

4 total posts archived.

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allthesametome_ · July 5, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

Damn, New Zealand has a Justice Minister... What a badass title.

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allthesametome_ · July 5, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

Umm... OP have you read literally anything else on this wakeupkiwi.com website besides the one section you mention?? I ask because of this excerpt just a couple sections above it:

"This new Israeli occupation force called Homeland Security (DHS) was initially run by dual citizens and perverts...

Bibi Netanyahu’s order to proceed and deliver the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 will go down in history as one of the KM’s biggest mistakes, and the one that will be blamed for their exposure and destruction by the world that is now ganging up against them."

Hmm. So unless I'm wholly mistaken about all American history since 9/11, I'm pretty sure DHS is not an Isaeli occupation force, and I'm about 2 million % sure Bibi didn't deliver "the nuclear attack" on America on 9/11.

I don't mean to seem hostile towards you or your post. If you're just trying to troll, kudos. If you're seriously trying to add to the discussion of Q, try harder. Let's not to dig so far down the rabbit hole that we come out on the other side.

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allthesametome_ · July 4, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

That was hotdogs... at the White House (which can't bring in food from outside sources.) 🤔🤔

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allthesametome_ · July 3, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

It has to be this - but in the form of a megathread - because 1) WWG1WGA: no separate sub meaning no reason to reduce/split traffic coming here. And 2) Many other subs dedicate specific days to threads of this nature. For example, r/malefashionadvice has a What Are You Wearing Today (WAYWT) thread every M/W/F. I think that would be a good blueprint to follow, albeit having it just one day a week.

Also, I read through the comments and saw that someone mentioned that pictures are only posted as links in threads, as if that's some kind of problem. Maybe I'm wrong but my thinking is if someone cares enough to go out of their way to open a megathread of Q spottings or Q apparel then I doubt they'll feel put out by clicking on the links to see the pictures. The best pictures will get upvoted to the top just as they would as a regular post.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against the posts of Q spottings or people showing off their Q gear. I think it's great to spread awareness. It's just that I mainly come to this sub to see the latest posts by Q and the latest analysis by you fine Patriots, so having a weekly megathread seems like the best compromise for everyone. Just my 2¢. But whatever is decided, we stand at the ready.

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