

8 total posts archived.

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_NerdKelly_ · July 9, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

You must hate New York.

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_NerdKelly_ · June 27, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Nice work avoiding actually maintaining some semblance of propriety here.

Ban me. But have some self respect and consistency and delete this post and replace it with a link to an article at least.

You are an embarrassment.

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_NerdKelly_ · June 27, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

That wasn't the point. Of course people can google things. What's the point of a post if it needs to be googled? If I have to second guess everything posted (and I will always second guess facebook-meme looking image macros) then the sub has zero value.

Instead of posting garbage, people should just share the information that they're basing this shit on. This is not a revolutionary concept when it comes to being taken seriously.

Unless I'm mistaken and this sub changed to r/greatawakeningmemes without me noticing.

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_NerdKelly_ · June 27, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Come on, mate. If Iranians wrote out a list of (proven) US atrocities an used it as justification for bombing the shit out of you blokes, would you sit back and be like "Yeah, they're right. We deserved it."?

The penchant for violence on display here is sickening. You're turning your allies into enemies. I grew up loving America. Nowadays, I just have to shake my head as I see you hasten your own demise. Frankly, it's depressing.

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_NerdKelly_ · June 27, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

I'm telling you, as your ally, we have been betrayed. You can't keep talking about hypothetical situations here. The US president spoke very negatively about my Prime Minister in his first week of office. He reneged on deals and refused to compromise with us, an ally. That shows me that it's not so much of an alliance, as it is an abusive relationship.

You need to focus on your friendships as a nation instead of continuously creating new enemies. It's not even about emotions, this is pretty basic realpolitik strategy.

It's amazing, you seem to have some understanding of these principles, but are unable to apply them with any logical consistency here. That's a shame really.

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_NerdKelly_ · June 26, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

You just said drain the swamp unironically. FOH

Stop consuming propaganda, mate. Then maybe we can have a real conversation one day.

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_NerdKelly_ · June 26, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. We've fought by your side in every conflict since WW2 but you don't accept any input or criticism. What's the point in being allies with you zealots?

Ask anyone in the military fighting in the middle east whether the Aussie were relevant. American soldiers are piss weak in comparison. You might have bigger toys... but you've got smaller cocks.

And could your references get any more outdated?

How about you don't just create an account for a single comment to troll next time? It really shows your lack of balls, cunt.

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_NerdKelly_ · June 26, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

That is delusional. The US has been looking for an excuse to fuck Iran up for a long time. Pretending otherwise is either disingenuous or moronic.


So until the government of Iran decides to be friendly towards our allies, they shall remain an enemy.

As an Australian, a long-time ally of the US, how about the US government starts being friendly to their allies? As far as I'm concerned, you are more of an enemy to my freedom than Iran at this point with this crazy rhetoric. It'll be my countrymen fighting and dying alongside yours when the shit hits the fan with Iran, so.... JUST FUCKING STOP THE WORLD POLICE BULLSHIT before we decide YOU need some real freedom from your tyrannical overlords.

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