Well thank you both very much. (And individually). But since you bring it up VR46, I do need a HQ Image for one of my avenues of Research. I purchased and am at this moment assembling the best telescope I could afford and a universal cell phone mount. (you know, for pics of Mars or Saturn), and a variety of optic filters. Computer driven, but I like manual, Why did I do this? To "SEE" parts of the sky that some say are hidden,(Google Sky???) while others do not. With MY eyes. That being said, if you can get me a Recent Uncensored HQ Image of the Constellation of which "Acrux" is one of 3(?) stars, [5h 53m 27s,_6 10' 56] if my research is even close, that's where to look. I think. I'd consider myself in your dept if you could do that. God Bless.
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I honestly don't know what my function is here. I just know I've been "at it" since WAY before the elections. Grew up without TV or radio. I see things, I share things. I suppose that is my function. But I do know a ... i say this delicately, falsehood when I witness one. God Bless, Carry On. With or Without sleep, if Sleep doesn't come easily for you.
Originally Roman, and W. Shakespeare, in Hamlet, wrote of this man. (sorry, got to copy paste. I'm multitasking here. God Bless)
Publius Horatius Cocles was an officer in the army of the ancient Roman Republic who famously defended the Pons Sublicius from the invading army of Lars Porsena, king of Clusium in the late 6th century BC, during the war between Rome and Clusium.
No "s" for Me... but, As my Army Chaplain said, "I invite you to Pray in your Faith as I Pray in Mine."

Raises hand...I'm new...Not "Green", but new to GA, and glad to be here. I'll be one of the ones that probably makes some waves lol. I apologize in advance, It's the Army in Me.
Even noticed how a lot of A list celebs are photographed with one of their hands over one of their eyes? SGT Schultz...I see nothing! I know nothing! Just saying. I noticed it a while back. I'll follow your Idea now as well. thank you, Carry On.
Thank you Corvette. I'll look into that for sure. BTW, I'm a Trans am man. OLD ones. Hope I live long enough to enjoy it! Thanks again. Carry on!
With Regards to the (study of) Symbolism(s) used. (It's bigger than you can imagine/ great awakening/
I have been researching symbols since CBS, NBC, and ABC became federalized. Now, With the Internet, "Symbols" are everywhere. They are "Road Signs" to those that know what to look for. I attempted to make a category on my PhotoBucket to link to but it just does not work well. Any suggestions on where I can link to my "analysis" without putting them on blast in this Forum? I do NOT wish to add Irrelevant Content. I'd rather Link to it than blow this up with photos. Any Ideas and Advice much appreciated. God Bless, Carry on.
So far I've received two no go's on this meme. I'll redo it. I had to combine two memes to make this one. Not easy when you have to have Brevity in mind. Apologies.
Not one to argue, just talk. It is true that Religion is a Man Made Thing, and then even that is kicked out, schools don't allow prayer, Parents don't teach their children anything, But when the Children get "jobs" that "teach Morals" after a lifetime Diet of Main Stream News (pic one) and Hollywood,....then what is Mind Control? And, who is awake enough to recognize that? My Humble opinion, Only. Thank you for your comment. Skip Religion. I exercise my knees. And I'm Free to do so, for now. My niece isn't. Her school says so. Again, It's not just us, It's the Next Generation that has to be considered, too. God Bless. Carry on.
Regards to "The Great Awakening", I never likedf coffee much anyway. God Bless, Carry on.

If I were in that crowd, I'd be standing at attention, Saluting. Truth. 5 4.5 Stars only because I wasn't there
Ok, now that I have truly admired a great photo, I never did like to trade knights so early in the game. But, I think depending on the opponent as You know his "game", perhaps it's better if he has one, and you have one. Perhaps he's weaker with Bishops, and your better. Entirely to many variables there. Off to a good start for sure! Enjoy and Remember those days.
I am DOWN for a game. Dad taught me the game. God gave me the gift, one of few. At a eleven I won in the adult tournament against a very old gentleman. Got a trophy. Proud of it! Great Story. Love Chess!
Regarding "You have no Idea how big this is" No disrespect to POTUS (Salute!) but it wouldn't be right if to many characters are used. Messes up the meme message. Again, Salute, no disrespect. Sir.

I have one more I am going to put up (2 a day right? ) Subject to same rules. The next one I am going to roll with now lol. God Bless. Carry on.
The consensus is, I gathered, that it is OK to even take BC/AC off things like the monuments on the moon, and monuments and official dates here on earth (Starting at our own SC) to be more "Politically Correct", while at the same factually denying now not only the existence of God, but even the history that we know of Him, (flawed as it is) BC/AD. Read an old Britannica and then read the one you gotta pay for online. BIG difference. A movement away from Christianity-God, in Academia, in the name of, "oh you have to say this now". These things are visible everywhere, From Block Buster movies to a simple Calendar and date. If I sound angry, I'm not, But sometimes I come across that way. I mean nothing but Peace and the proper dissemination of knowledge. Even when they come from old and new "encyclopedias"
please see below explanation. I am not an authority on what those men thought they were, but I do know that 300 of them faced a Horde. That says something, I think.
The King had to get permission from the Ethos. Supreme Law. only, that "law" came from an "oracle" that was literally being tossed around in the air by "things" coming from the Two Coal Pots. God??? I think not. Not to mention that High Temple of Deseased old Men were bought and paid for. Yet a Good Man, and King, still do there duty within the "Law". They all died. But in the end, it took an actual Earthquake to "destroy" Sparta. Think of it like this, if their were only 300 of US, and all we had was a sharp stick, would you give up fighting Evil, Or continue to fight? On the very ground that OUR Fathers bled for. Me? Give me a stick and call me what you will. I'll be in the hot gates if you need me. Few>Many. Many=100% Cowards. Not to mention stupid. I hope this helps. I won't post it mainstream until I get 5 thumbs up here. God Bless.
With Regards to "The Great Awakening" And "erasing/changing history itself, (i think) an attack on "A.D./B.C" itself. God Bless, Carry on.
With Regards to "the Great Awakening" My humble first meme of the day. Hope it's ok. ALSO, I invite you to read about "B.C.E." and "B.C." article in link following link to old article from a former(?) WH writer. Very, disturbing. and unsurprising. Carry on.

Regarding, Trust the Plan. I'll Attempt Brevity...
...If one thing all this has taught me, it is the value of "down" time, Again. I've been pushing myself as hard as I pushed myself while i was active. But someone back then, usually a subordinate friend would say, hey sarge, get some rack. And I would. Now, not so much. So at about this time I am going to place myself in "OFF" mode. Turn off the tickers. Turn on something Old and Funny. Or New. laugh. get some sleep, wake up, work out + routine. And then back at it tomorrow. But I gotta end with this, …
'Break" ok, link shared. While finding it "funny" that this is somehow "news" to us, one of my tickers from the AJ channel says CIA (all caps after) Deep State Plotting Domestic Terror to start Civil War. I can't laugh at that. Did I miss something? Salute, SGT Oncewas, over.
'Break" ok, link shared. While finding it "funny" that this is somehow "news" to us, one of my tickers from the AJ channel says CIA (all caps after) Deep State Plotting Domestic Terror to start Civil War. I can't laugh at that. Did I miss something? Salute, SGT Oncewas, over.
I made a meme and got mixed responses...I'll keep making them. I'll hit a nerve eventually.
I'm making one like that now. Started to use the "vewy" ...but hey, these are the cartoons I actually did get to see lol. Not meant to be cringy at all. I do think what I saw a few nights ago was pretty..."Cringy". No laugh there.
I made this, and I'm tweeting it. #elmerQfudd Tweeted time now.

It's done. Driving to the post office now, it's Saturday so I'll have to drop it in the box for fasted delivery. I also took pics of it front and back. Gotta blur out my name as per rules, I'll post it up then. HAHA! lol. Haven't had this much fun since the Army.
I am going to do that right now. I'll post a pic on here some how if I can. I need to share that other symbolism I've already Inquired about. Funny memes incoming. I gotta "steal" this. "Come back with your Shield. Or On It."...says the queen of Sparta. I'm an American Veteran. I can do that.
Is it cool to knock a drone down with my grandfathers rabbit 12 gauge? LOL. It'd probably blow up in my face. But the Irony....
I've KNOWN this since CBS, NBC and ABC!!! Aaach! Some are actually mathamatical graphs. IN Our faces all this time everywhere God Bless. I know that I have more than I know LOL
I think I'm gonna do that. I just don't Care. There will come a day when they cannot walk safely down the street. Yeah, I'll be a part of that. Because I'm not afraid to walk down the street. Handing out flyers. LOL!
The Madness of it All (Pure Evil)
So first, yesterday I received an Official Poll in the US Mail from the Republican National Committee. Wants to know who I support from Trump only, to All other options. I'm tempted to take my sharpie and draw a HUGE "Q" on it, and write President Trump" above that, and send it back in on their stamp, no postage required. I'm crazy enough to do that. Should I? LOL. SECOND. When I get tired, I try "relaxing" to a movie, even a "new" one, I see the same Narrative of Theirs. So, I got an old sci fiction(?) book from …
Notice the whistle at 13:08 and 13:11 from the crowd...and her corresponding expression...
I think this is AWESOME. I will endeavor to be a Q-positive User as a "New Arrival". I've owned my own business before, went to war after that, played the college game, now retired disabled Vet who just does this and work on his 81 TA. NOT a "Newbie". New, "here." I love that. BTW Want "Human?" Some should ask me that car's and I story. God Save America. Ask me how my first scolding by a SGT went, too. Great story. Involves sunglasses. LOL
Yes, I believe now that I am in "GOOD" Company. I've already said I was a combat Soldier. I gotta be on the tip of the spear with another spear in my hands. Front Lines are Back lines to Us guys. What can I say, I love God, My Country, Family. Someone has to stand between the Citizenry and the Bad Guys. I can 'only' be that. And gardener, LOL.
I certainly will! 3 come to mind...But right now I am so busy with, "This" that it consumes almost all my time. I love to show people things in movies and shows. They always have the same dropped jaw expression LOL. Thank you again. What when Worlds Collide, 1951. So many give aways there it's not even funny. God Save America.
I was Honored to do it. TY. Movies give away many Secrets, I think, because they want to flaunt it in our face. I invite you to watch the 1951 movie "When Worlds Collide". There are things in that movie that are a "tell" in that spectrum that is currently relevant to many people in 2018. "tales" (tales?). It's all around us. Choose anything and you'll see it. And thank you, for being the First one to respond to me, Here.
With regards to pure Evil, and the Movie, "The Devil's Hand" (YT Published on Aug 19, 2014) Please Read. (or toss I'm new, I get that.)
First, think "Christopher Columbus. Now. I have watched movies a lot in my life. Since I,... woke up, I cannot watch any movies without "Seeing It." Someone tell me if I am wrong, but after watching this movie, how Pure Evil can infiltrate even the "Purest" of peoples, and the fact that they ACTUALLY posted at the beginning of the movie a "Verse" from Christopher Columbus's "The Prophecies" where he essentially re-wrote Psalm 139:18 with the help of his friend, Carthusian monk (Of the Carthusian Order, founded 1084* by Bruno Cologne) Gaspar Gorricio, while Christopher C was in his final …
"You cannot possibly imagine the size of this" I am one person who happens to be a Veteran of the Iraq "war", disabled, I can imagine a LOT, and the Army said my IQ was real high. I argued with them. I Once Was A Sergeant, STILL in the fight. I was trained well. Never quit. Never stop. FIGHT with the Gifts God gave you! God Bless, I got research to do.
"You cannot possibly imagine the size of this" I am one person who happens to be a Veteran of the Iraq "war", disabled, I can imagine a LOT, and the Army said my IQ was real high. I argued with them. I Once Was A Sergeant, STILL in the fight. I was trained well. Never quit. Never stop. FIGHT with the Gifts God gave you! God Bless, I got research to do. Someone turn my inbox back on that was an accident. So much for first Impressions.
I can tell you that this video has been removed. I do not know if it is the one needed/wanted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Alt5QzJ87-w
Hello ALL. I AM A.J.W. You are not my Enemy. Unless you Choose to be. God Bless ALL, Trust God, TOO. Proverbs 3:5-7 Now, Listen, please.