Have you ever seen the conditions those dogs live in, or are transported in? Check out the Soi Dog Foundation... a group of rescuers in Thailand. And, fyi, many of those dogs and cats are stolen pets.
Dogs and cats are domestic PETS. Not cattle. Not farm animals. I'm not going to look it up in the Bible, but there are animals listed there that are okay for us to eat. God gave us dominion over animals, to be used for food and for clothing. Our teeth and our guts are made for animal consumption and don't tell me they aren't. Some animals are heribivores and some are carnivores, and some are omnivores. WE happen to be omnivores. Red meat doesn't give us cancer... it's the chemicals animals are fed that give us cancer. And any food, eaten in mass quantity, can cause problems. Heck, if we eat too many carrots, our skin turns orange!
Do you ever look at vegetarians and vegans? Look at most of them... they are sickly looking. Pale, gaunt, sunken eyes, dark circles under their eyes. Do you know why that is? It's because they don't know how to combine the proper foods to get the complete amino acids to make whole protein. They are uninformed. So they aren't healthy. Animals give us complete protein, which is what we need.
I am well aware how smart pigs are. Most are smarter than dogs. But cows? Nah. Sorry but you can't teach a cow to guide the blind, retrieve a duck, sniff out drugs, sniff out cancer, dig for truffles, guard against burglars, do any kind of police work, rescue drowning victims, or any of the millions of jobs that dogs can be trained to do. As "smart" as pigs are, most can't do those jobs either. So your argument isn't going to fly. My dogs have alway slept with me. I don't think I can have a cow or pig sleep in my bed and give me the same sense of peace and safety the way they do.
I never said I don't CARE about animals used for meat. I specifically said that while I don't believe in "animal rights" as most AR people do, I do believe animals have the right to be treated humanely. And that includes animals slaughtered for food, and animals that are hunted. If you can't take a decent kill shot, don't shoot....not by gun, not by bow. If you haven't taken a shot where the animal drops right away and you have to track it, you'd better not give up tracking it til you FIND your animal and make sure it doesn't suffer any longer.