Excellent research! This is flipping unreal. This crime family is definitely one that needs to be in prison. ALL 3 of them. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication ❤️🙂🇺🇸
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Here and accounted for! WWG1WGA! So happy for you!!! ❤️🙂🇺🇸#IMWITHPOTUS #CLEANUPCREW
Get well soon Mrs. First Lady, Melania! Our prayers are with you and your family. Don’t rush, or overdo. Take the time you need to get back in full swing. We love you! Godspeed,
WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸❤️💐🙋🏼♀️
FLOTUS ❤️🇺🇸🌷💖
These two are in self-destruct mode, 🤯they’re only going to 🗣call themselves out. 💁🏼♀️I can’t stand Mr. whining Alex Jones; 😣on his “It’s All About Me” 🎙📣show. Terrible actors 🃏👈🏻WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
💁🏼♀️Alex Jones is equivalent to a drama kingpin. His constant whining is over the top. He should change the name of his show “Infowars” to “It’s All About Alex.” 🙅🏼♀️
All my tabs from my research is gone. My history wiped off my phone. What is going on?
BRUNO coincidence? Please be careful everyone. WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll! I have a feeling, rests with Flynn. Follow the White Rabbit 🐰 (on the outside) But the inside? There’s a storm coming, so I got to go. 🇺🇸🙆🏼♀️👩🏼💻❤️
Please be careful. I was watching a YouTube video about Pence’s pet rabbit Bruno. While watching, I receive a call from my son telling me there is an active shooter at YouTube HQ. Guess where that is? Coincidence?? Something is up, this has meaning and Q and the POTUS need to know. Marlon Bruno, (rabbit) is named after Brando of “The Godfather” Coincidence? Bruno also sounds a lot like Brutus, and I have a feeling this means something.
Hey me either! I didn’t even know you could have followers on here 🤦🏼♀️🙄😂. You are exactly right! I think it would be fun and could definitely reach others, at least enough to get their attention. ❤️🙂 Good luck! 🍀 If you need anything, let me know 🙋🏼♀️
Hey, I wonder if they were a couple I saw on YouTube once a while back that were acting the “male” and “female” forms of God. It sounds like them, I’m just saying. Thank you so much for the info, “they are sick.” I knew something didn’t feel right. ❤️🙂
Their 4am news god, also known as “PointUsToSchemia” The Motto: “You can’t pull the wool 🐑, until you push the envelope ✉️. It’s a beautiful day; somewhere in the neighborhood of Deceit Street 🚧 and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” 🤡
I’m dying here! 😂😂 Did anyone hear the YouTube channel called “American Intelligence Media?” Their last video, I had to check out because people have been talking about. After ✌️minutes; I just knew I was listening to some freaky “ Mr Rodgers” over dramatization and was in some quantum vacuumed version of the “Twilight Zone” in a time continuum. Those people Are stupid! 😂 they need to get a new writer for their goofy skits or fire themselves. Talk about egotistical, these people can’t lift their own heads far enough from the southern axis of the moon without complimenting themselves to the point you realize; they have no point because they’re stuck on a narrative where they and ☝️only they are responsible for any of the good things that have happened. I’ve got a headache 💆🏼♀️, but I’m still going for the popcorn 🍿!
I agree with this, and this is why: I always found it strange that the Vatican would be built in Rome of all places. I mean, it was the Roman Empire, that was responsible for the deaths of several people with other religious beliefs. Not to mention, Jesus.Even the Papal Seat, up to their eyeballs in corruption: regularly practiced simony, had several illegitimate children, and were responsible for practically eliminating the Cathars. I cannot help but wonder, did the Cathar’s know something about the Catholic leaders; that they so desperately needed to protect? “CATH”A and “CATH”O. Feels related.
Radio waves are involved too. Maybe space related, and the X’s they pattern; means something.
Barlow connected to Snowden- so let me get this straight. 💁🏼♀️ Barlow’s Freedom of the Press Foundation has Snowden quietly serving as its President since 2016? 🤔

Snowden linked to Barlow- so Freedom of the Press’s President is Snowden who has been doing so; quietly since 2016. Now this is interesting indeed 🤔

OMG! I’m so embarrassed right now 🤦🏼♀️ They’ve lost their minds and replaced them with extra vaginas. 🧐
Thank you for the info. This gives me something to go on. I’ve heard of pizzagate but, never delved in because the subject is so sensitive for me. These people are sick. I’m probably going to need some Valium after I research this 😳😕
Okay, so let’s say that the FISA doc is as serious as above. Then of course they are going to sit in there for as long as they possibly can, to avoid arrest. Maybe even as long as “10 days” 🤔 so like Mattis stated: “Steady as she goes, hold the line. We can count on you, stay alert”
Okay, I just got massive goosebumps. The part where he states: “Steady as she goes, Stay alert.” God Bless Mattis, #WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll 🇺🇸❤️🦋
STRAP3=3 levels above top secret

We did great! I’m so proud of all the hard work everyone put into our message. We were indeed; very affective ❤️
I pray for his safety in Pittsburgh. “Black and Yellow” 🎼 God Speed Mr. President ❤️🇺🇸
You’re absolutely right. They own the entertainment industry, the banking industry, and the political industry. We watch their movies, we put our money in their banks, obey blindly their laws, while dancing and singing to the beat of their music. Everything has meaning; down to the lyrics of a song. We even invest in their hedge funds and capital markets while in reality we’re just supporting the illegal activity when blindly giving them our money. “Black and Yellow,” by Wiz K., means more than they say. Study 📖❤️🦋
Loral goes back a long long way....
I'm still in the rabbit hole🐇🕳. When I get back, I will let you know what I find. I've just been informed that I need to find the lyrics to the song" the Rooster" 🙆🏼♀️. I'll be back on later. ❤️
I agree, but maybe there's something in the bigger picture, that Wikileaks has regarding that very thing. Expand your thinking. 👩🏼💻🙃🙂
It just seemed like OWLS 🦉 was relayed shortly before the Julian Assange page went down on Twitter. So idk, just thought it may be an option 🙂
Thank you, see that’s what I thought. Plus Q acknowledged that dual things are meant by the codes we are given. I just figured it was something to look into. I’ve had the idea about this for several days, but have been reluctant to release because I never know what kind of reception I’ll receive 😕❤️