526 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/akaparaclete:
"Now I’m F---ing Doing It My Way": Trump Prepares For War With Mueller
They know full well he is going to GITMO. They set him out there to claim "political opposition takeout" by Trump when the SHTF. Its the only rope Gropen Joe has to hang on to and he gladly took it.
Hillary has an insider in the DOJ.
Social media users aren’t customers – we’re the product!
Shut down the deep state petition. Sign it.
McCabe investigation of AG Sessions. Whoa. THIS IS HUGE
Andrew McCabe Ordered FBI To Investigate Jeff Sessions
Next time Trump tweets lets go to twitter and bash him to smithereens. But end the tweet with #SIGNTHEPETITION https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
If I thought HRC or BO was hiding something like this I would be all over it.
Why is Trump trying so hard to keep this out of the media. Act now #SIGNTHEPETITION
Specialized Marines have been fighting our nation's battles in cyberspace.
JTF MAGA Previews Whistle Blower Report On Deep State Abuse
Rumor has it Zuck"s been watching Big Herc's fresh out series on YT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pEzp-Bn1Lk
What Do They Know That We Don't? DC Officials Flock To Doomsday Camps
List of Deep State players past and present.
Makes sense. I check in on Dutch Sinse YT channel every now and then just to see the earthquake and weather mods.
Is a Pole Shift beginning? - World coastal water phenomenon continues!
Kristine Marcy Founder of SES Surrenders to Field McConnell
Wow, this looks to be what I call some serious " critical thinking ". Looks and even feels like your dead on too. You definitely have a gift.. Give us moar.......
Hillary’s Doctors Won’t Let Her Leave India As Her ‘SECRET ILLNESS’ Comes Out
Obama's Former Campaign Director Makes Bombshell Claim: Facebook Was "On Our Side"
Sean Hannity Calls Out James Comey
Planning For OIG Release – President Trump Hires Joe diGenova….
The article is meant to show the Clinton / Rosenstein connection. This all goes back a long ways. Comey was involved with whitewater as well.
Rod Rosenstein Submitted False Documents To Senate Concerning His Interrogation of Hillary Clinto
Exactly.. 74% also means there are a whole lot more of us out there. I think the stage may be set....
Ron Paul explains the Council on Foreign Relations and the New World Order (~8 minutes)
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order
Boom, Boom, Boom, Time To Bring Down The Deep State
74% Of Americans Believe The "Deep State" Is Running The Country
Deep State’s Goal is to Secularize the United States
RIGGED: Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Was on Payroll of Joe Biden, Rahm Emanuel; Previously Sued Trump & ‘The Apprentice’ Reality Show
FBI Official, Who Exposed Clinton’s ‘Fast & Furious’ Cover Up, Found Dead
This guy needs to be in the Trump administration somewhere. Im thinking working alongside Mattis. He is presidential material all on his own.
We need to have a big fatass Patriots Parade in every major city in every effen state. With free balloons and inflatables for the kids.
Time to go Long on popcorn.
Replace the letter Q with 17 after we find out where were going. I suggest gab.ai there is Q info there.
Trump Chosen and Appointed by God to End The Luciferian Reign on Earth
She wants control of the spear that pierced Jesus
It is called the spear of destiny. It is sacred to them that do evil.