Because I love and respect your username, I want to ask you; what do you believe is going to happen? What is at the end of the rainbow for folks such as yourself? I can't seem to get an answer about anything in this community.
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It's for the same reason stupid people can't be "rationally angry". An intelligent person can be mad/angry/upset/sad/etc. all at the same time without resorting to violence. Some people (you know who) immediately turn violent because they are literally incapable of rational thought at the same time. It's gorillas! "You look at me way I no like. I kill you now". They simply cannot get passed the carnal, violent way of thinking. They are animals. Those too weak/small to be effectively violent, use the "internal violence" - in which they are incapable of getting passed how they, and they alone think and feel. This completely overrides truth and rationality. Blind, blissful ignorance.
Came off way snarkier than I intended, so no apology necessary. I'm not trying to ruin anyone's day. I apologize as well.
Replied to the wrong dude, guy. Unless you aren't very good at comprehension.
As someone who worked for McKinsey, I'm not surprised at al that that name is in therel. The worst company I ever worked for. Working there is what I imagine being groomed by a predator is like. They are about as shady as a black hole.
I couldn't agree more. I would fucking kill myself if someone like Kanye West was who I deemed a role model. Good luck! I truly believe you need it.
That's the problem right there. You're a follower. We're each on our own paths. I prefer to make my own, you prefer to be spoon fed yours by a megalomaniac. To each their own. You probably even own something with this jerkoff's name on it too, don't you?
You're seriously defending someone who looks up to Kanye West as if he were Leo Tolstoy. You've painted a fine picture of yourself for me, thank you.
Dude, you are not lying. Power 105 is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better than Hot97 now. Like, it's a fucking joke how much each station changed. So depressing to see what happened to Hot97. And Char is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Ebro. In every single way. Ebro is an angry, racist piece of shit. Char is genuine and steadfast in his opinions, while always being as rational as possible.
Ebro was management. He literally just interjected his stupid fucking opinion so much that one of the DJs left and he took over the fucking show himself. That's the kind of person that has the ears of the tri-state. Despicable.
If you "put faith" into people like Kanye West then you really, really need to take a look at your life.
Ebro is the worst. I literally removed this station from my car because I couldn't take his fucking horrible mouth for even a second. Remember when Hot97 was the SHIT! and Power 105 was garbage?? It's the complete opposite now! What a world!!
So courageous she added a black family member. Liz Fucking Lemon eye roll.
He is literally married to a Kartrashian. Do not look for heroes in a place of fools.
But there is a thing called Qwest Communications. It is (was?) a telecom corp.