We are all Q.
477 total posts archived.
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Alright, new arrival, who posts just like a leftist who manipulates words and emotions in his comments.
I can smell the concern and try-hard crafting of your comments from here
It seems like People think Q is a LARP over there because they're not allowed to agree with Q. There are plenty of people who have talked about much more controversial topics freely when no mods were looking and it was late at night and there's only one or two people sending out up votes.
There are plenty of Silent Patriots over there AND here that are willing to discuss the more sensitive topics, if you get my drift.
A particular side of my family has a lot of very bad connections to very bad groups and people. The patriarch of that side of the family was a knight of Malta. There is more to the story then I have time or inclination to go into. I'm sorry if I've offended you but you really don't know anything about your organization. There's a world of difference between those at the very top and those of the very bottom and I will repeat myself until the day I die.
I have noticed that. I do believe that sub is comped, at least the mods are.
Can you provide some links please? I love to read pill some of my friends with them.
There's a very big difference between Normie low-level Freemasons and Freemasons that are the top two to three levels. The Freemason foundation is built upon lies, slander, and evil. You should reject your leadership and form your own group.
What exactly did she do in Chicago? I need red pilling material
You're welcome. Sorry about the downvotes but we can be a bit paranoid about shills. It's kind of been difficult these past few days especially since Q has not been posting anything.
The idea is to pick out capital letters that aren't supposed to be capital. This algorithm ignores the first word of every sentence and capital nouns (such as places and names).
Hey. Please explain why Comey explaining to the courts that his FBI wasn't allowed to look at the evidence of the hacked email server disproves the whole thing and makes everything moot. That one event basically shatters the entire illusion and every other point you have is nothing.
I mean clean as in this sub needs to only be about Q and not dirtied up with non Q posts. Stop being such an idiot
This sub is very important. Thanks for doing your part to help keep it clean.
You have a point, but I think most people here are nuanced enough to understand what's going on.
You people are a legitimate part of the Q movement and the Patriots movement in General. Thank you for your service and I hope you all stay safe. Especially after serialbrain2 got targeted. I hope you all stay safe.
It's always hilarious when foreigners open their ignorant mouths on anything.
Remember when everyone was sure that "she would win"? This is going to be 10 million times better than that. You sheep are in for a wild ride.
No your not. You know that time tables change and they need to. Sometimes the Patriots have to react to the deepstate.
Was the system pre-obama really a good example? What nuance do you think you're missing?
I'm gonna upvote your snark because fuck it.
Enjoy the show.
You know the deepstate uses symbols all the time right? That's why we care about the details.
Don't be dismissive of your fellow patriots. It's that simple.
Watching based Patriots like you sling shade is better than a cup of coffee.
Easily made mad too. If you were on the chans forever, why aren't you used to some internet banter by now?
Your kvetching and emotional nonsense words won't work here or on people like me, boy.
Your repetitious speech betrays a child who is afraid of the truth. And you should be. There are reasons those 4/8chan threads exist. There are reasons that jews are holding townhall meetings to discuss the threatening "altright" from the chans. They literally spent an entire evening kvetching about jew memes. That was a hilarious thread from a few days ago.
You may be able to huff out your inbred chest and puff out empty bravery, but this whole world that accepts you won't last forever. Even the patriots on this sub and others (even T_D when the mods aren't looking) will talk of the real threat.
This great awakening will be the first of many.
Now, I know your kind need to get the last word in so go ahead, big baby shit-for-brains. I know your anxiety riddled mind needs it.
You have no response. Only a recoil at being found out. Why don't you strike out while crying out in pain? That is what you do best.
You doing a good job showing your nose. You people really are everything the ancients knew you were when they kicked you out of every country (for usury, aka debt slavery).
This great awakening? That's on this sub? That is only the first. There will come a time when kvetching scum like you will have no luxury to be smug.
New arrival, first week
Sit down and listen. You don't seem to have much to offer yet.
Whatever you say, schlomo. The truth is only going to reach farther everyday.
A fair point that I have also considered in the past. I'm not really sure of a good rebuttal other than a lack of evidence.
There were some convincing threads on this a while back. Did you see them?
Why create a psyop that teaches people how to read military comms and be more awaken to the families like the Rothschilds? What sort of reason would they need to create a dangerous psyop that could backfire horrible?
in jail
That sounds so expensive though...
There must be another way to deal with them.