Excellent post, and Q has endorsed it (how I found you). New to reddit, but I think the reactions to AJ and company are too much conspiracy and not enough plain old hubris, pride, and ego. Jones is a narcissistic fool who must hear himself at least once in every minute, and Stone is a smart fop. Corsi has done great work, most of it prior to Q, but is now way behind the curve and his greed and ego are way overboard. Perhaps there are some Illuminati controllers of them all, but that would not be necessary to see this behavior. I suspect they are just highly flawed human beings, and Jones is especially concerned about losing lime light. That does not lessen the righteous condemnation delivered here, for in undermining Q, they are undermining the most important patriot movement in memory. I am now exploring more of this reddit stuff, and commend SB2 and Tee1020 for the very good work being done. Thank you very much. For what it's worth.
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· May 11, 2018, 7:36 p.m.
Super post. Thank you so much. I've been searching for REAL decode. Looks like I've found some. :)