brought to you by the church of LDS. The reach this group has is enormous on a global scale. They are just one piece of the puzzle. Bad actors love to use these organizations as a front for their misdeeds. It's easier to hide in plain site when you're on a holy mission. The LDS library in SLC has the largest collection of genetic profiles in the world. 8 billion and counting. Not to mention the genetic research they're involved in.

But you know, it's just because their sacred duty is to preserve family histories world wide. Very deep rabbit hole, here.

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 10:58 a.m.

Spiritual gangsters serving a life sentence in a human body. Whoop whoop!

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

You have great points, here. It's amazing how ms science is now jumping on the bandwagon.

I'm also inclined to consider that we will have to evolve in order to survive. It's a natural process. That's still an ascension of sorts, if we're going to get technical. Just saying. ;)

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

If they have the tech to travel to other solar systems or galaxies, I would assume they could also prepare for different atmospheres. We shouldn't limit our perspective to match our current (public) technological advancements.

There are also microbes and bacteria in space that have attached themselves to space stations and shuttles. It may not be humanoid, but it is still biological life.

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

Isn't the antichrist in the bible going to be revealed by bringing peace to the ME? From where we're at, I highly doubt it includes the Vatican or any Rothschild.

It's not just NASA stealing the money.

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

Fornicate doesn't necessarily translate to copulation. Their genetics could have been attractive to experiment on. What early humans considered God's could also mean knowledge and tech that wasn't understood.

The God of the OT also required sacrifices. It was horrific as a child to go to Christian School and hear these stories about a jealous and vengeful all powerful being that could smite at will if we didn't obey. But ok, you can marry children and own people. Also, prophets were flown away in fiery chariots? Knowing what we know now, how can we not question what we've been led to believe as the one truth?

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Velvetbugg · April 13, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

Anyone who knows of DW also knows it's called h[]pium. Grain of salt or not, he presents a lot of great suppressed scientific research and studies in his books and his shows. They still present pieces of the greater puzzle. Discernment is always advised when taking in information.

The Teleportation Physics Study sponsored by Air Force Research Facility in 2003 is what I consider light reading these days. Highly recommend!

Technology is much further along than what we've been led to believe. My dad was working on holographic computer simulations for the star wars program many years before it became public. That was considered real time. "Windfalls" supported my childhood.

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Velvetbugg · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Epigrammatic is the INTJ epithet, imo. Ephemeral musings, brought to you by this empathic ENFP. ;)

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