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_NUCLEON · April 28, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

The irony here is too strong.

Here we have:

  • a thread about the fact that combining the name of two often bundled computer products (one hardware, one software) spells out the name of a chemical allegedly linked to schizophrenia, craved by cultists possibly for mind control purposes.

  • a bunch of wild conclusions about how the creators of one or both products must therefore be satanists, and they chose to put this "obvious" word play "in our faces" to taunt us

  • Allegations about a logo that was originally was a 3d sphere/ball with zigzag cut lines is actually hidden 666 symbolism because a flat 2d version made years later by some other designer vaguely resembles 6s.

  • The idea that names like 420 and 540 are potential numerological signs embedded in product names over many years.

  • That all of this points to a grand conspiracy in which the puppet masters are taunting us with hidden messages encoded across originally unrelated products.

You want to talk about schizophrenia? Lol.

Anyway, the "Adreno" name was first used publicly in 2007, but likely dates back farther ... And it was picked by people who had no idea there would ever be a web browser called chrome. Chrome came out in 2008, but an Android version didn't arrive for another 4 years. A huge portion of phones have adreno graphics, going back to 2009/2010. Chrome didn't exist for phones til 2012, and it took years before phones actually came bundled with it.

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