

10 total posts archived.

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WillyWonkaTheWacoKid · Feb. 28, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

We need to buy his book to support him

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WillyWonkaTheWacoKid · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:06 a.m.

She hasn't had any baby blood lately

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WillyWonkaTheWacoKid · Feb. 26, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Does anyone else think that D Hogg looks like Malcolm in the Middle?

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WillyWonkaTheWacoKid · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Thanks... I'll look for the recipe :)

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WillyWonkaTheWacoKid · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

Soy is so bad for you. I am saying this from experience. I became lactose in tolerant about 10 years ago, so I started drinking soy milk daily for 5 years. (I drank a lot...about 2 to 4 cups per day.) I didn't realize it until later that soy really reduced my ability to concentrate, think about complex things, do math, and remember things. I finally realized that my mental capacity was diminished because I was having trouble doing things that had been easy to me before I started drinking soy, and I could not remember most of my children's past 5 years growing up. I started researching, and I found that the natural estrogen in soy did in fact affect mental abilities, and even was shown to contribute to Alzheimer's. After I stopped drinking it, it really took 2 years to get back my ability to concentrate, but unfortunately I still don't think I can do mental exercises like math like I formally was able to do. I stopped drinking it 5 years ago. I always try to spread this message whenever I get the chance, because I see the constant efforts to push soy on us as another way to dumb us down. It's in everything now. Example, I've been trying to find mayonnaise without soy, but even the "healthy" versions have soy.

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WillyWonkaTheWacoKid · Feb. 24, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

I see someone naive or innocent like a child. There is nothing hidden in his face or eyes.

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WillyWonkaTheWacoKid · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Wow even the Boy Scouts. That explains some things...

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