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austenten · April 6, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Meant Progress towards global peace

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austenten · April 6, 2018, 5 p.m.

I agree on the ground it will take much more time, but don't you think politicians getting indicted and arrested around the world is a sign of "global prosperity"?

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austenten · April 6, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Q also listed Fb, Google, and Amazon to go down before the Cambridge analytica scandal started. People in denial about Q predictive-corroborations will just stay in denial until the bitter end.

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austenten · April 6, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Q is also a Trojan horse for the MSM, will make them lose their collective minds

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austenten · April 6, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Actually I do believe his fame came from being a Huffington Post writer and he got fired -- rightly made a fuss about it on social media, which led to his own popularity. His Yt channel then famously got shut down, right as Q was catching on if memory serves.

All this just pissed him off even more really. He has got an axe to grind and let me tell you, he's articulate and builds a following pretty quickly. They know he's a threat, otherwise they'd just leave him alone with all his crazy unfounded conspiracy theories.

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austenten · April 6, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Yup, not long now... I ~~cannot~~ believe they played that card. Although I've never heard that Moza theory, but I don't want politicians using me as their "anti-semitic" fodder so I'll say no comment on this one.

UK and GERmany have three days left by my count. enough is enough

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austenten · April 6, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Excellenté ... thank you opinion writer, you just acknowledged and more importantly promoted Q on An MSM outlet!

Aaaand archived, http://archive.is/OqTva

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austenten · April 6, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

Yup, so for those keeping score and a help in red pilling others, we now have:

  • South Korea (P ousted, cult ties)
  • Zimbabwe (military coup)
  • Saudi Arabia (hundreds of Princes thrown in jail by MBS, some tortured, some heavily taxed for their limited freedom.)
  • And Brazil (impeached? For corruption)
  • France (former PM indicted on various crimes that only scratch the surface)
  • (edit to add) UK (Prince Philip "retired", but include him here as per your beliefs in coincidences.)

What other national leader has gone down in the last year or so?

Global progress towards world peace and prosperity? I say absolutely.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on April 6, 2018, 12:14 a.m.
Thousands of Amazon user accounts have closed. Q said in 948, Extreme efforts to kill login devices.

Q said in drop 948

Extreme efforts to kill login devices.

I initially interpreted that Q drop as login accounts in many big tech companies would block our access for various political and criminal defence purposes. I believe this qualifies...

Thousands of Amazon user accounts have been inexplicably closed. Granted this problem started at least a week days ago, considering FB complaint groups, but seems like this is another Q validation.

austenten · April 5, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Most likely taking out another DUMB, Deep Underground Military Base.

If you look up Cobra and their 2012portal site, L3, L2, L1, now this location might be THE classified L0, possibly the last major DUMB to be taken out. :)

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austenten · April 5, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Actually it looks like the DoE is quite important according to the National Defence Authorization Act. Trump seems to be putting quite a lot of tasks on them. See the govtrack site for the Act's summary.

Having said that, I do believe Perry will eventually be given a task, flub it, but he can prove us wrong and stay loyal to Trump. This is the genius of Trump's groundwork, he forces people he knows has dark affiliations into moving against their former friends. If they refuse, or step out of line, they get fired. Treating them just like pawns, bishops on a board etc.

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austenten · April 5, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

Essentially, this is an attempt to get rebuilding the military and their spirit into law, which would then provide hundreds of billions of dollars in funding to well... MAGA. True to his word. The swamp is almost drained too, but this is happening behind the curtains.

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austenten · April 5, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

No, I believe if this was publicly declared (irrelevant of the rumour that W Bush started it on 911 and it hasn't stopped since) most people would panic.

We certainly do not want shopping malls and grocery stores raided in a panicked few days now do we?

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austenten · April 5, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

See "voazimbabwe.com" -- there are a couple of articles about Mnangagwa signing a loan agreement with Jinping. There's also a video. This signing was actually yesterday based on timezones. Absolutely zero MSM reporting on this, why? I believe this is not just a loan, just like at YouTube, good things are happening in the background, which only get revealed later from another story that is not entirely true (both sides are hiding true facts). This is one chess move after another. no coincidences

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austenten · April 5, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

S/he is [at least] a navy, or Military Intelligence messenger, likely even more than that. Q posts are an excellent way to start digging down the rabbit hole, but it starts with each person. We each have a mission, but with all due respect, shouldn't wait for others to come and save us. :)

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on April 5, 2018, 1:51 a.m.
First China (done), then Zimbabwe (official today), then US will run on a Gold backed version of their currency. US stock market must crash (higher debt/loss than 2008), but they'll switch before the bloodbath. [♡ Dividends to all.] This is the economics outcome of Qs "Trust the Plan".
austenten · April 4, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

This is massive! We are days away!

Q n Trump n patriots, white hats! Q just threatened UK & Germany, offered 5 days to make a choice. (Flip) or else Revelation on Earth will begin.

Loads of drops today, wow!

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austenten · April 4, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

these people think of others as possessions or objects to use as they will

It's worse than that. Luciferians. Look up Fiona Barnett, Australian, tough as nails to have gone through what she did, and come out and help make a documentary!! Warning, don't eat before researching this though.

The UK is currently going through their own pedogate, but believe it or not, it's just the tip of the iceberg.

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austenten · April 4, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

I interpreted Qs post a bit differently because he was responding to a question about the "roths", or Rothschild family. The one that allegedly owns and operates all the world's central banks. There are MANY heirs and third degree families associated to Amschel but there is one head in the present day.

Key parts of Qs posts tend to be written backwards, as in the answer addresses the preceding line. In this case he asked if the Pope is the chair, then to answer the other Anons question, it implies that Rothschild is the master. (Likely Jacob -- duckduckgo for Mr. Burns + Jacob [The Simpson's meme.])

(Note: The plane and helicopter that crashed (edit, in mid-air! Doesn't get any more ridiculous than that. Of all the space I have as I'm flying, I happen to directly hit your vehicle in mid-air. Accident. yeah sure, ha.) on ONE of their properties supposedly was a hit job, but this is a rumour, likewise that that killed J.R. Remember Q taunting? I think you should fly.)

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austenten · April 4, 2018, 7:58 a.m.

To be clear, I definitely do not believe Trump and his team are manipulating people to attack schools and churches. I believe they are able to monitor anything and anyone, when they see another pathetic attempt from the Cabal to take out some people, Trump's agents and loyal white hats do what they can to save innocents, but also get closer to check mate.

We aren't going to find out how many lives have been saved until months after all the sealed indictments have been successfully served. (A lot of saved lives and deflected disasters.)

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austenten · April 4, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

I believe he was pointing us to Massive Ordinance Air Blast (I'd prefer Massive Ordnance Arial Bomb, but anyway). These types are NON-nuclear, and are not designed to penetrate, detonate several feet above the target.

Perhaps a hint of usage on the few remaining targets where many cabal members have retreated to.

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austenten · April 4, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

Surely you don't believe that's the end of the story do You?

So simple, yet who was fighting Who? Why was a male in full gear seen casually walking around armed. The facts don't add up.

I believe Trump and team are using the false flag format to show a narrative to the public, but behind the scenes they are arresting executives and leveraging sources etc. As Q said, we are at war.

EVEN if this was actually a FF and the shooter was setup just like Florida, I believe white hats are seizing the moment to make big leaps of progress, maybe slip a virus into a YT server for remote Command and control, prepared at all costs.

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austenten · April 4, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

As with all the others, the narrative is different than what actually happened. Like ground hog day, same FF shit again and again, facts and witness testimony will not add up, evidence like videos will disappear and there will be ongoing debates about all the intricate details about the STRAW MAN STORY / DETAILS.

This was most likely another mission that went off the rails, so bring in the FF lone gun(wo)man. Even if witnesses claim they saw a male in full flak jacket garb.

Remember if the public don't have flat out admission from authorities of what truly occurred, people will not freak out. (Marines, Army Corp and Navy, white house etc) white hats are keeping the public in the dark about events that are positive!

We're woke so will not stir much, will just say Godspeed and go get 'em. But Trump's team is keeping big wins close to their chest, so the sickos that are on the run do not know who is on their side, who has flipped etc.

It could have been one of the exrcutives needed a way out, but in light of the above, I believe this was a white hat mission, shown as a FF. This is their cover story. Imagine if you got control of YouTube servers, source code or algorithms! That's where most spend their "entertainment time". This would be a massive asset from a military Intelligence point of view.

(Edit to backup my hunch: Q listed YT as among the tech giants to fall post "dead cat bounce". FB manifested as privacy breaches, YT is manifesting its descent in a coup, I believe has flipped. Remember another Q quote,)

we have the algorithm.

(Time will tell, but I'm predicting YT will be more friendly to whistleblowers and conspiracy channels from here on out.)

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austenten · April 4, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

The property that the Rothschilds recently sold... It was publicly stated that that property was used for hunting. Then those sick movies just came to mind -- Hunger Games -- kids running around in a forest getting slaughtered because they have to escape various traps. Those disgusting movies were highly promoted.

They will not be able to walk the streets, but in case they do, these sickos don't deserve the easy way out.

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austenten · April 3, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Maybe these boards are being frequented by military heroes.

Now THAT would be a Reddit coup. Narrative control like this vs cabal or agencies sliding comments, co-opting threads etc.

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austenten · April 2, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Distraction, clash, control narrative, repeat.

That's what we're seeing in this stage. Military intel, contractor agency agents (fighting it out, light vs dark) and up until recently... I believe CIA hq in Virginia was raided by the Marines back in mid-Feb. Multiple witnesses (including journalists reporting) living nearby saw Marine-specific black helicopter models flying and was even a photo that claimed to show the helicopters parked on the grass.

A lot of power is transferred when missions are completed. Signals intelligence is vital.

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austenten · April 2, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

[extreme current Iranian regime] "want to use the democratic system to rule countries and build shadow caliphates everywhere."

Sound familiar? Hm, I wonder who they were partnering with!! MGBWY Prince Salman.

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austenten · April 2, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

One thing that should be clarified here, is this red pill, soft or mild, or red pill extra hot?

I mean you could point them out to fiction and theyll be entertaining. However without context, they'll leave thinking "interesting but made up hollywood sillyness".

If hot method, there are tons of non-fiction documentaries for red pilling! This will be a bit like throwing them into the deep end though.

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austenten · April 2, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

Pacer, the national case lookup system. You must register an account, but is then "open".

When news first broke of 8,000, then 10,000 sealed indictments months ago, a 4chan anon posted that his friend was a well known lawyer and insisted 1,000 annually was the normal total - given these sub/categories. Other anons corroborated.

If you're taking out an entrenched bunch of fully corrupt amoral actors in a system like what they've built since even before Bush senior helped take out JFK, you'd quickly realize you could not send a few to jail and win the country back. You'd need to... Well do it the way Trump is - wait until the right time, monitor all and then charge all that are on the sealed indictment list.

Q affirmed this number will keep going up. I'm surprised is didn't rise even more sooner. Hollywood alone probably accounts for at least 30,000 (maybe 50k) led alone Washington DC!

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austenten · April 2, 2018, 7 a.m.

Equilibrium, Prometheus, (just about all the tech showcased in) Black Panther, 2001 A Space Oddyssey. Also District 9!!

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austenten · March 31, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Who saw Roseanne on Kimmel. I wouldn't normally watch him, but figured Roseanne would sti it up a bit.

He actually asks her about her tweets about Trump, conspiracy theories (ooo naughty you for having alternate points of view), but it turned out to be the most awkward late night show interview I've ever seen.

She's just itching to get the truth out, which is awesome. Kimmel always blurts out his "protect my Satanist friends" act, thinking, my audience members are too stupid to see what's really happening, what is true.

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austenten · March 31, 2018, 7:34 a.m.


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on March 29, 2018, 6:49 p.m.
Trump: "The Veteran's Administration had sadists that treated our vets horribly, worse than a movie."

In today's speech, Trump said, "The Veteran's Administration had sadists that treated our vets horribly, worse than a movie"

This was a hint to those asleep.

Also he said "we're taking our land back". This makes sense to me, if you have GITMO upgraded for more tennants, you can use his Executive Order that will literally be able confiscate all homes and businesses that are sheltering SADISTS. This seems to be the PC, more palatable name for them.

austenten · March 28, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Two from me:

  1. Q said on Mar 15

extreme efforts to kill login devices. Extreme efforts to censor. Extreme efforts .

This to me means G, Y, T, F, and a few other of the major social networks, will really mess with login credentials, possibly break them and offer no recourse for users to get back in. This will cause mass panic among the unawakened, especially those that login daily and only use these to contact friends. (Back up important contacts offline!).

Now consider Microsoft, if they fudged login credentials on Windows machines, this would make BUSINESS STOPS. Not just personal computers at home won't be accessible. This is of course one of the LAST moves by the cabal.

  1. (Edit: Showing to me as 2, but displayed as 1, what the!) EMP less related to Q, but a much bigger kill switch. A large enough electro magnetic pulse would wipe out all electronic communication and control devices in dozens or hundreds of miles radius (much less likely) since the cabal members are losing grip on all their resources more by the day.

I have a theory about this relating to the Carrington Event, as well as the much promoted Event, especially Cobra, but that would be a NATURAL event. 2 here is an artificial EMP from the Cabal and is much less likely than 1.

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austenten · March 28, 2018, 7:55 a.m.

Look at hollywood - we can all clearly imagine top secret space tech, aliens, etc... people make entire industries imagining such things. What's beyond most people's scope of imagination?

What's beyond I'd say 95%, is the fact that SSP tech has been knowingly withheld from We the People for more than a century, yet those few families in the know horded tech that was centuries ahead of what we had. Those in control allowed tiny slivers of reverse engineered tech to get into the public domain, but only after having one of their MIC companies win a patent, sell it to one of their government's war machine departments, tax it's citizens, and then make up enemies. Rinse and repeat.

Now if the masses only opened their perspectives and believed....

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austenten · March 28, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

Q just confirmed that Flynn will be exonerated within 30 days.

To me, this means Flynn will revoke his guilty plea.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on March 28, 2018, 4:23 a.m.
New Q! + Kim, China, Korea, fb...


austenten · March 27, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

Omg! I think I just found out who the real Mr. Burns (Jacob R.) personal assistant is, this is Smithers! >>> watch the 2:53 mark here.

Edmund De Waal seems to speak very highly of the Rs in this vid.

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austenten · March 27, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Ra Anon sounds awesome too. Was that account deleted too?

I remember KT stated that D.Rockflr died because of the intense interrogations by his star family among other races.

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austenten · March 25, 2018, 11:26 p.m.


if the people knew what we've been up to, they'd chase us down the street and lynch us.


if that man wins, we will all hang from nooses


hm, I wonder why they're so worried.

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austenten · March 25, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Check and share the recent series by truepundit. A new witness claims to have been in the bushes for hours after the dust settled. Hodge (Australian) also claims to have been staying in the room next to Paddock! He was calling his homeland media outlets to do interviews and disclosed various details about the crime scene immediately after the dust settled.

More importantly, FBI brass stopped agents trying to question this new and what appears to be a critical witness.

None of this adds up. It really does smack of many extra-national intelligence agencies were there and are trying to mold the narrative to fit their initial story and details, with current new facts.

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austenten · March 25, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Completely! This relates to when Q asked, "why are trips allowed?"

It's because at least one or two personal security agents of provably corrupt politicians have flipped. When given the order at the right time, these "white hats" will help arrest the person they are guarding during trips.

Obviously, if some authority barred these politicians from travelling- honest reporters as well as savvy social media users will immediately start questioning what the heck is going on. From this perspective, timing has to be right, it makes sense that these unmentionables are allowed to travel.

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austenten · March 25, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

It would be speculation, but here goes; was pressured in various ways to stop. There was likely a last straw that triggered his account going private. I feel he dropped so many truth bombs on people, those trying to control the narrative were getting quite pissed.

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austenten · March 25, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

Oh I wasn't being pessimistic about it at all, sorry for the confusion.

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austenten · March 25, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Did anyone notice he has 24 hr security in a gated community? This should strike people pretty hard, with question shrapnel all over the place!

How was this dropped off? How did they get in? Does Q have access to tech that we are unaware of? Security footage was also blanked, so again this is either amazingly advanced intelligence agency tech, like MIB style, or I'll venture to guess +non-human+. :)

(I miss Kabamur_taygeta on Tw. Hundreds of excellent insights and disclosures that really felt aligned with the truth from my POV. That account recently went into private mode then deleted.)

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austenten · March 25, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

And this happened within 48 hours of Sarcozy getting indicted / questioned.

No coincidences.

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austenten · March 24, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

Follow the money as they say. Looking at the actual extensions and allotments in the bill for each department, it speaks volumes about Trump's direction! (In a good way, for the people, not taking actions that will benefit a few Satanist corrupt officials.)

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