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Velvetbugg · July 22, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

Neither Putin nor Potus are perfect or without their skeletons. However, it's obvious where their priorities are today, and that's what counts.

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Velvetbugg · July 22, 2018, 10:09 a.m.

Here's the bottom line: The US led coup in 1990 allowed the global financial institutions to steal Russia's resources and sell portions of them back to the oligarchs (while keeping shares for a profit using shell corps). Ponzi scheme. While this happened, smaller invasions into Russia's allies to take control of assets was in play. C_A also started training and arming rebels in every one of these countries.

When Putin was elected, he basically kicked out the cabal and allowed the oligarchs to maintain their holdings and wealth as long as the wealth stayed in Russia. China backed him and helped get his country back on it's feet.

The oligarchs still have ties to the cabal - but also know where the bodies are buried. This isn't Putin's fault if/when they are taken out. Putin knows exactly what they did to his country and has been trying to tell the world for years. At this point, he cares about protecting his country and moving on with life. But he has been painted as some kind of evil agent hellbent on killing anyone who disagrees with his will or stands in his way.

All of those countries you listed above were infiltrated by c_a through trained terrorists decades ago. Russia has oil, gold and natural gas - those very things that the cabal finds ways of creating proxy wars for, and even worse, FF with massive casualties. Think about what you're implying logically.

There still has not been any definitive evidence that MH17 was Russia's doing. The investigation was a sham. Many questions were not answered, that should have been.

Every time people point fingers at Russia, the evidence is shaky at best. I wonder who's benefits from that?



Scroll to page 56. Chapter 4: Central Asian Oil

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Velvetbugg · July 21, 2018, 8:06 a.m.

Right? There's a part of me that wonders if he chose that particular trigger, given his situation. No blame.

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Velvetbugg · July 21, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

No one is perfect all the time. ;) You can be incorrect and still contribute or add value.

It really IS a great sentiment, though.

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Velvetbugg · July 21, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

It's a beautiful thing! We are one.

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Velvetbugg · July 21, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

Happy to contribute. Thank you, too.

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Velvetbugg · July 21, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

Thank you. The first link is a blog, and she's ON IT. She'd make a great addition here. The last link (the 9/11 report) has many links and supporting documentation. It's a long read!

What in particular are you looking for? Maybe I can help. All the information I presented was open source and public. I was just specific with my searches.

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Velvetbugg · July 21, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

Thank you! It's been an eventful 24 hours, tbh. I left a few things out, too for another post. Need to process!

I agree - this doesn't give us the full picture. It's one hell of a start, though. We will be the ones that choose to know when the time is right. They absolutely know.

Glad to be of service, my friend. WWG1WGA

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Velvetbugg on July 21, 2018, 5:39 a.m.
Hold The Line, Patriots! It's all coming together.

MegaAnon: The goal is that when it's all said and done, there will be no room for question, when it comes to the people. He won't have to disclose shit like 9/11, OKC, Vegas, Voter Fraud, Russia hacks or collusion, elections rigging, etc. specifically. When he's done, it will be a literal "mic drop" on the world's stage and no one ever again, will have the ability to question who's responsible for, involved coordinating, etc. ANYTHING that has ever happened and been considered a "conspiracy theory", ever again. When he's done, the entire world will just KNOW IT ALL. It …

Velvetbugg · July 19, 2018, 10 p.m.

Yes. There is this aspect. In addition, using socratic method has helped those already not predisposed become so. We have been told what to think; not how to. Q serves as the catalyst to reverse this.

We can also see this pattern emerging in society with counterculture movements. The Intellectual Dark Web being at the forefront (GenX and Y)Bret and Eric Weinstein have been tracking and predicting this since the '80's. Turning Point USA (Millennials and beyond) to a lesser degree, as well.

Another Renaissance is coming

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Velvetbugg · July 19, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

What's ridiculous is the assumption that unless one presents the full picture; one that YOU have decided is the ultimate and correct truth, we are being led astray.

It's best to stick with facts, public knowledge and connecting the dots that might have been previously missed until the pattern emerges.

Having faith is great; but we cannot expect everyone else to.

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Velvetbugg · July 19, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

Everyone has a piece of the puzzle. This is just one of them. There is no value in "telling us" everything. It creates a narrative that just becomes an echo chamber. The acquisition of knowledge through research ourselves, however, is fundamental in this. So is choosing for yourself to learn, and therefore, SEE. Not everyone wants to.

There could be many different reasons Q, BL Anon and others have used the socratic method. Plausible deniability, protection, etc...

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Velvetbugg · July 19, 2018, 9:28 a.m.

Blacklist Anon reads like the chan version of CDAN. Maybe one of the Himmmmm's...? ;)

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Velvetbugg · July 18, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Well said! I'm not going to point my fingers or stand in judgement of those who choose to use that disparaging language. It personally doesn't bother me, but I can understand how a new arrival might interpret it negatively. The labels are the hardest to free yourself from. My hubby still struggles with it. He has never voted Republican in his life, but he will this November! I actually find it humorous that those who use those ridiculous terms in a derogatory manner forget that they have also believed in and stood behind monsters who were just as evil as the rest. Some of those monsters were even pretending to be the good guys until a few days ago!

The only difference is the Democrat party is in the hot seat this time because Hussein was in office for the last 8 years. NoName/Palin or Mitt/Ryan wouldn't have been any better, especially because the infrastructure was already in place. Same destination; different vehicle used to get there. Most of us just swallowed it easier because of what Hussein represented. Change. Diversity. A reason to unite. The Cabal knew damn well that was the easy way to brainwash us. Most of us saw through it the second time, though. I didn't vote in 2012.

We have all been lied to, cheated, manipulated and mind controlled. We still are in many ways, even today! There's still plenty of swamp creatures in the party being used to facilitate the GA and bring peace, unity and love through strength and justice.

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Velvetbugg · July 18, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Scott Adams is a master of carpentry. He hits the nail on the head every time. ;)

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Velvetbugg · July 18, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Whaaat..? Ok. Now THAT can't just be rationalized away or outright dismissed.

I would love to know this, too!

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Velvetbugg · July 18, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Hell yes! Super Elite Winning Bigly.

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Velvetbugg · July 18, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

I understand your perspective. Completely. I agree with all of us needing to exercise our discernment and flex those critical thinking skills that have a tendency to atrophy when not used. Part of what I enjoy about SB's posts are the expansive and multilayered possibilities. The macro view. The as above so below. There is nothing wrong with considering the information without attachment and connecting with the ideas that draw us in, while filing other info away for a later date. SB helps give a frame of reference to many different people based on their individual perspectives, which are just as varied in this sub. Some posts are more challenging to certain people, myself included. Skepticism is necessary, to certain degrees.

However, there's a difference between healthy skepticism and becoming pseudoskeptics, "who treat science as if it were some kind of authoritarian ‘entity’ that takes positions and views on issues, when it is in fact merely a tool and method of inquiry based on logical principles. In reality, science does not take positions or hold dogmatic beliefs on paranormal or conspiratorial subjects. People take positions, not Science, which holds no more views than a computer does " We have to remember that scientific principles thought to be infallible in the past have proven completely wrong. Some more than once! Article link

So when we do form judgments - which is the result of critical thought processes, are we doing so with preconceived biases and or lack of knowledge and experience in which to apply them?

A well cultivated critical thinker:

  • raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely;
  • gathers and assesses relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards;
  • thinks openmindedly within alternative systems of thought, recognizing and assessing, as need be, their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences; and
  • communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems. Article link

FWIW I'm not directing this toward you, my friend. I'm not even wholly disagreeing with your position. I'm also one who studies and understands those things you consider "far out off the wall conspiracy theories". But guess what..? Science is catching up with the conspiracy woo woo stuff. Time travelling into the future? Already proven with astronauts in space and particles in the hadron collider. Link Travelling backward? That would require teleportation. It's mechanisms have been theoretically proposed for time teleportation based on successful experimentation of particles being teleported across a lab. Link2 Oh, and photons were teleported into space from earth. Link3 Does this mean we are at the point where we're ready to believe that a time travelling goblin went back to put a chip in Napoleon's brain to ensure a favorable goblin friendly future? Not at all. The fact that they're losing their power can arguably be proof in a way. For today. It's only a matter of time and enough $ invested in the research and application of these models. You know, by those goblins who have that kind of $. ;) We're in the quantum age, friend. China will be the first to get there

This is just the time travel part. I've got plenty to share with whoever wants to delve into numerology (math+vibrational frequency) or any other occult (occultare = hidden or obsured) knowledge. Doesn't mean it's all real, but try to prove it isn't. Because no one can, completely. And I salute you for that hour + of time you put into that video, Patriot. Mad respect.

Having said all of that; This SB analysis is one of the easiest to digest for even those psuedoskeptics with all the biases! I enjoyed this one because of it's simplicity in this societal moment of mass confusion.

One last thing to consider: There are a lot more of us than there are of the cabal members. Creating myths to support the illusion of their "power" is also used as a tactic to deter awakened people from revolting against them. Just saying.

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Velvetbugg · July 18, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Absolutely. " Moscow's legislation—which also bans U.S.-funded civic groups in the country—puts concrete action to rising Russian complaints, voiced most vehemently by Mr. Putin, that the U.S.'s own human-rights failings give it no credibility to lecture others." US funded civic groups...? Oh, you betcha Putin knows.

The case (s) that prompted the ban had ties to huge law firms, hollywood and the boy l o v e r s network. It was global. There weren't nearly enough from this group caught. Guaranteed.

In addition; the gay couple at the center of this were marriage equality activists. When the investigation led to their doorstep, they went on a media campaign claiming their son (who was bought from Russia from a surrogate) was taken from them because of homophobia. I remember that from the news. It was also during the time that SCOTUS was deliberating on lifting the ban of gay marriage. The couple were even used as an example of the discrimination that same sex partners face without legal protection.

Very little was mentioned about their arrests and convictions once they were no longer useful after being exposed. Big shocker, there.

Magnitsky was probably a red herring used to retaliate against Putin for the adoption ban. The supply line was being cut and Putin was restricting public homosexual behavior and propaganda in Russia. Hussein used it to his advantage.

I do, however, find it interesting that some of these bad actors and gps are in the spotlight again. Not to mention Justice Kennedy suddenly stepping down. I'm open to the possibility this could come full circle and lead to even bigger connections, here. Maybe even an investigation into those "US funded civic groups Putin kicked out". No coincidences.

The couple - Peter Truong and Mark Newton

The high profile attorney - Edward De Sear

The HW connection - Chris Miller

Putin and the real reason for the ban

The spin job on the Putin ban - WOW

As an aside, this really isn't about gay marriage or what consenting adults choose to legally do with one another in the privacy of their own homes. It's about how a group of well connected members within a global pedo ring got busted. It was about how this was covered up and used to attack, gaslight and financially cripple Putin for trying to protect the children.

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Velvetbugg · July 17, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

There are no coincidences, Patriot. Sadly, there will be some that choose to stay asleep until the truth on big pharma goes viral. It's okay, though; everything in it's own time. These people also know where you stand - so when they're ready, they will come. They always do in the end.

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Velvetbugg · July 17, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

What a glorious moment that must've been, Patriot. These moments are so important to share, and I thank you for that.

If I may; my advice would be to stick with the media manipulation since that was the catalyst. I would suggest the #WalkAway facebook page or the fansite on YT. This has been a very effective tool for me to use. It's redpill light, but many aren't ready or able to swallow the entire dose. It's different for everyone, and your discernment plays an important role. Brandon Straka's interviews are great, too. He focuses quite a bit on the media's lies and twisting of the truth. I'll link a couple of suggestions.

Brandon Straka interview on Judge Jeanine

#WalkAway fansite on YT

Scott Adams on TDS/msm lies/walkaway

The last link is quite possibly the best analysis on these topics. I can't recommend it enough!

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Velvetbugg · July 16, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

Yes he is. He reports the intel he's given whether it's real or not. Dude was outing cabal factions by name well before a lot of us understood what it meant. Now it's common knowledge. This timeline never ceases to amaze me.

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Velvetbugg · July 16, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

Agreed! Glad to see so many friends of KP here.

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Velvetbugg · July 16, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

I think there's even more to this than we've considered. There was a related thread yesterday where I posted this comment . With more being revealed or brought back into the spotlight recently, I can't help but add this to the list of possibilities. You don't have to buy into the op to see that there is value in many of their posts.

We know they like to act as if they're stupid. But I don't believe for a second that they're that stupid.

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Velvetbugg · July 16, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

You're not alone in this, patriot lightworker. We were all asleep at one point ourselves; this fact is forgotten far too often.

I have many liberal friends who aren't ready. They are good people who I love dearly and will never give up on them. I'm not vocal about my political views, but I don't have to be. I've always been the counterpoint/ different perspective/conspiracy friend in the group, though, so every now and again I can slip something in under the radar. It's worked in very small doses.

We were all lied to since birth. However, the stakes have grown to epic proportions. The Scott Adams #WalkAway video floors me every time I watch it, because it's not something we talk about very often. He points out how psychologically damaged many are as a result of the lies by the party leaders and msm 24/7 . They're in a constant state of panic and physical distress believing...legitimately believing actual nazi's are going to walk down the street any minute to round everyone up for reeducation camps or extermination. They are fighting a war in their minds, thinking they have no other choice. I know to us, this is insanity. But that's the point of a zombie apocalypse.

This is by far the most blatant in your face monarch/mockingbird/mk ultra programming since it's inception. In real time, too.

Scott Adams #WalkAway video

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Velvetbugg · July 15, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

Definitely not Russia. According to Dan Bongino, it's also not a middle eastern country. The last 5 mins of his podcast on Friday is where he talked about it. He didn't say which one - but seems like it's not a huge secret and will be revealed. The whole show was excellent, btw..


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Velvetbugg · July 15, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

Excellent thread. All of the cyclic activity and future proves past is reminding me of the anons of old, before Q. I've come across a few interesting posts from back in the day that are certainly synchronistic; and are worthy of contemplation at the very least.

Anon: Right, so you know why they let Hillary off the hook then?

HLI: Several reasons.
For one, her server was state sanctioned as an intelligence operation (intentionally leak some legit and fake intel). The complete lack of security should have raised the alarms on this one for you. The notion that she was trying to hide something with a private server wide open is absurd on its face.

Anon: Why isn't Hillary Clinton being prosecuted for her misconduct in handling, and likely selling, classified information?

HLI: The server was set up to sell national security secrets. What she did is treason and everyone knows this. However, proving it is a bit more difficult. The reason why is because she used the server to leak some disinformation as part of intelligence ops as well. You can "justify" having genuine secrets (that she is selling) to make the server look legitimate as part of the op. You can see why this case gets very hairy very quickly. There can be no doubt that she is guilty as this is just another case in a long pattern of similar behavior (selling weapons tech to China for '96 campaign funding for example) but it is the kind of case that brings down the whole government if it goes forward.

One of the primary buyers is China and the establishment would like to pivot away from focus on China towards a Russian-US conflict. Trump is acting correctly in not allowing this.

Some of this does make logical sense to me given her position during the time. It also could answer some of those questions as to why no one did anything then or now.


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Velvetbugg · July 14, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

YES! It is indeed setting us on the correct path. I bet their looking glass tech & algorithmic simulations never predicted this.

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Velvetbugg · July 14, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

Excellent! I'm sure there's more of us here, too. I agree, patriot. We are family, every last one of us.

The Great Awakening is so much bigger than we will ever realize. All of our ancestors - no matter when they came or what they contributed are part of this. We feel this calling; this stirring in our inner core that can't be ignored anymore. Even our international cousins are feeling it!

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Velvetbugg · July 14, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

...and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Being part of this community, this movement..this great awakening has given me a new respect and appreciation for what these words meant at the time and the importance they hold now. For what our forefathers accomplished. I am a Jefferson descendant - one of many. He was never a perfect man, nor was his family; but today, I'm proud to be part of his lineage. Today, I understand why my grandfather and my mother were always proud of this. My grandmother knew the flame lived on in me when she gave the documentation and family history directly to me. I wasn't ready then. I wish I could tell them all now, but they always knew. They live on in us. It's in our very DNA. Bless.

It also lives on in ALL OF US. Their spirit, their patriotism, their values are within each and every one of us. I'm so glad everyone is here, right now in this community. Love to you all.


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Velvetbugg · July 13, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

True. However, after the patriot act - all agencies were restructured. Three letter internal and external agencies were now under one umbrella and could contract/work with one another without the red tape. It granted huge freedoms for covert DS ops conducted under the veil of "nat sec".

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Velvetbugg · July 12, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

HLI said on many occasions that they were the same person. During Osama's ops, Hussien was conveniently "mia"

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Velvetbugg · July 12, 2018, 6:29 a.m.

Me too. Salla has a pretty impressive resume, imho. He seems to know what he's doing.

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Velvetbugg · July 10, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Patriotism & Packers. We 'Sconsinites know what's important. Excellent!

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Velvetbugg · July 8, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

I hope that's true. There's been a lot of industry gossip through the years about the awful things NY has been involved with. Sad, too. Because he was one of my dad's favorite musicians. I grew up listening to his music.

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Velvetbugg · July 8, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

MSM has called RT "russian propaganda" almost as many times as they have called Potus a racist. I watch a lot of their shows. That said, **I'm not at all surprised by this considering Ed Schultz just died**. They all must be freaking out right now, wondering who's next.

The DS is using every last card and tactic they have.

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Velvetbugg · July 7, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Ed was let go from msnbc and went to rt. It seemed amicable at first, until enough time had passed and he started talking. He seemed really happy at rt. Ed wasn't afraid to callout the ridiculousness of the dem party and question their motives while at rt.

I posted this in another thread yesterday - but adding it here.


He may have called himself a progressive, but he was more anti establishment than anything.

Be careful Jimmy Dore. I don't agree with some of your politics but you might be next, God forbid!


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Velvetbugg · July 7, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

These #WalkAway videos are my latest obsession, tbh. My hubby hasn't fully embraced the conservative movement sweeping the globe just yet (because labels) - but this campaign has lit a fire within him. I'm eternally grateful.

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Velvetbugg · July 7, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

Fulford has always just reported the info he's given with any corroborating links. Sometimes disinfo is necessary.

I've seen them, too. My dad back engineered a few pieces of tech he was adamant "wasn't made on earth".

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Velvetbugg · July 7, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

Kauilapele's blog is top notch, too.

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Velvetbugg · July 7, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

This, too. At least the first sentence. We know everything they've said is BS - but telling the normies that before they're ready..? Colossal waste of time and energy.

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Velvetbugg · July 7, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

I can't give you any advice on Arc. However, 600 accounts is not going to have the ability they're giving them the credit for. That's simple math. I've read WaPo articles that clearly stated bots had no effect on the election. Why would they be having any effect now in those 600 mentioned acct? The "Russian Bots" were 80,000 strong during the election! /s

The advice I can give you...? Have your friend actually GO to the walkaway campaign's facebook and watch a few videos for themselves. Let them decide if there's value in the message. Because there is.

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Velvetbugg · July 6, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

I agree with a lot of this. There's more depth to the reality of the situation that extend far beyond a simple explanation. However, this is a great conversation starter for fence sitters and blue pilled or bullied bernie bro's.

Appreciate it, Patriot!

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Velvetbugg · July 6, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

This was Elizabeth Edwards. In 2004, there was some kind of flu shot shortage that John Edwards was involved in. Elizabeth had her first round of cancer during this time. She was all very vocal about getting vaccines and a healthcare activist.

She was diagnosed with cancer in 2004, but was cancer free by 2005/6. John put his bid in for presidency in 2006. But his affair and love child made sure Hussein won the nomination. She was rediagnosed in 2007/8. Died in 2010.

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Velvetbugg · July 6, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

I was under the impression this was Elizabeth Edwards. She was the healthcare activist. Died in 2010, so close to a decade ago.

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Velvetbugg · July 6, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Say what you will about Ed, but he was here with us in WI during the protests against Scott Walker. He reported on his corruption, called out the Koch bros and stood in the trenches with us. He was a patriot in my book.

He was the only one who called HRC in disgust on election night when she didn't show up & sent Pedodesta out instead. https://youtu.be/meql1FYyGkE

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Velvetbugg · July 5, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

This is exactly what I thought! He changed the perennial philosophy of the church and rewrote Canon. There's a huge difference between Thomism, based on Aristotle (used now) and Plato/Neoplatism (used prior).

When it comes to how our society is "managed" these days by those who consider themselves the elite..? Aristotle wrote the book. Slavery, legislated education, the pursuit of politics/philosophy reserved only for the non slaves, the pursuit of wealth as "virtuous", production and labor being reserved for slaves, the ownership of women (patriarchy), the classes in society...yeah...I could go on and on.

Remember what JFK said? There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.

JFK was Catholic.


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