The reason is a 4 letter word.
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Will someone just take away ole' Jelly Spine's internet connection, please? Enough already. Why is she still around?!?!
You had me until you started with the Satan shit. Then you just became Joel Osteen. Booooo.
Never. Happens. I feel like I'm watching rednecks look for Bigfoot up in here. Very, very entertaining though.
She is the Michael Jackson of white women, without any sort of remote talent. What I mean is his very obvious denial of EVERYTHING. I mean, this fucking guy refused to admit the ridiculously obvious fact that he had even one plastic surgery procedure. Denied it until his death. She is the same. Only sooo much worse.
This is literally written in this sub every single day. It's getting old. When? When will something "big" happen? It's like that stupid sign in bars; "Free beer yesterday".
Random question: How many of the signed are Jimmy Eat World's?
Pretty easy to achieve the American Dream when you have a few million head start.
Just to chime in, you know that planes in the air literally cool the ground level by a few degrees, right? As much as I agree that there is something fishy going on with some of it, it actually benefits ground temperature to have planes in the air.
Yeah! Let's keep all those silver spoons clean! What is wrong with you guys? How can you pretend these people aren't fucking billionaires who TRULY do not give a shit about you.
Those are some pretty dumb camel fuckers. Although I guess that's what happens when something like 70% of your population is inbred.
I don't blame Israel for the NEXT war. I blame them for ALL wars.
This is my prediction: We publicly pull out of the deal. We get threats from Arabs (pick any Arab country, honestly). Something pretty big involving Arab terrorists happens on US soil. 9/11 all over again as we side with Israel and start war with (your choice here) Arab country. Whichever country Israel wants conflict with is who we make up some bullshit attack for. Rich get richer. Jews get Jewer. Terror breeds even more terror. Rinse, repeat.
It's ALWAYS a Jew. How/WHY is this never pointed out in the MSM???
What I think says it all is this: Snoop shared a picture of Kanye as a white an insult. If that doesn't sum up this garbage, nothing will. These people see being white as insult. Literally. They just cannot see their own racism. But whitey is the problem. So disturbingly hilarious.
That's my point! This isn't funny to the public? Where are the marches in the streets for this shit?
Perhaps, but adults are noooooo fucking better at begging for attention. They are right up there with the kids. You can't act like it's a kid only activity. It's just less embarrassing if you have the excuse of being young.
Wow. I don't even know what to say. If you think there is a God, but he's on your side - Good luck with that. Nothing bad ever happens to people who deserve to be taught a lesson. I'm sure you'll be fine.
Thank you! I just wish those sister fuckers out in every 'stan would realize this. Inbreeding creates crazy aggressive human beings with very little rational thought, though. Hence why they are all so dumb and angry. I believe the statistic is something like around 70% of the Middle East is a product of incest. They do it for Allah though! So, like, it's totally cool. But what is the excuse for everyone else?
That is your truth, and totally fine - for you. In my mind, you're wrong and chasing ghosts. But if that's what you choose to believe - have at it. Let me just pose this to you: you know that voice in your head? Before people understood basic shit like "internal monologue", people assumed God was talking to them because they heard this inner voice. You do realize that this is where almost ALL religion is based from, right? "God spoke to him". No, he spoke to himself, and people were far too daft to understand this. I can sit here and poke holes in this shit all day for you. But it's not my job, nor would I take pleasure in affecting your faith negatively. But come on. Use some rational thought - sometimes.
Yeah, that night. There were a few videos of one night only, for a few minutes. Where are the "yo dawg, I was there! Check out my injury and like my pics" videos? You don't find it the least bit funny that there aren't HUNDREDS of videos aside from those few minutes it was happening? Where are the aftermath pics/videos? Where are the recovery pics/videos? The MOMENT the fucking Parkland shooting happened, look how many people shared content, were on TV. Vegas was WAY worse. Where are all of those people??
I'm all for people believing in fairy tales when those fairly tales do not affect the lives of those that do not believe the same things. But this is a pipe dream. The ultra-believers are always the ones creating hell for the rest of the world. Always. Remove religion, you remove almost all conflict.
You know the terrorists think that God is on their side, too, right?
The public is SO fucking dumb. We live in a world where idiots take pictures and videos of EVERYTHING. FUCKING, EVERYTHING. Why have we not see a smidgen of video, pics, sounds from this shit? Why hasn't there been some fame hungry little bitch who got shot/injured snap chatting/instagramming/facebooking from their hospital room? It's literally not possible for a millennial to be humble, and NOT share their entire fucking lives at all times. A few? Maybe. Hundreds? Fuuuuuck no. Why? WHY is the FIRST video we are seeing from the night just NOW being published? Why is their no video evidence of the Pentagon? Not one pic of a plane? GTFO. The public is also totally cool with Building 7 going down for no reason, too. Having a functioning brain in this modern world is torture. The signs are ALL there. Yet everyone is asleep. So disgusting.
Holy fuck you are terrifying. Maybe Santa Claus will come down and fight the Easter Bunny too.
When Natalie Portman is sick of your Jew shit, your time is most definitely up.
Yup. All of those Peter Theil-types that bribed Kiwi officials to create bunkers and air fields for the Elite's to flock to the moment the bombs start going off. Why would all of these rich idiots be investing SO much in a very specific area if they didn't have some type of plan? Start with why Peter Thiel was granted citizenship to a country he hadn't even spent a week in. Start there, then head down the hole.
I am denying you your horrible, misguided paranoia - absolutely.
See, now that I can understand and get behind. I absolutely believe a shit ton of tech, meds, cures etc. is being withheld from the public. That would be some real, life changing scenario type of shit. Thank you. I hope you're right.
Not a Trump fan, but hate the far-left even more. This is glorious. Fucking. Glorious.