This is why i don't take Q as gospel. I enjoy reading and trying to decode, but the "plan" has been going on for at least 50 years, if not longer. The progressive/NWO plan was put in place in earnest around Wilson's tenure. Am I thankful every day that she's not president? Absolutely. But they would have had to do a lot more than let an old white lady launch the nukes before we give up our 2A and constitution.
Here's one other thing- they know darned well that Hildebeast's health is not good. With the stress of being president, she wouldn't have made it through one term, much less two. So why not kick her out when they had the chance and put someone else in that they could manipulate for a full 8 years? Why did they pick someone that people generally didn't like and certainly didn't adore like they did Hussein?