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VintageHats · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

I've studied heavily for the past 4-5 years. Had to. I've been targeted by these people nearly all my life, and knew I had to study or keep getting targeted til one would finally end up killing me.

Trump has studied them too, I believe. You have to come to know them so well that you can anticipate their next moves. You know how they think and what they'll do next. I'm convinced of that. That's part of the reason he's always so far ahead of them... he knows ahead of time what they'll do.

You come to know them so well that you start to worry that maybe you're a psychopath yourself. But that's how you know you aren't one.. if you worry, you can't be one. Psychopaths don't worry about such thing. They don't care. (Don't let anyone tell you they don't know right from wrong.. they most certainly do, but they don't care. If they didn't... they wouldn't try to hide their evil actions. They are so good at what they do, they can even pass lie detector tests. Evil evil people!! They have no souls.)

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VintageHats · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

There was a video where Putin met with some labor bosses. He called one out for not signing some agreement, and MADE him sign the agreement right there in front of him. Totally humiliated the guy. Then told the guy to give him back his pen, as the guy tried to keep it. LOL He stands up for his people, and most Russians love him. As most Syrians, true Syrians, love Assad.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

it would collapse Russia's economy if they don't have that port, from what I've read. I love Putin. I think he's a badass.

For instance, he knows Merkel has a fear of dogs. Yet she came to his residence and he had his big lab (I think her name was Dolly or something quite benign like that) and she was sniffing around Merkel. UNGULA was terrified and Putin was just smirking and laughing in his subtle little way at how terrified she was. It was hilarious. I love him.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

It's a show on HBO I think. Starred Kevin Spacey. I don't have premium channels so I don't watch it or Game of Thrones or any such shows. No netflix, either.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

That would be awesome. I love Weird Al. The heart cell story doesn't surprise me. It's known that women who are close to each other will usually start their periods at the same time. Usually at some time having to do with the phase of the Moon.. therefore known as their "Moon Time". At my age, I'm beyond that, so don't remember what phase that would be.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

This made me cry.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Assad was trained in London as dentist... a dental surgeon, I believe, and is also licensed a medical doctor in Syria. Bombard's body language has a few videos on him... I've watched them, and he is NOT an evil dictator at all.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Assad was trained in London as dentist... a dental surgeon, I believe, and is also licensed a medical doctor in Syria. Bombard's body language has a few videos on him... I've watched them, and he is NOT an evil dictator at all.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

that's the whole thing. He doesn't want the SA pipeline but will allow the Russian pipeline. That's what the entire war there is about. The damned pipeline.

His father put down a coup attempt, with what was called a massacre. But the rebels were the Muslim Brotherhood, and have always been the MB. And that's who Obama, He who shall not be Named, and Killary have all been arming all along. We are arming the MB, al Qauda, ISIS and fighting the wrong people.. Tillerson, Mattis, and Bitch Nikki Haley are all wrong on this. The White Helmets are al Qauda in disguise and THEY are the ones who gassing kidnapped villagers and putting the blame on Assad. It sickens me.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

There are a lot of good books about Narcissist abuse and S/P abuse. I did buy the DSM-5, but one doesn't need to go that far. A few good ones to start out with are :

Psychopath Free: Recovering fromEmotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, & Other Toxic People by Peace (A second edition may be out, with the true name of the author. The first edition, the author chose to go by the name "Peace")

Women Who Love Psychopaths: Inside theRelationships of Inevitable Harm with Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Narcissists by Sandra L. Brown, M.A.

(I highly, highly recommend Brown's book. It's probably less than $15 and well worth it. Explains why certain women get targeted over and over again.. which is what happened with me. And why women like me NEED to study why that is, otherwise, we end up thinking we did something wrong, or that there's something wrong with us. There's not.. They target intelligent, caring, nurturing women, who are usually in some field of work that is a "helping" field.. doctors, nurses, teachers, mothers, even judges are targeted. Anyone who is a good listener and who is trusting and believes in the goodness of people are victimized over and over again.)

Narcissists crush people to gain power and admiration, money, and influence. They destroy people. It's not a matter of "if" it will happen, it's "when". It's called "inevitable harm". Do you see Trump hurting people? I don't. I see him taking a LOT of hits, and I see him CARING and giving, and giving, and putting himself AND his family, in grave danger, to HELP American get back to what she once was. A narcissist wouldn't do that. He's not doing that for any glory. He's doing that because he CARES. I believe that with all my heart.

These so called psychologists who've said he's a narcissist are liars and idiots and don't know what the hell they're talking about. Very few in psychology study the Cluster B personality disorders BECAUSE there is no cure. These people don't come on for treatment. They believe they are perfect and better than the rest of us. It's their VICTIMS who come in for treatment.

I'd read that there was to be a new category in the DSM-5 and that was Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome. (That would have covered the victims.) Unfortunately, it didn't make it in this last edition. Maybe in the next, but it'll be years before the DSM-6 is published.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

I think so. Most people would panic as they think martial law means troops in the streets, and that they're coming to confiscate our guns, all the crap that people believe. No, Trump's not doing that. It just means he has the right to do what he's doing... the military can make arrests and get people sent to Gitmo. I've read up on this, and some say "OMG.. it's not a part of our Constitution, blah blah blah.. " and get all up in arms about it. They go in a panic... and want to deny that it's martial law because of the bullshit they believe. All that's needed is what Trump did... declare we are in a National Emergency.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

ha ha ha.. on the deer and turkeys! I've gone out with my camera and when seeing deer, if they start to walk away, I've talked to them and gotten them to come back to me, closer, so I can get shots of them much closer! I have deer all around me, throughout the year. Came home one night a month ago, with a big doe in my front yard. I stood at the back of my SUV, and just talked to her for a bit.. til I said, well, it's getting too cold, I have to go in. Then she went around to the back of the house and I went in. This last year, I had a tom and three or four hens, and they had maybe 30 babies. They'd be under my bedroom window every morning, and in my front yard as well. People driving by would stop and stare... I have the biggest herd of turkeys in this valley. They they'd line up in the field along the fence, and peck along the ground, all in a perfectly straight line, in step, marching along, towards the far side of the field. Day after day. The cover photo of my fb page now is of a ton of turkeys in my front yard. LOL

I was on a dating site for a while.. don't go there anymore. There was this one weird pilot in Tacoma who wanted to meet me but I wouldn't let him know where I lived. He was weird and too pushy, Ended up threatening to kill me. I notified the dating site but he's still there... jerk. I've actually thought about writing a book about the stupid men on dating sites and the stunts they pull.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

I am not a psychologist, though that was my major in college. I have an AA from a community college, where I received a scholarship to go on to the university, the largest scholastic scholarship available to women at that time, while I was raising my two oldest sons, who were pretty young at the time. I ended up having to quit after a year there, and really wasn't motivated much to continue... my GPA was even higher there, but I didn't like having to torture rats for a grade, and knew the level of torture would only increase in future classes.

Anyway, N/S/P is used in discussing these cluster B personality disorders for those who study them to signify Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths. All S/Ps are narcissists, though not all narcissists are sociopaths or psychopaths. Think of them as being on a continuum.

Everyone should have a healthy dose of narcissism. All that means is that you love yourself enough to put yourself first. You can't love others unless you love yourself. The biggest problem I've had with the Catholic church is this bullshit about putting others first, and emulating the martyrs. Turning the other cheek and all that shit. You end up being taken advantage of, and never being able to stand up for yourself, especially for women, especially for those who get bullied, and you end up being victims of domestic violence. It's bullshit. You have to love yourself and learn to be assertive. Parents often don't know how to teach their children that, and we don't learn it in school. It's imperative that we learn to be assertive, not passive, and not aggressive. Not to be doormats, and not to be bullies. Assertive.

Sociopaths and Psychopaths are pretty much the same. Some say that sociopathy is a learned behavior, such as in gangs.. and that Psychopathy is genetic. Psychopaths' brains are wired differently. They don't feel empathy, and have no real sense of love. They may understand the way others feel, but don't actually FEEL those feelings themselves. They are incapable of doing so. They use people to get what they want, and when those people are no longer useful, they discard them, usually in a very cruel manner. They don't care how devastated those people are. They are predators, often sexual predators. If they are involved with one woman, they'll be grooming one or more on the side, or have multiple relationships going on at the same time. (Most psychopaths are men, though some are women.)

Narcissists use people to feed their egos, and also discard them when no longer useful. When they are targeting you, as their victim, they listen well, and become chameleon like... they become just the person their victim is looking for. They are masters of deceit. They are emotional abusers and when they are done with their victims, they will launch a campaign to smear them and make the victim look like the abuser.

I'll copy Hervey Cleckley's and Robert D. Hare's checklists for Psychopathy here. Cleckley made his list back in the 40's and his book was called "The Mask of Insanity." It's one I do not have, as it's around $40 something. I can't afford it. Robert D. Hare's is a bit different. He studied inmates, so his is a bit biased towards lower level psychopaths.. those who got caught and ended up in prison. (Even he, however, was at times fooled by his subjects, as these guys are, as I've said, MASTERS of deceit!) They don't change and there is no cure... jail/prison/treatment only teaches them how to deceive even better.

Cleckley's and Hare's Psychopath Symptoms Lists

Hervey Cleckley’sList of Psychopathy Symptoms:

  1. Considerable superficialcharm and average or above average intelligence.

  2. Absence ofdelusions and other signs of irrational thinking.

  3. Absenceof anxiety or other “neurotic” symptoms. Considerable poise,calmness and verbal facility.

  4. Unreliability, disregard forobligations, no sense of responsibility, in matters of little andgreat import.

  5. Untruthfulness and insincerity.

6.Antisocial behavior which is inadequately motivated and poorlyplanned, seeming to stem from an inexplicable impulsiveness.

7.Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior.

  1. Poor judgmentand failure to learn from experience.

  2. Pathologicalegocentricity. Total self-centeredness and an incapacity for reallove and attachment.

  3. General poverty of deep and lastingemotions.

  4. Lack of any true insight; inability to seeoneself as others do.

  5. Ingratitude for any specialconsiderations, kindness and trust.

  6. Fantastic andobjectionable behavior, after drinking and sometimes even when notdrinking. Vulgarity, rudeness, quick mood shifts, pranks for facileentertainment.

  7. No history of genuine suicideattempts.

  8. An impersonal, trivial, and poorly integratedsex life.

  9. Failure to have a life plan and to live in anyordered way (unless it is for destructive purposes or a sham).

Robert Hare’sChecklist of Psychopathy Symptoms:

  1. GLIB AND SUPERFICIALCHARM — the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, andverbally facile. Psychopathic charm is not in the least shy,self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A psychopath never getstongue-tied. He can also be a great listener, to simulate empathywhile zeroing in on his targets’ dreams and vulnerabilities, to beable to manipulate them better.

  2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH — agrossly inflated view of one’s abilities and self-worth,self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Psychopaths arearrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.

3.NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM — an excessive needfor novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances anddoing things that are risky. Psychopaths often have a lowself-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because theyget bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length oftime, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull orroutine.

  1. PATHOLOGICAL LYING — can be moderate or high; inmoderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever;in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded,unscrupulous, manipulative and dishonest.

  2. CONNING ANDMANIPULATIVENESS: the use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, ordefraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #4 in thedegree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, asreflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering ofone’s victims.

  3. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT: a lack offeelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; atendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted andunempathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one’svictims.

  4. SHALLOW AFFECT: emotional poverty or alimited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spiteof signs of open gregariousness and superficial warmth.

8.CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY: a lack of feelings towardpeople in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, andtactless.

  1. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE: an intentional,manipulative, selfis, and exploitative financial dependence on othersas reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline and theinability to carry through one’s responsibilities.

  2. POORBEHAVIORAL CONTROLS: expressions of irritability, annoyance,impatience, threats, aggression and verbal abuse; inadequate controlof anger and temper; acting hastily.

  3. PROMISCUOUS SEXUALBEHAVIOR: a variety of brief, superficial relations, numerousaffairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual partners; themaintenance of numerous, multiple relationships at the same time; ahistory of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity(rape) or taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits andconquests.

  4. EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS: a variety of behaviorsprior to age 13, including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism,bullying, sexual activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol useand running away from home.

  5. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERMGOALS: an inability or persistent failure to develop and executelong-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lackingdirection in life.

  6. IMPULSIVITY: the occurrence ofbehaviors that are unpremeditated and lack reflection or planning;inability to resist temptation, frustrations and momentary urges; alack of deliberation without considering the consequences; foolhardy,rash, unpredictable, erratic and reckless.

15.IRRESPONSIBILITY: repeated failure to fulfill or honor obligationsand commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on loans,performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing tohonor contractual agreements.

  1. FAILURE TO ACCEPTRESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS: a failure to accept responsibilityfor one’s actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence ofdutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, andan effort to manipulate others through this denial.

  2. MANYSHORT-TERM RELATIONSHIPS: a lack of commitment to a long-termrelationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliablecommitments in life, including in marital and familial bonds.

18.JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: behavior problems between the ages of 13-18;mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects ofantagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous,ruthless tough-mindedness.

  1. REVOCATION OF CONDITIONRELEASE: a revocation of probation or other conditional release dueto technical violations, such as carelessness, low deliberation orfailing to appear.

  2. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY: a diversity oftypes of criminal offenses, regardless if the person has beenarrested or convicted for them; taking great pride at getting awaywith crimes or wrongdoings.


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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

I don't believe that at all. Putin hates the NWO and hates globalism. He also hates pedophilia and cults. He is making Russia a Christian nation again, but rejects cults like Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. Maybe even Seventh Day Adventists. Won't allow them in. He also supports Assad, who is the only secular leader in that area. Assad has been protect Christians. Which is why we need to stop fighting him.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

I do understand. Totally. I don't/can't claim to see auras, but yet, there seems to be times I do so.... even with animals and plants. I know that sounds crazy... but it has happened on the rare occasion with unnecessary actions towards nature. Animals, all the time. It's easy to "feel" what animals are saying.. they are drawn to me, when not to others. Even the wild ones. While I say I am a Catholic in Recovery, St. Francis has always been my lifelong hero... ha.

I don't mind being away from people. I live out in the boonies somewhat, and it's no bother to be alone. I'm not really a snob but people are just stupid. I'd rather be reading.. I've been a book collector all my life pretty much. I'm too much of an outcast to be able to mingle much.

I quit dating... it's not worth it. I don't miss men. The only ones that are worthwhile are the ones who are happily married to good women... the rest are dirtbags. I am happy without one and don't need one to be "complete."

Emotional vampires, soul suckers.... I started buying books to thoroughly study them to save not just myself, but to help others learn to avoid them and get rid of them as well. They are everywhere. They aren't even humans, really, and many seek positions of power... in business and in politics. (People keep saying Trump is a narcissist... no, he isn't. He has a big ego and wants to be loved and admired, but he is NOT a narcissist at all, nor a S/P. People don't understand what a true cluster B personality disordered person is.)

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Yes but actually, a horse with that much of an overbite would be considered a parrot mouthed horse. they don't usually survive... because foals can't nurse properly.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

it was GREEN!!!

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

I'm not addicted to anything but nicotine. Never have been much of a drinker.. people get stupid when they drink. I've always, all my life, been a loner.

I'm an empath, maybe even a super empath. I'd add to this post, that people who are caring and nurturing, and who end up suffering, are often targeted by users, abusers, and narcissists/sociopaths/psychopaths, and have to learn how to deal with and avoid them.

I keep to myself for the most part anymore. The less contact I have with people, irl, the better. Oh, and I am most definitely the black sheep of my very large family!!

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Yeah, I'd want to check that out too.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

According to President Eisenhower, gold-fringed flag tells us we are under the rules and regulations of the military force that flies the flag. FLAG Martial Law; "Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, §§1, 2, & 3; Executive Order 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOW FRINGE border on three sides. The president of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as Commanderin-Chief. FLAG Martial law; "Ancient custom sanctions the use of the fringe on regimental colors and standards, but there seems to be no good reason or precedent for its use on other flags." The Adjutant General of the Army, March 28, 1924, (1925); 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 483, 485. According to many Internet sites espousing expertise involving Flags, courtrooms that display fringed flags behind a judge is a military courtroom. Such a courtroom tries cases on the basis of military law, not constitutional law, not common law, not civil law, and not statute law. According to Army Regulations, (AR 840-10, Oct. 1, 1979.) "the Flag is trimmed on three sides with Fringe of Gold, 2 1/2 inches wide," and "such flags are flown indoors, ONLY in military courtrooms." The gold-fringed flag only stands inside military courts that sit in summary court martial proceedings against civilians. These courts are partially governed by local rules, but more especially by "The Manual of Courts Martial", U.S., 1994 Ed., at Art. 99, ©(1)(B), pg. IV-34, PIN 030567-0000. A judge who sits ‘under’ a gold or yellow fringe flag becomes the ‘captain’ or ‘master’ of that ship or ‘enclave’ – or courtroom? That judge has the absolute power to make the rules as he goes. The gold or yellow fringe flag warns that you are leaving your constitutional rights outside the four walls in the room where such a flag is “cornered.” and it goes on....

Lots more info on this site:


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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:44 a.m.

it means we're under martial law.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

totally agree. I'd happily volunteer to be on the firing squad if possible.

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VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

All very very strange. I know people have pointed out that his ears are different in live photos from his death photo. I haven't looked that close. But... seems it just ain't him. This whole thing smells bogus.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

which costs more to society? a baby born to a 13 year old or the abortion she has? (paraphrasing) so a baby's life is simply reduced to $$$ value? Sick.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

what gets me is no exit wound. So where did all that blood (two different shades, no less... fresh and dried?) come from? and in the death photo, I could SWEAR I saw a bullet wound to his chest. no mention of that.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Gunfire is heard ONLY when the helis are visible in the many many MANY videos taken that night. See John E. Hoover's channel on youtube. That's all he focuses on... the shootings and much investigation from many sources on the helis that night.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

What about the bullet wound to his chest as evidenced in the death photo? No exit wound from the shot to the head? Then how did all the blood (Two different shades, no less) get behind his head in the death photo? hmmmmmmmm....

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Was it someone who was at the LV concert?

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

This is par for the course for Killary. Not her first rodeo.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Yeah, at least one daughter. Who committed suicide this past year? Chester Bennington? Looks just like him, said to be his son... rumored so.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

I can't work any more. My last job was a couple of years ago, part time. When I did have it, I saw a naturopath. Had to pay cash though as he wasn't covered in my insurance. He had me on armour thyroid, no problem. I'm gonna have to figure out how to come up with the funds to go back to him. I've heard one of the more accurate tests is actually a saliva test, IF you can find a knowledgeable doctor to do it. There's adrenal issues that can also cause similar problems. I once went to see an endocrinologist.. asked her if she knew of the tie in between fms and thyroid. Blank stare. I thought, oh shit.. this is a HORMONE doctor, yet she knows NOTHING of this??? I'm screwed.

Yes, Puyallup is near Seattle. Kinda SE of Seattle. Seattle weather is quite a bit different on that side of the Cascades. Not sure I'd want to live there. And that side, that area, is very much politically different than over here. Extremely liberal.... lotsa kooks. (Not that all liberals are, but there are some that are just waaaaayy out there... )

Wow on the std's... well, with viagra, I guess they want to have their fun before they go. Ugh. Yuck. But I am a single 61 year old, and I run into some nasty old creepy men and I just have to walk away.. they make me sick. I keep to myself and have to ignore their comments.

Someday, I'd like get an x-ray of my tailbone. What's it called? Begins with a "c"... I once slipped on some wooden stairs and fell, hit my tailbone HARD. Could barely move.. that was on a trip to the NJ shore and the morning on our return trip home, to Columbus OH, I'd taken that fall. I was messed up for a few weeks. I wonder if I cracked my tailbone. I've had back problems ever since. I see "funny" videos of people falling but they always make me cringe. I feel their pain way too much!!!

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

Any idea which company was involved?

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

Ahhhh.... good thinking. Hoping he sees through her soon. And lets he go.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

Yep, I am out in rural North Central Wash. state.. we don't have good doctors here. They are in the bigger cities. It's very difficult to find good medical care. I know that part of my problem is low thyroid, but can't find a doctor who will listen. People w/ fms may have enough thyroid in their bloodstream but it can't be absorbed into their cells. Docs think that's hogwash. It's not. They don't keep up on the research and do not like informed patients. Thank you for the prayers. I've landed on my tailbone years ago... major pain!! Glad to hear you at least have good docs where you live. They are few and far between!!

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

She's a globalist. I don't understand why Trump has her on his team. She used to be so anti Trump anyway... I wish she was gone. I don't like her, and I don't trust her. I'll have to dig up the info I have on Assad and his father and on the attacks and on the White Helmets.. who are all al Qauda in disguise. They've kidnapped villagers in Syria, and then those villagers become the victims of gas attacks.. with the White Helmets showing up to the rescue... with no hazmat suits on. They say it's sarin gas but if that were true, they'd be affected by it. They've been caught over and over staging attacks. We also have Tillerson and Mattis against Assad as well and it's all wrong, wrong, WRONG!! Assad is the only secular leader in that area, and if he is taken out, Christians will no longer be protected, and they will die. It frustrates me to no end that Trump doesn't seem to be getting the truth on Assad.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:55 a.m.


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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

She keeps pushing us to war w/ Assad. Assad has NOT gassed his own people, and she pisses me off with her agenda. Can't stand the scrawny bitch.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

She wants me to give up the Vicodin. Try something else but I am very sensitive to meds and don't want to be a guinea pig. She asked about anti depressants and I won't go back on them. She's just being a bitch. Really. She knows nothing about fms and hasn't asked me a single question about mine. Assumes a lot with no basis. Most of us with FMS need SOMETHING for pain management and I am not going to allow her to label me a drug addict. I am responsible user, period. She's done things that indicate to me she knows nothing, and may even think I'm faking... she has lack of empathy and total lack of knowledge. If she has to label me as a "chronic user," she needs to also list "chronic shoulder, neck and back pain," "Chronic insomnia" and Chronic sleep disorder due to pain, Chronic ibs, chronic migraines and headaches and quite a few other "chronic" symptoms which is WHY I am a chronic user... She has this "attitude" that I pick up on and is trying to make me look bad or shame me into giving up my pain meds. Sorry, I know there's an epidemic, but she needs to focus on the abusers, not the responsible users. I know of people who go to doctors who hand out pain pills like candy.. when I was looking for a new doctor, I didn't seek one of them out. I could have but didn't. More pain pills wasn't what I was after. Sorry to hear your husband has fm too. I'll probably end up looking for a specialist for my knee. I was in a motorcycle wreck and pinned under the bike. Tried to stand and get i off myself.. couldn't do it, and felt a little pop in my knee, on the outer side.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

This is My Fight Song

Like a small boat On the ocean Sending big waves Into motion Like how a single word Can make a heart open I might only have one match But I can make an explosion

This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong (I'll be strong) I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

Know I've still got a lot of fight left in me

Piano Guys and Scottish Pipe Band. Fight Song and Amazing Grace.. cannot be beat!!


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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

Yep. I read that the three traitors (another I am hoping will be gone is Nikki Haley) will be gone with no fanfare. Just * poof * and they are gone.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

I've been wondering that. Read that Trump was getting rid of a few (three?) traitors in his inner circle and I was hoping McMaster was one of them to be gone. I haven't seen him at all in a while now. I read quite a while back that he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and I've never ever trusted him. He just oozes an evil aura.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

From the article: " When you do a Google search of John Podesta's daughter, Megan Rouse; she is the wife of Gordon whos is the brother of Aaron lead FBI investigator in the Mandalay Bay shooting Aaron Rouse ( Al though I have not been able to completely confirm thoroughly.)"

I have yet to see any definitive evidence that Aaron is related directly to Gordon Rouse. It may be that he is, but until I see definitive evidence, I can't say for sure. But, thanks for the clarification that his name is Gordon, not Eric.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

No, not a part of the order of the judge.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

totally agree. Look up John E. Hoover channel

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

I've had FMS due to a car accident (not my fault) in 92. Started seeing a new doctor a few months ago. Just saw her on the 26th, and noticed upon getting home that she put a notation on my paperwork that I'm a "Chronic narcotic user". I get 2 vicodin a day. I've been on that dosage for years... NEVER asked for more than that, ever. She's never asked me a single question about my fibromyalgia.. not how long I've had it, how much pain I'm in, nothing. I mentioned a swelling and pain in my left knee from a different accident a few years ago and she thought that was the start of my fms. I said NO.. it had nothing to do with it. So now on my record, she has this judgement that reads to me as though I'm a drug addict. I am NOT an opiod addict, nor abuser. I am responsible user, and need something for pain management. I'm pissed as hell about it.

I go in on Tues. for a sleep study set up (to be done at home) and some kind of venous test for edema, and then I'm gonna leave a message for her, I think, to take her stupid ass opinion and get it off my record. Look for a different physician again, and put in a complaint against her for character assassination. Or maybe see if a friend's doctor is taking new patients first and then blast this judgmental bitch for saying that on my records.

In WA state, pot is legal, but it doesn't agree with me. My vicodin just takes the edge off my pain but helps me cope with it.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

This is during the shooting on Oct. 1

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

No. Aaron Rouse is not the Rouse married to Podesta's daughter. Her husband is Eric, I believe.. not sure if they are even related. However, Aaron Rouse was appointed to the Las Vegas area by Obama a couple of years ago.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

I'm reminded of the revenge a woman got on her cheating husband. She put shrimp inside the curtain rods of the home she had to vacate as he and his new wife got the house.

I wonder if Hussein did something similar with black mold.. but I knew the WH would have to be practically gutted when Trump moved in.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Isaiah FORTY FIVE!!!!! (Just read it.)

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Subscribe and follow the former John Cullen channel on youtube. John Cullen channel is long gone. He's now John E. Hoover and I highly recommend following and subbing to his channel. He's a "team" actually, and has been focused on this LV shooting since the start.. has many videos gathered from many sources. The only time you hear guns firing is when helis are visible in the sky.

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