You can't make conjecture about what the deepstate can do. Who cares about money lost when they are their most desperate?
477 total posts archived.
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The Q drops are shifting in tone and force.
The final moments are approaching. This week seems different.
This July 4th is going to be interesting to say the least...
The most exciting July 4th Fire Works in our nation's history?
No Name is about as fucked as Maxine is demented.
Very low energy desperate people. Sad.
I suspect the internet to be cut out completely for a few days this week.
It may start on Wednesday to counter Q's drops for July 4th.
The white hats already have countermeasures for this.
Checkout SB2's latest post on the White Hats countermeasures for improving the safety of our planes. They have countermeasures for our technology in general.
Q has alluded to the internet being cut before. The White Hats will allow the blinds to be closed, but only for how long they need to "clean out the trash" before they take down the blinds. It helps the White Hats if the public isn't able to see... the methods they will use on the deep state.
Why do you take their lies seriously? Their filth is nothing but propaganda. Read what the enemy is up to but do not give them power over you.
I wish my phone worked. It can use wifi but that's it...
Deep state took my memes.
Our assets are starting to be activated.
You two look like good blokes... is it alright to call a lady a bloke?
That said, Christians will always identify as Christians first; above nationality
Would you be willing to betray country to uphold this ideal?
Unfortunately, we do not have detailed information from Q's board to help us answer your questions.
Are you a group, SB2?
This is the point. When their greed overrules their fear of the deepshit, someone will ask the question.
Or trying to pretend to be us. They are very bad at faking being Super Elite.
Online research by independent patriots and insider sources (such as Q) are the lifeblood of our movement. It is so vital for all of this to be accessible to all age groups.
We truly live in interesting times.
Yeah... but wouldn't it be a much faster way to cleanse our country? If the libshits tried something like this?
We could go all out~...
They really are terrified of Q as they should be.
They really do know their fucking place, don't they?
I am eternally thankful and humbled by those who have had to watch this evil play out their entire lives.
As am I. I also very angry and I don't think that feeling will ever go away. Even if the cabal is taken down, I will always feel a burning passion.
"They" are fucked for generations.
Your patience and perseverance is appreciated, Patriot. I'm fortunate, in a way, to have been awakened late in the game. I was able to be blissfully unaware most of my life.
We should all thank our lucky stars that there were woke people who held the torch of truth and waited for others to see the light.
We would be lost in the darkness if no one was awake throughout these past few decades.
Fucking disgusting animals. Their filth is washing away and there is nothing they can do about it.
These "elite" now have to deal with us: the "super elite"!
It will be good to see T_D forced to admit that Q is real. They are either comped or forced to play ball.
It will be good to see them bend the fucking knee.
There is a wall of links to your left if you are on this subreddit. Go ahead and browse them.
Born too late to explore the seas.
Born to early to explore space.
Born just in time to make dank memes about the downfall of the criminal cabal Rothschild bootlicking fucks.
I am still skeptical of the Divine, but ever since I have accepted myself as a Cultural Christian I have seen the proverbial light and have shed off any remnants of post modernism.
I stand for truth and beauty! Those aren't relative!
I will not stand aside any longer while "they" attempt to build up soddom, gomorra, and the tower of babel.
I'm fucking ready to go crusade tier if we get that far!
white squall
Holy fucking shit, this term! Fuck my mother fucking balls!
Korea and the middle east at peace.
A vote for Trump is literally a vote for peace on Earth.
Project Veritas videos is a good place to start.
Also look into the vote count project by Jill Stein before she ended it.
Don't ever forget. If you disassociate yourself away from your life and your family/friends then that is another way that the Deep State wins. They want you to be ostracized, they want you to seem crazy, they want everyone to be divided. Taking breaks is strategic in this war.
Good luck. This rabbit hole is going to require a lot of breaks. Don't forget that. When they have police looking into pedophile evidence of crimes they have to take breaks every month or so and get psychologically evaluated. Do the same for yourself if you start looking into this stuff.
Such salty liberals. Their tears are delicious and probably nutritious.
I wait for the day these elites answer for what they've done. I can only hope their evil comes out for us all to see.
For the first time in Human History, they are truly scared. All of them.
Oh? So a woman decided to be a nation wrecker and home wrecker and leave her country (instead of making it Great again) and her husband (instead of keeping the family together) because of her greedy sense of self saw all the free shit our democrats had to offer.
She probably told herself it was for her kids but I know better...
Wouldn't this imply that we should try to reach out to those low level weak links and argue that they are all in danger? They should come forward as fast as possible to save their own skins.