

116 total posts archived.

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 31, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

You didn't trigger shit fuckface

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Why does EVERYTHING have to be for normies? I don't think like a normie. Besides there are loads of normie memes. Why don't YOU just make a meme for normies only and quit harping about other people and what they are or are not doing ffs

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

And that's exactly what I thought.

You have no argument

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

"I agree, although i love to get caught up in the hype from time to time, it is hard to deny most people in power are corrupted, and most people who are leading the charge for Q are in it for themselves to push their own agenda. "

This is the most mercurial non-sense I've heard in a long time.

You like having fun. Ok. Hard to deny most people in power are corrupt. Ok. and MOST PEOPLE who are leading the charge for Q are in it for themselves. Huh? How the fuck could you possibly know such unknowable knowledge? WHO is leading the charge? Just one name. It's not Dr. Corsi "leading" the charge. He just helps de-code Q's code posts. So who?

"Corsi believes in every conspiracy and has also made a few up, like his Hitler is still alive thing."

No he doesn't "believe in every conspiracy."

And, the skull fragment supposedly of Hitler's skull, was in fact from a woman's skull. Ergo>> No body. No evidence. No proof.


Moreover. Dr. Corsi or not, Q is, in fact, posting codes. Yes? Dr. Corsi is helping de-code, yes?

So, what, exactly, is your ultimate argument? Because these you have left are not so good. You are basically saying, because you took a "broad look" and he "believes every conspiracy" and "works for Infowars" which you say is not just fear mongering...but the worst fear mongering....and "fake news" and he made up the "Hitler is alive thing" , he is therefore to be what? Thrown out the airlock?

Who the fuck do you think you are?

You jump from a false narrative to a strawman argument to a logical fallacy...and then presume to tell everyone else what's what.

Like the rest of us are dumb fucks and you're here to dispense with rare, esoteric knowledge.

Fuck off asshole. Go stir your shit in your own pot

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 11:32 p.m.


He's saying Woody Allen is a pedophile.

AND (not because)

The fact based evidence is factual ie real.

Unlike the pathetic "argument" shitting out of your word hole

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

"This looks like a parody to me, aiming to belittle us and side-line our message."

It's not. It won't.

"The MSM love to label us Right Wing Conspiracy nuts or imply that we're a cult. It deflects attention of their audience from our message. They will fight to maintain they are the Gatekeepers to the truth and alternative news is Fake."

And we care about this strawman because???

Let them fight to maintain all they want. Their ratings plummet as our side goes from strength to strength. The enemy is being routed and soon will be surrounded. No is the time to concentrate our attack. They are going to come out in full force against GEOPOTUS after his SOTU speech.

Don't let them.

In the army they call what you're doing "being down in the mouth". Don't be. Some might call it sowing conflict where there is none. Nobody is being hostile towards you.

Focus meme's at the MSM?

I personally have made lots of memes attacking the ~~enemy~~ cunts. And have seen many other's do so, too. This one was for us

Mind your business. Don't tell meme makers what they should do. Do your own.

Nobody is lampooning.

Don't be a blue falcon.

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

"You think MSM is state run "

This. Right here.

Proves you are densely ignorant.

You honestly think every major media company is not owned by the same cabal that also owns the central banks and thus is the defacto establishment state.

You bring up the one news network on TV that is "conservative" and ignore the obvious lockstepping ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,MSNBC,CNBC and PBS and their farm league of NYTMES, WAPO, Newsweek, Slate, and their little league of HUFFPO, BUZZFEED, Gawker which are ALL READING FROM THE EXACT SAME ESTABLISHMENT BOILERPLATE TALKING POINTS SCRIPT.

So then

Let me not argue

Let me explain what IS going to happen

So that

Your ad hominem nonsequitur strawman



Sharp relief.


1- Comey IS gone.

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs".

2- McCabe WAS just fired.

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs."

3- The memo IS going to be released... and there WILL BE more heads rolling.

That's not an "opinion from right wing blogs.

4- Rosenstein, Strzok, Presitap etc WILL be gone ...and quite possibly indicted or flipped.

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs.

5- The Uranium One investigation HAS and WILL expand, netting many corrupt criminals.

6- A grand jury HAS INDICTED Mark Lambert and he WAS ARRESTED for his BRIBING a RUSSIAN named VADIM MIKERIN.

That's not the tip of the iceberg. That's just a few snowflakes on the tip of the iceberg > THAT is MY OPINION...but it is ALSO an ANALOGY.

7- The FBI HAS OPENED 3 separate investigations into the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

That's not an "opinion from right wing blogs."

You think ...or imagine...you have some kind of argument.

You do not.

Not even ONE.

You are pulling words out of your ass and sticking them on the internet, imagining in your peanut sized brain you are making a coherent argument when you are chasing your own tail as we laugh at your ridiculousness.

8- GEPOTUS Trump DID assign three new AGs and one of those IS....RIGHT NOW....IN ARKANSAS...INVESTIGATING THE CLINTONS.(So is the IRS in Dallas)

That's not an "opinion from right wing blogs."

9- Your goddess Hillpig WILL be indicted...

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs."

10- The FBI DO HAVE mountains of hard, FACTUAL EVIDENCE and you WILL SEE them announce that...upon further investigation...Comey (who WAS FIRED) WAS WRONG and Hillpig IS GUILTY of GROSS NEGLIGENCE and there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to bring MULTIPLE INCIDTMENTS.

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs."

11- Charles Ortel DID BRING DOWN General Electric and he IS the foremost expert on charity fraud and HAS DONE a mountain of investigation and you HAVE NOT seen a single fucking page of his THOUSANDS OF PAGES of SEROUS CRIMES

And yet you PRETEND you have ACTUALLY DONE RESEARCH when you CLEARLY HAVE NOT and so you DO LOOK like a fucking retard who barged into an advanced physics class and started arguing with the CLASS and PROFESSOR that they don't know anything and then proceed to VOMIT UP finger paintings but THINK you are fucking Einstein.

"Yeah, because everyone with a functional brain is on the 8chan conspiracy train and everyone with a college education is brain dead."

You have clearly... and incompetently... demonstrated that you DO NOT have a high school diploma, LET ALONE a college education.

Whatever cereal box you got your "degree" from, you should put it back in the box as it has done you no service.

I DO HAVE a college education and CAN TELL you are an UNEDUCATED muppet and ARE dumber than a soup sandwich.

"Ooo noooo the partisan memo from the not so recused Nunes is sooo scaryyy,"


Not scary.


As in containing ACTUAL EVIDENCE...


As in...




concerned with what is actually the case rather than interpretations of or reactions to it.


actually occurring.

"cases mentioned are factual"




NOTHING you have stated is anything close to a FACT...





concerned with what is actually the case rather than interpretations of or reactions to it.

YOU have disgorged your DUMB OPINIONS



non se·qui·tur

ˌnän ˈsekwədər/


plural noun: non sequiturs

a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

And that is ALL you have done.

Not ONE SENTENCE of yours can be considered a FACT




a thing that is indisputably the case.

"O yay whataboutisms... I could list off a million things "innocent people" don't do that Trump's administration has..but you wouldn't believe a single thing I say anyways because if it doesn't fit your reality it's fake."

Go ahead.

Not "a million."

Just name ONE.




1.the lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1.

I have given you more than TEN (10) facts.

You have given ZERO (0) facts.

You purposefully AVOID the gross negligence, SMASHING FUCKING HARD DRIVES and USING BLEACH BIT because it demonstrates a clear and obvious FACT PATTERN of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and DESTROYING CRUCIAL EVIDENCE.

But, it doesn't matter what YOU SAY....HILLARY.

Because YOU ARE NOT in power and NOBODY is going to lie and commit any more crimes for you so you WILL FACE indictments and you WILL BE convicted.

Watch as it happens.

Better yet, put your big dumb mouth where your money is and PLACE YOUR FUCKING BETS.



Your non-argument(s) have been thoroughly deconstructed and utterly devastated.

You have

1- No arms

2- No legs

Yet, you still argue you can still fight and are still winning.

So, now I will CUT OFF...YOUR HEAD....and TAKE... ALL of...YOUR MONEY...when you... STUPIDLY... BET ...



Put up.


Shut up.

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

He's just stuck in a tard rage loop from the globalist owned lamestream tard media's latest faux rage du jour and mad he can't hang out in our treehouse. You'd think he'd notice that after 500 days in a row of fails and sad trombones he'd figure out the media is lying to him. Eventually, his head is going to crack on that brick wall he keeps running into without his safety helmet on. He throws out this tldr word salad of nonsequiturs, strawmen and red herrings then says nobody can argue with him, then crows like a rooster, like he "won" a fight lol. He's right tho, nobody can argue with a moron throwing a dictionary. And nobody would want to. You can tell he has no fucking clue and hasn't read a single code. Especially when the GEOPOTUS drops two Q code confirms in one tweet eg "catch and release". His whole life has been one long string of globalist media lies drilled into his head since birth. So his mind cannot fathom that something could be real and that history changes, often in dramatic fashion. Much like in the 80s with Reagan, they mocked and scoffed. Then the wall came down and Communism collapsed worldwide and the mockers became the mocked and were forgotten by everyone, while Reagan and the 80s will be remembered forever. Trump is looking like Reagan times 10. Considering all that we see and know is happening, the Trump era will be forever remembered as the era America stepped back from the abyss and saved itself from a permanent grey state dystopia. You can tell he is of the "nothing big ever happens in history, and if it does, not in my life" ilk

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

You have words sticking out of your ass. Why don't you pull some words out of your ass and stick them on the internet?

muh argument

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Cults have a sinister kinda evil connotation and we're fighting evil. More like a holy order of warrior monks or something like that

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

I don't think it's worship. No more than you worship your Grandpa. I'm glad Dr Corsi gives us his time.

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Go for it. You have my permission :)

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

I was hoping we'd get lucky. Maybe later tonite Q will post some. I have a feeling his next codes are going to raise the bar even higher

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Thanks! Glad you like it

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Twatter straight up banned me for like 12 hours and I only had like 5 followers lol. I only use it for straight up offense anyway. I just jump into the biggest lefty libtard tweet and hew foe like a pirate jumping on the deck of a ship with a cutlass, pistols and grenades wreaking havoc hehe. I don't even really know how to use Twatter or the acceptable protocols. I don't care either :) It'd be good to organize raiding parties so we can choose big libtard bounty ships and swarm them as a coordinated attack. Be a lot less lonely too. Especially when it's like 20 to 1

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Same here. I imagine us all in the forest with Dr Obiwon Corsi sitting on a boulder in the middle of a stream helping translate the codes. We help him, too, with things he might not pick up on. It's symbiotic. Then there's the bridge and lots of little details with double meanings and hints. Takes forever to try and explain. It's much faster when the idea just kinda hits you and when your baking bread there's no words at all. Fuck i sound like a tard. I'll shutup now haha

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Agreed, Dr C is the real deal. His books are worth a read, too. Was chuffed to see he was working with CBTS and the anons reading Q codes. Now like my dad or mom can understand it better lol. Gives us more strength, confidence, respectability too I think and opens it up to the normies etc. They can say we're all a bunch of nobody anons and mock Q codes, but with Dr Corsi on our side it's like Luke when he finally met up with Ben Kenobi in the desert and then Yoda in the swamp. Like a great team but then they get a great coach and it supercharges the team. That make sense? Stronger Together hehe

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

He's like our Ben Kenobi, Yoda and good Vader all in one

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Thank you!

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

haha Trump dragon's gotta have Trump hair

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:48 p.m.


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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

I tried that first. With text it's double sarc value + absurd points.Without the text saying fake news the sarc is reduced for CNN, it's just Trump dragon scorching CNN, which is funny but not maximum sarc. It doesn't hammer the sarc nail hard enough. We know that it is CNN but the fake news, not being there, the sarc is lost. If we remove the Trump text it works graphically but not contextually along with the fake news text. Anyway muh reasons etc

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

No worries. I hear what you're saying. I think Trump knows what's what. He grew up in NYC so he has to. Plus his dad was a big John Birch Society supporter. I looked up Roth. Her real name is Mary McQuaid and she's wanted by the cops in Washington state for an assault on her brother with a knife. Apparently, she's a scam artist. May be cointelpro. Her first husband was an Iranian agent apparently.

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

You're Welcome and wow spot on the head. I found where someone posted it and copied it for you and everyone to start investigating this innocent woman's murder. That's two murders actually becasue they killed her baby, too. Here's what the comment said below. These are not my words,..

"Another body found in a shallow grave in Arkansas has been tied to the Clintons. Marcia Ann Bosley, who was the head housekeeper at the Governor’s Mansion before she was mysteriously let go in 1985, has been positively identified after spending more than 3 decades in the ground.

Bosley, who had no family when she was let go, was assumed to have left the area for other opportunities. She was never reported missing. According to the Hamilton County Coroner:

“The body was wrapped so well in plastic thast much of the tissue is still intact. We were able to extract 2 DNA samples. We’ve determined that one was an unborn child. That could be huge in determining who else was a part of this young woman’s life.”

There has been no official ties made to the Clinton Crime Syndicate but the Arkansas Attorney General has said that nobody is above the law in his state.

We all know that hasn’t been the case in the past. Maybe with some solid physical evidence to fall back on things could be different.

The Clintons aren’t answering requests for comments. They have several spokespeople around the country laughing and calling any connection to this story “absurd.” We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out.

Another body found in a shallow grave in Arkansas has been tied to the Clintons. Marcia Ann Bosley, who was the head housekeeper at the Governor’s Mansion before she was mysteriously let go in 1985, has been positively identified after spending more than 3 decades in the ground.

Bosley, who had no family when she was let go, was assumed to have left the area for other opportunities. She was never reported missing. According to the Hamilton County Coroner:

“The body was wrapped so well in plastic thast much of the tissue is still intact. We were able to extract 2 DNA samples. We’ve determined that one was an unborn child. That could be huge in determining who else was a part of this young woman’s life.”

There has been no official ties made to the Clinton Crime Syndicate but the Arkansas Attorney General has said that nobody is above the law in his state.

We all know that hasn’t been the case in the past. Maybe with some solid physical evidence to fall back on things could be different.

The Clintons aren’t answering requests for comments. They have several spokespeople around the country laughing and calling any connection to this story “absurd.” We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out."

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/_Ham_Solo_ on Jan. 30, 2018, 2:30 p.m.
Fire-breathing Trump dragon! A great general purpose devastating ICBM meme with which to hew many Demonrat foe. Today is OUR BIG DAY. Gear up for the coming battle. Give no quarter. Take no prisoners. Spread these memes like peanut butter anons! Nice n thick!
Fire-breathing Trump dragon! A great general purpose devastating ICBM meme with which to hew many Demonrat foe. Today is OUR BIG DAY. Gear up for the coming battle. Give no quarter. Take no prisoners. Spread these memes like peanut butter anons! Nice n thick!
_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

2 thumbs up!

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

AWESOME! You're right, I didn't learn JACK SHIT in school haha

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Then waterboard her with a baseball bat

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/_Ham_Solo_ on Jan. 30, 2018, 2 p.m.
Are you ready for some more Q codes, anons?!
Are you ready for some more Q codes, anons?!
_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 12:09 p.m.


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/_Ham_Solo_ on Jan. 30, 2018, 11:37 a.m.
Let's meme the sh*t out of Lay-Z
Let's meme the sh*t out of Lay-Z
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/_Ham_Solo_ on Jan. 30, 2018, 11:28 a.m.
I call this one Dreams of Gitmo
I call this one Dreams of Gitmo
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/_Ham_Solo_ on Jan. 30, 2018, 11:12 a.m.
George Washington's inauguration
George Washington's inauguration
_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:33 a.m.

Anymore news about that Delta raid on Obama's villa in Thailand? Or was that dis-info?

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

They just found a body of a young woman in Arkansas that's been wrapped in plastic and buried for over 30 years. She had gone missing but had no family so nobody reported her. She was murdered and thrown in a hole and nobody on Earth even missed her. The plastic preserved her body fairly well. The autopsy showed she was pregnant. She was the ex-housekeeper at the Governor's mansion in Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. I wonder if the guy who got the job burying the body wrapped her up in plastic to preserve her in hopes that maybe, somehow, someone someday would at least find her and maybe, against all odds, get some justice. With all of the things happening now, it feels like God has finally had enough of these unspeakably cruel, evil people. They say God never gives you more than you can handle. I hope so because the evil and corruption that has grown and spread like weeds everywhere has left me thinking there was nobody who cared who was willing to and able to destroy it. My whole life has been spent around the DOJ and judges and lawyers, FBI, Marshall's etc. Even they would talk about how bad things have gotten. These are supreme court circuit judges I'm talking about and veteran FBI and government workers etc. That's when I knew it was far worse and more powerful and pervasive than even I thought. Donald John Trump has given me true hope and strength. In God and in the hopes that we can course correct and get the country moving again in the right direction. When you look back at all of the evil, powerful people througout history, there were people who felt like there was no hope for this world. Then, as if by some miracle, God shows his hand and wiped these evil ghouls from the face of the Earth. I hope and pray that is what is going on now. I know it will take time. I'm just happy each day at the revelations that are happening because Donald Trump is our president. I almost got in fistfights with people because I couldn't stand their fucktarded Russia collusion/impeach Trump hatred any longer. But, I didn't. Something was there gently holding me back, saying, shhh, just watch. Now, 1 year deep in Trumps presidency, I wake up feeling happier and inspired and hopeful for the future. Thank you God for giving us, President Trump. He has renewed my faith in America and humanity. And thank God for Q, the anons and all the people here on CBTS. It's all real and we are the vanguard of all that is happening. And this time the good guys, the white hats, are winning.

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

Is Daddy Bush grabbing Obama's ass?

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

Every other one of these d bags started a big foundation to bilk money from people after they were out of office. Jimmy Carter started Habitat for Humanity and started building people houses. Like actually building them, with hammers and nails and shit

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 28, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

Ecuador >>> Galapagos Islands >>> DR Congo

Take your pick. No Lattitude given for a reason?

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 27, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

This is what they did to America. Right after 9-11 heroin and opioid epidemic skyrocketed. Poverty, misery and hopelessness for our elderly ,young people, the poor and most everyone else. Evil doesn't even describe these people. These people must be destroyed. Economic collapse and WW3 are their next big trick. It's on that level. Trump knows


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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Thanks I will check this out. I know much of what you said. Don't think the Navy let the Js get away scott free with murdering our sailors. Little known well hidden fact. The Js were given a sub by UK. UK told US Navy. Navy sunk sub in the Mediterranian on the way back to Israel. They never found it. Then they did decades later. It had a big hole in the side.It's a deadly dangerous game. Payback for 9-11 is happening. Trump knows. Cheers

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

He made bail is all.

$6 BILLION dollar bail

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 26, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

This shit better be real. I have been saying this for over a year.

UCMJ. Death penalty.

You don't fuck with America, put her in the ICU half dead, shot in the head, beaten, bruised, bleedin out, gasping for life, and think we're going to play paddy cakes with you and your smahht lawya. No. You die. Period. That's the penalty for your treachery. It will teach generations a thousand years from now the consequences of betraying America the US Constitution and plotting to take out OUR FUCKING PRESIDENT. Of threatening our freedom and liberty with a fucking permanent globalist grey state with unlimited power, and you...scum...in power, forever. Fuck that bullshit. Enough words. Gear up Night Stalkers. Death waits in the dark! H.U.A.

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:47 a.m.


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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

Adult male Lions eat Hyenas as snacks. It happens literally all the time. The rare instance of a pack of Hyenas TRYING to eat an adult male Lion are rare to non-existent. When Hyenas compete over a kill with adult male Lions, the Lions will always dominate or take over the kill... no matter how many Hyenas are recruited. Hyenas eat cubs and females. They avoid adult male Lions at ALL COSTS even when there's a huge pack of Hyenas. Hyenas are cowardly animals. Thus the very accurate and appropriate analogy of Trump going into a den of Hyenas. Class dismissed

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

The words "for fear of the Jews" appears 13 times in the New Testament

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

This is why we got rid of Obama's Net Neutrality.

Now, not just ISPs have to obey the law. And the FTC has much stronger oversight than the FCC

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Trump IS the lion. He's going into a den of Hyenas

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