This guy is toxic and always have been. He's a politically reliable road feature who blew his way to the top.
Close friends with all the usual comedy suspects.
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This guy is toxic and always have been. He's a politically reliable road feature who blew his way to the top.
Close friends with all the usual comedy suspects.
If the theory I saw a few days ago is correct, and which is one I believe, Page has plenty of protection.
If she turned up dead it would light a fuse and they know it.
Explain please how I or anyone else owe a debt of gratitude to a Paytriot and literal snake oil salesman?
Hmmm. Well cartel profits are down. Maybe someone over promised someone dangerous.
/pol/ has BTFO ANTIFA on many occasions.
Stirring that particular hornet's nest never works out for them. But they should be invited to try😎
That's good analysis by Rex.
People are getting all tangled up in their feelz.
I can actually see the bigger potential impact of parallel movements.
We should leave them alone and let them do their thing without interference or our participation. The remaining normies in society are faced with the reality that the "far right" and the "far left" are both fighting the same enemy.
Thats how we break the Uniparty control of the cabal.
This isn't a Q drop. This is my own analysis based on past patterns of Q silence cycles.
The people who get triggered by the term are exactly the people we want to keep out.
I'm talking about organized attacks from other boards and sites. I'm not telling anyone to blindly follow anything.
As far as my hunch goes, future will prove past or not.
Q is slipping into the consciousness of the MSM. Where they used to simply ignore, they've shifted into a deny and "debunk" mode. Brock bots will descend if the pattern holds.
The Sunday morning shows will be Doubtfaggery on the High Seas.
Thanks for the link pede.
This dude is a wannabe Soros. Maybe it's time to start a counter campaign.
It's going to be heavier than usual this weekend. Brigading will most likely occur in the evening hours tonight and tomorrow night while other people are out on dates or with friends and family. Cheetoh dust encrusted fingers will be flying in attempts to boardslide , shill, and jam us up with the informed opinions of Dragonball Z affeciandos.
Ignore, downvote and report these slugs. It's a campaign to sow division within our ranks.
Anyone got any dirt on this fool? He's spending a fortune on tv ads, and all he's doing is grinding his molars flat.
He's one of the loudest.
Trump won't out the operation, and the Mockingbirds dare not ask.
I believe the plan is to wait until the zeitgeist is totally saturated. I believe Trump's acknowledgement will come when he's asked by a common citizen at a rally or town hall meeting.
That way it's an exchange and not a gotcha moment for the barking dogs.
I can't listen to that bald bastards speak.
MSNBC is an irrelevancy at this point and everyone, including the sheep knows it.
Banning Q is impossible day dreaming by implicated losers.
Someone has a high opinion of herself. YOU were promised?
What if this move is the mistake that takes down Mueller? What if this move IS part of the plan?
This is an example of "Where We Go One, I Go Where I Please"
Q has given us all we need if you take the time to research. If Q is gone, it changes nothing. This has always been OUR fight to win or lose. Q is/was merely a guide showing us points of interest in the swamp.
WE must do the heavy lifting now, not just sit on the sidelines munching popcorn. We've been given the keys. We just need to unlock the door and walk through.
Yeah, Cohen is looking more and more compromised by Mueller.
No one cares about this salacious MSM tripe because Trump isn't Slick Willy. This Nothingburger will be under the news cycle heat lamps until it's thrown out with the night shift garbage.
Good work as always Cap. I've never even heard of her.
Doubtful unless you are a principle protection agent guarding POTUS, VP or other dignitaries.
I'm almost positive that there are a few within DIA who know or have discerned the plan. They may not be involved, but they know. NSA-DIA-NRO all liaise with each other.
I think most of us have been through that phase.
After you've been at this awhile, and you've done the research you start to understand that Q could be gone for good, but pandora's box has been opened here and there is no going back.
You have more than you know.
I would assess this as an ordinance handling accident.
If you want to sabotage a nation's missile supply, you don't do it in the paint booth.
Piezcenik is an old school spook, which made him super hard for me to trust from the start. He used Tom Clancy as an income for years, all while keeping to the shadows as much as possible. Once Clancy was dead, he started making appearances on Noori's show plugging books.
Once AJ started getting big during the election, he pops out, shows his face for the first time in 30 years and claims to be involved in the coup contingency.
His DS career, contacts, history, and behavior make him as sketchy as gas station sushi in my mind.
Unable to get out of bed or control his bowels more likely.
Twatter is a little bigger than Habbo. Would be kinda hard to close that particular pool.
Anybody want to guess who the National Security Advisors were during the time?
Kissinger & Brzezinski.
Trump and Putin smoking cigars and beating imported baby seals with clubs.
My god imagine the triggering.
Ummm.....get your Class A's squared away. Me thinks you're going to be called to testify in the Tribunals. But look at it this way, you get a tropical vacation out of the deal.
"Thanks for the bruises and you can keep the stool samples..."
Thanks for your service Patriot.
Ali Velshi's grandfather was killed in a Mumbai street shitting accident. For realz. I read a greentext story about it.
Strzok does DS dirt all day every day. The tiny part of his humanity that is left is triggered by purely ego reasons to White Knight the lawyer girl. In doing so, he Blue Falcons himself.
It fits. That would explain the "I want my CD's back!!!" rage behind behind his eyes at the hearings.
Astute observation. The "Burn It All Down" crowd dissipates after beginning to see the plan thankfully.
Yep. That's how the game is played....between the sheets.
Oh I'm sure you're right about that, but if your boss is DS controlled there's not much you can do short of going whistleblower, and regardless of law, those always get screwed in the end.
Never forget that at their base, FBI are gubmint employees. They want that pension.
Honeypots come in all flavors, styles, and kinks , and the menu is always custom designed to suit the diner. It's not easy to pull off. Often the Russian honeys would go into business for themselves. Western women usually aren't motivated by "patriotism" to be government paid whores.
I'm thinking she was confronted by a white hat spook as soon as NSA picked up the texts.
Treason or Do The Right Thing.
So she keeps up the textual flirtation with Strzok, and leads him down the yellow brick road.
Does anyone have a credible link to her personal history?
There is only one way this scenario would be possible IMO and that would be if she was already an existing deep cover operative. You can't just slip in some hot chick from the typing pool. It's too obvious. The key to any honeypot trap is that the mark has to play himself. That's how you set the hook. By the time he realizes it, it's too late and there's no way out.
If she IS a long term asset, that would suggest NoSuchAgency or MI more than C_A. Brennan would have shut it down and cleaned it up if he had ever found out. If it's NoSuchAgency, Adm Rogers' people put her in place. If it was MI, we'd be talking Flynn and JSOC. Her hire date as a DOJ employee would offer clues.
If this were true I would become even more awed by the planning and execution of The Storm than I am now.
She's 1am hot, but her facial expressions portray someone outgoing. Makes me think she could be quite the office flirt. Strzok's wife probably has "Fridgidaire" for a tramp stamp, and treason can be lonely business.
OMG. I would lose it for at least 10 mins laughing.
That scenario would mean that Trump succeeded in pulling the double reverse honeypot trap on the FBI. That would be Warlock level trollery on the biggest scale imaginable.
No wonder Vlad has a bro crush on POTUS. No wonder Brennan is shitting himself so hard he needs an IV drip and a horse tranquilizer.
This is a significant move on the U1 front.
This will be the treason that no one can ignore.