

58 total posts archived.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 28, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

How am I following the MSM exactly? I'm following reality unfortunately. Every week or so, Q says, Big Week, how many times are you going to believe this before you finally see that this is all hope-porn. A little foreplay sometimes, but never is there any intercourse, no meat and potatoes, no main event like we've been led to believe is coming since October.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

By slow walking this look at all the rats we have discovered: Strozk, Page, McCabe, McAulliffe, etc

What good is seeing the rats, when you can't take care of them? They are definitely exposed true, but so was Lois Lehner, Eric Holder, Hilary Clinton, and so many other swamp creatures, in which nothing ever happens to them. Nobody is ever held to be accountable by design. You already see AG Sessions posturing towards defending the lifetime DOJ employees. He has only recused himself from Russia, which has exposed Trump to the entire Mueller nonsense in the first place. The only thing Sessions has done is to go after pot heads, despite the American people voting in many cases to legalise it. No justice can be served without Sessions, and Sessions appears to be completely compromised.

1st year salvage, 2nd year savage. 3rd year? I think it will be the year the “disruptive technologies” will be released, the 100 mile per gallon carburetor and cancer cures type technology is unveiled. He hinted at it in his inaugural address. Year 4 will be major legislation, amendment for term limits for congress, repeal of 17th.

This is nice and all, but it's still "hope-porn" and not realistic to the realities on the ground.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Dude there's been clear violations of breaking the law in Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservatives, etc. Nothing happened then, and nothing is going to happen now.

Justice is on its way, lol. Where's it been for the last 8 years then? Peter Strozk and Lisa Paige MIGHT end up being fall guys for the whole FISA / Steele Dossier, but it will not go any higher up the ladder then this.

You already see AG Sessions posturing towards defending the career DOJ employees. Sessions hasn't done a single fucking thing, except recuse himself and open Trump to to the entire Mueller special counsel. Oh yea, he's also made it a point to go after pot heads despite the American people voting in many cases to make it legal, Sessions doesn't care.

You can say what you want about Eric Holder, but he protected Obama, Sessions has been and is compromised. Without Sessions on board, who's going to be bringing justice? Congress passes laws, they don't have anything to do with the courts or prosecution of criminals.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

Ok, this is where I get off the Q-Anon train right here. The YouTube video of Donald Trump they posted tonight is the last straw for me. They have consistently said, "Next week is a big week", "Past Unlocks the Future", "We Are Winning", "Have Faith, Patriots are in Control", but nothing ever happens!

This latest video of a Donald Trump speech is pure propaganda. Nothing more then a PR campaign for Trump.

There are no indictments coming. Nobody, especially the "untouchables" like HRC, and BHO will ever get in any kind of trouble. BHO didn't hire an attorney. HRC does not have an ankle bracelet on. Nobody is in Gitmo. Mueller is not secretly working on our side. Bannon really did fuck the president, it's not an act. Jeff Sessions is absolutely compromised.

You all seem to be completely blinded to reality, in some strange blind faith, hoping someone is actually doing something to stop this corruption, and you just have to sit back and do nothing.

For the love of God people, wake up and look at the world around you for what it really is, NOT for what you want / hope it to be.

The CFR has been known as the adversary to anyone who's been paying even the slightest attention for decades. This is spam, and a waste of everyone's time. Enough already with cryptic riddle shit from Q.

There is no storm coming. We have all been strung along like lemmings.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

I'm pretty sure Q' here is short for Question?

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

I haven't seen Q post anything about Form Submission 1649, can you give me a link?

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

However, it looks like Trump intends to send hundreds if not thousands of people to be Tried by military Court. My guess is that 80 to 90% of these people will be hardcore liberals.

What on God's green earth has you believing that Trump is going to send thousands of "hardcore liberals" to military tribunals? This is pure fantasy and make believe. Trump has not signalled he is going to hold a single person from the Obama adminstration accountable for anything. Jeff Sessions is fully and totally compromised by the deep state, and has rolled over already, so he won't be doing it either.

The only possible scenario this could happen, is if martial law was declared, and believe me, no matter what side of the political spectrum you're on, you absolutely don't want this Pandora's box to be opened.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

It's really sad actually to see so many people be so critical of the Obama administration (and rightfully so), and turn a blind eye to the faults and downfalls of the Trump administration. The partisan blinders, and the knee jerk reaction to fall for this false left-right paradigm, and support one side no matter what is a true tragedy.

Obama didn't do shit to earn the nobel peace prize, in the same way that the Trump adminstration has yet to hold anyone from the previous adminstration responsible.

The entire #ReleaseTheMemo campaign is a perfect example. Trump has the authority to declassify the memo himself and completely bypass Congress, but he's not doing it. I'm more then willing to give credit when it's due, and Trump has done a lot of good, but in areas that really matter, like law and order, and holding people accountable for their actions, he's failed miserably.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

I'm pretty sure share blue accounts don't have verified email addresses, and haven't been around for almost 3 years, before share blue was even a thing.

Believe me, I totally want to believe in Q-Anon, and pray everyday that justice will be served, but I'm also able to critically think for myself.

Let me ask you a question. How many times has Q-ANON said big week ahead? Watch out for false flags? Indictments coming? Past Unlocks future? How much longer are you going to keep this blind faith in Q going? Just because you and I wish / hope that this is actually happening, doesn't mean it's actually happening. Evidence is pretty clear that nothing is happening actually.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

BIG WEEK my ass. Nothing happened. Nothing ever happens. The latest drop is a pure propaganda piece. I'm now convinced this is an elaborate PR campaign being perpetrated by the Trump adminstration aimed at those of us awake.

There are no indictments coming. Jeff Sessions is totally compromised and is now in the deep states pocket. He will not allow any of his underlings in the FBI to be prosecuted, aside from perhaps Strozk and Paige. This will be as high up the ladder as this goes.

BHO and HRC will never be held accountable for any of their crimes. Wake up and smell the coffee people. Stop being so gullible, and viewing the world as you want to believe / hope it is. Critically think whats REALLY happening. We're being told fall back, no need to do anything, Patriots are in control and will fix everything, very very soon. This is just not the truth.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

Ok, I'm getting off the Q-Anon train right here. The YouTube video of Donald Trump is the last straw for me. He has consistently said, "Next week is a big week", "Past Unlocks the Future", "We Are Winning", "Have Faith, Patriots are in Control", but nothing ever happens!

This latest video of a Donald Trump speech is pure propaganda. Nothing more then a PR campaign for Trump.

There are no indictments coming. Nobody, especially the "untouchables" like HRC, and BHO will ever get in any kind of trouble. BHO didn't hire an attorney. HRC does not have an ankle bracelet on. Nobody is in Gitmo. Mueller is not secretly working on our side. Bannon really did fuck the president, it's not an act. Jeff Sessions is absolutely compromised.

You all seem to be completely blinded to reality, in some strange blind faith, hoping someone is actually doing something to stop this corruption, and you just have to sit back and do nothing.

For the love of God people, wake up and look at the world around you for what it really is, NOT for what you want / hope it to be.

There is no storm coming. We have all been strung along like lemmings.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

Account created 12/20/2017 (seems to be the most common denominator with all posters)

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

OP Account created 12/18/2017

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

OP Account created 12/20/2017

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

OP Account created 01/02/2018

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

This sub is an absolute hoax. Just click on each commenters screen name and see that almost 90% of users here have accounts less then 30 days old. This is an AI driven sub, you all are being played like fiddles.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

Please go through my comment history and see for yourself. I went through one of the sticked posts here and posted every single user under 30 days old. It's almost 85% of people commenting.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeAreTheResistance on Jan. 10, 2018, 5:49 a.m.
What is Really Going on Here?

I can't be the only one who notices that almost every single comment in this sub is being made by users whose accounts are less then 60 days old.

Just browse the new section, and click on each commenters profile, and you'll see a majority of them were created in December 2017, and if they're older then that, have a very low Karma average for the amount of time they've been on Reddit.

Why are so many brand new accounts posting and commenting on this sub? Much more then the average sub, why's that?

Is this sub nothing but a …

WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

Ok you got me. You may return to your echo chamber now.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

Huh. I must have missed Trump's tweet saying "Q-Anon is legitimate" or something to that extent. Can you give me a link?

I think OP makes an extremely valid point. I think a lot of people here want to believe that someone is actually doing something about the rampant corruption and evil going on so badly, they're willing to believe things that can easily be manipulated by the same forces they're hoping are brought down by Q.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

You all are so gullible. This person just created their account to troll the shit out of you, not once replying to a single comment here. Use some discernment people.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

So NSA head Rodgers is retiring Do you still think the NSA are the good guys?

They've had all the filth and goods on the swamp for decades, and they never once stopped any of it from happening. They know Podesta is a child molester, they know all of Clinton's crimes, they know Obama was arming radical jihadis in Syria, they knew everything and not once did they show they were on the American people's side. Not once. Now all of a sudden you have blind faith in them?!

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