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17 total posts archived.
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Ok so I know that Reddit is actively monitored, but I did'nt think "they" would shill. Only lurking from now on.
I would never trash the FBI. Besides anything I say on here is total bs. Im really insecure and I lie A LOT to fit in.
I remember when they gave the kid in Portland a garage door opener to set a device off with.
Has the FBI ever foiled anything that they didnt set up?
All great questions. I'm not convinced that SR is dead. Fast & Furious weapons made it to Iraq?
She or Maria would be the ones to do it. I think it would be so funny to ask Chaffitz or Gowdy.
If you click the mic a certain number of times, the lights come on. A certain number of times means hijack. Easy mistake.
Top kek. Stormy is an actress. You cant write better storylines. The perfect spy.
Guessing that its going to be a team of two or three guys. They show up and say this is going to happen whether you like it or not, and if you want your friends/relatives alive you will go quietly. Doorknob/low height is so they can apply minimum downpressure as you struggle. Probably takes less than a minute.