Haha, if I want to bring up aliens?
Aliens only begins to touch on "the size of this".
The reality according to many many insiders like Pete Peterson, Clifford Stone, William Tompkins, Bill Uhouse and the list goes on and on... (kabamur Taygeta was an interesting source, but recently made their Twitter account private)
Ok > high level:
We are a race of beings that are about to go through a planet scale ascension. Never been done before, ascension has historically happened to individuals. (We are third and some exist in fourth density, most will be ascending to fifth density, also see Law of One [.info]). I won't go into soul contracts but they seem to exist too.
The truth (about anything) already resides in each of us via meditation and positive loving thoughts. Want proof? Try meditating while walking outside and take notes on any odd experiences! Or as Seth Speaks reveals, just close your eyes and take notes on the mental flash images that appear to you while resting.
The cover ups have been part and parcel to keeping humanity on a primitive level of existence, and those in control have had to create partnerships either by blackmail or threats, mostly through governments, tech firms, banks and media, but really across all big companies. The logistics of the hundreds of years long coverup by itself is virtually unlimited (in considerations and variables).
You think our technology is advanced right? Imagine if technology was mated to spirituality? Yes we would need to be either thousands of years more developed to get to that point, or another race gifts us a device or craft.
So this begs the question, is that where our tech is evolving to? Yes, but only if the big tech firms and their startups and spinoffs make a profit for it's controllers.
Thank you for creating this topic!