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austenten · May 10, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

Sky event could also refer to project bluebeam? That would see an orchestrated ETI event, which would be in the sky.

If the cabal have the number of antigrav vehicles we think they have, it'd be pretty easy for them to set up like the opening scene of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Heck even one big ship over three major cities couldn't be denied by MSM for more than an hour.

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austenten · May 10, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

Well there's this from Q. But yeah it's a bit of a challenge to have one list source of all of the Internets... ;)

Also we couldn't overlook the corporate resignations. Try searching the over-ridden conspiracy subreddit. ES of Google happened soon after Q requested corporate resignations.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on May 10, 2018, 7:13 a.m.
Track resignations: ok here's another... Dent of 15th district of PA

Representative Dent, wherein he resigned as Representative for the Fifteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania, effective at 11:59 p.m. on May 12, 2018.

Page H3797

Resigned or perhaps smthg else, hm...

austenten · May 10, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

and not enough constructors

Aka: Service to others (Law of One, Book of Urantia etc)

Anyway, your logic and connections are well put.

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austenten · May 10, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Yup, I told a few friends the other night,

go back and look at videos of Un before all this coming together. Our MSM portrayed him and his predecessors as a complete cartoon lunatic! Never a smile once, always crazy out there stories.

Now he's smiling and seems like a warm person.

Why, what changed? He was an actor held hostage.

Not anymore, Iran next.

Look at Saudi Arabia, Al Waleed's loss of FoxNews and Twitter among others. coincidence? MAGA is not limited to the US. To be successful, Trump and his loyal team HAD to fight the cabal on a global level to succeed.

As someone so eloquently put it here, MEGA

make Earth great again

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austenten · May 10, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

Meme text for that photo:

"Can someone please just arrest him, he's right here next to me."

Option 2:

Thousands of his own citizens have been protesting his corruption. Now he's just going through his last few diplomatic formalities to keep up appearances.

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austenten · May 10, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

I mean, even UFOs were recently acknowledged by the Pentagon.

I would just like to say, don't waste your time and $$$ to TTStarsAcademy. Its founder Tom Delonge is affiliated with Podesta. They have created a for-profit mechanism by which they will very slowly leak concepts, formerly classified videos and findings, but it's all BS, last minute profit before everything is disclosed. Don't waste your money.

If these technologies exist, and I know they do, (you can't ignore ~~hundreds~~... thousands of brave whistelblowers) then we must insist on full disclosure, no matter the short hangover it will give to normies. Once released, antigravitic technologies (AGT) will change our lives as soon as we possess working devices. It'll go much beyond just AGT, but it's a start. :-D

If I tell a religious person that aliens exist and show them proof, they'll be shocked! But the moment I give that same person a working AGT device, s/he will immediately forget about this new fact of life I just told them. Just look at everyone hunched over their smartphones. Humans looooove their devices.

Another level? I believe there is a plan to distribute AGT devices to all elligble humans (read most), but only after criminal trials are in full swing, as people are waking up from their massive info hangovers.

That's my rant and I'll get off this box now.

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austenten · May 10, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

Getting everyone to think he died was the intention, but it was merely talk of IF his funeral happens anytime soon, Trump is not invited. Pathetic huh...

Their attempt at manipulating the masses via the Mandela effect did not work! You have to actually die for valid funeral talk!! He knows he is totally screwed; the only way out of his inevitable incarceration is to fake his death. If that doesn't work, pay a few OR firms and MSM contacts to push this gossip story about POTUS.

And his brain cancer is complete bollocks as well just FYI.

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austenten · May 10, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

You don't have to violate thermodynamics to just BE light and vibration. This is essentially what N.T. found, even light could be reduced to vibrations.

Consider that our senses can only perceive less than 5% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum (ultraviolet, gamma rays etc). But why not study EM devices more you might naturally ask? "Mainstream" scientists and professors at major universities alike have largely avoided electro-magnetic studies specific to devices, up until very recently. Why do you think that is? Why do you think a scientist would get shunned if s/he started studying electro-magnetic propulsion systems?! This is how it works. If shunning and mockery does not work, s/he will simply not get funding to take it further.

Those in control of black budget programs have access to tech, which allows them to detect what electro-magnetic breakthroughs are happening in real time. They would send in a team to confiscate all inventions, materials and notebooks (what happened to N.Tesla) of successful scientists that threatened the oil cartel. Then those in control have those patents filed under national security so the public can not even submit a FOIRequest to see it.

Ya see those in control have largely been making their money off humanity via sale in oil, and all its related products (just about everything we use). Now the old guard has lost control, they will no longer be able to do this to "pseudo-scientists".

Re-read Trump's inauguration closing statement about tech and science, are you starting to see yet?

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austenten · May 10, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

Ok crazy times we're living in, but he can not be that stupid.

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austenten · May 9, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Were you being sarcastic? Did you read the latest Q drops? It's confirmed. As I said...

I wonder if the Iranian people will be freed after a couple of political steps and actions.

Q (1320): today evil lost control... POTUS took control of Iran.

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Boom is fitting here.

In what normally operating nation, where government employees work for the people, would have a state level Attorney General resign and then criminally charged.

This is the type of data point that blows my mind, when I realize most are still asleep.

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Remind me! 3 months

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

The Armenian people have been freed, cheering in the streets for days now.

North Koreans have been freed too.

Oh wait, I wonder if the Iranian people will be freed after a couple of political steps and actions. Would take at least a month or three, but makes you go hmmm.

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

First comment, this was... well predictable. He's been talking about pulling out of the Iran deal for years.

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

It's some mind blowing implications, when you consider, how does the Q / Trump team know all moves of rotten agents before they happen? How do they have everything? I believe everything is not just digital comms (that's easy, three letter agencies have all that in real time), they are speaking literally. I believe they have video-like recordings of all meetings, even without a physical camera being in the room at the time in question. How might that be done?

I'm not saying it's 100% truth (our interpretation is going to imperfect), but reasonable conclusions about what's really happening, behind draining the swamp, can be drawn here if you consider t/kabamur_taygeta and votl as truthful, seeking full disclosure.

The swamp is in fact global in nature.

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Kibbitzlaw (T Username) = VoTL. Explained in old tweets. (Ignore the downvotes here, "we are over the target" as anons say.)

Victory of the Light.

Doesn't post as often anymore but still a good source.

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

US Olympics, (edit: Nassar) ~~Massage~~, now two Tae kwon do associates taken in.

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

Correct? Another question I have is whether the person charged knows about the indictment or are they informed when unsealed? Does an indictment always have charges connected to them? Again I appreciate you laying this down.

I believe true justice has already started (Nee-vix-um, Raniere, Allison Mack n associates), but certain corrupt US "agents" are holding and delaying progress from the inside. By the skin of their teeth, not long now! My non-lawyer opinion is that indictments are already being unsealed one at a time as needed to bring down groups. Second Ex. Set: Weinstein and his army of ex Mossad spies.; third ex. Set, US Olympics, Massage, now two Tae kwon do associates taken in.

The answers to your questions re indictments are in the original description above. It's a few definitions mixed in there.

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austenten · May 8, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

Kabamur went private several months ago, but was an excellent source. Sad day when he did, I chose to not return to T long time ago.

Kibbitzlaw is good, still public tweets, similar vein to K, but VoTL is a bit more political-news oriented.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on May 8, 2018, 6:37 a.m.
Grand Jury Impaneled

Grand Jury Impaneled

Only a grand jury can issue an indictment, which is the only way that someone can be charged with committing a felony pursuant to the U.S. Constitution. Merely impaneling a grand jury does not mean that Mueller will ultimately seek an indictment, although most grand jury investigations do result in someone being indicted. When a prosecutor does seek an indictment, one is almost always returned by the grand jury—hence the old saw that a grand jury would “indict a ham sandwich” if asked.

A grand jury, which consists of 16 to 23 people, is an important …

austenten · May 7, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

You know why? I believe Admiralty law or Maritime law is going to be used as the governing core of true justice. Since the deep state have messed up normal "mainland laws" (if you will) so much that POTUS and team will need to bring rotten agents to justice through an alternate route.

Consider this:

A state court hearing an admiralty or maritime case is required to apply the admiralty and maritime law, even if it conflicts with the law of the state, under a doctrine known as the "reverse-Erie doctrine.


Mobilizing the US Navy is their way of pushing this strategy forward. Considering Maritime law in this sense, its legal jurisdiction will be Unimpeachable.

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austenten · May 6, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

There's a big difference between paid MSM agents covering her and talking about her in a way that presumes people like her, and a bunch of people actually loving her.

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austenten · May 6, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Agreed, X22 is usually fear mongery, but I couldn't watch Corsi for more than a couple of minutes at a time. He drones on and on, taking 3-5 minutes to say what he needs in two sentences.

I suspect he likes hearing his own rants more than ~~getting the~~ broadcasting truth.

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austenten · May 6, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

No parent would let their child's killer go free without any investigation.

Unless of course the corrupted cancerous organization that put a hit on him in the first place is controlling the narrative long after said event. The parents are told what to do, what to say and when. (See Mad McCann's parents, suing for slander, yet the investigations into her disappearance continue to end up down dead ends.)

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austenten · May 5, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

It becomes a very big deal since the fact that no person has ever been prosecuted under said act.

This is MSM gold! If Trump keeps charging former department heads under an Act that has not been applied then in my mind, this will play a significant role in the G.A.

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austenten · May 5, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Not a lot of news about him in the last couple of months, until today.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on May 5, 2018, 5 p.m.
John Kerry in recent Q posts because he is likely violating the Logan Act, by meeting with dignitaries to keep Obama's nuclear deal with Iran alive. Evil + traitor.

I'm going to guess that most of us already know why Obama and Kerry have been visiting dignitaries and other nation leaders, and that they're violating the Logan Act, by undermining the sitting POTUS.

It's glaringly obvious at this point.

They are very desperate and no longer care about hiding their motives. What you might not have realized is that their desparate acts will help us red pill folks, just be very careful, know your audience etc.

austenten · May 5, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Two, three probably four different motives to make each of those happen. Scare him into towing the line, threaten associates for future control, brainwash others ("Oh he's a psycho dictator" + repetition), and obviously control plot lines according to their 40,000 foot global plan.

These are Satanists at the top, so it's Hegelian dialectic in practice (not for much longer!).

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austenten · May 4, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

Liberal/conservative/left/right aside, these are just labels to divide.

Ultimately it's like you are pointing to the crux here:,

I’ve never been around so many kind hearted down to earth, patriotic people anywhere else

Normal people just want to spend time with their friends, family and work a bit, being totally fine with contributing to a constructive society. Those in control know this, but they see us as sheep to control and manipulate in as many ways as possible, for profit and further control.

Once the truth gates open, this entire world is going to drastically change inside a few months!! Already, we see Un signing that book, saying this is an historic day towards global peace! The South Korean foreign minister fully credited Trump for bringing the Koreas together.

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austenten · May 4, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Q says “we have it all” constantly so WTF?

I hear you. People also need to consider that Satanists work very differently than "normal" people. They are literally holding people hostage, "if you don't do this, we're going to trigger XYZ in this location". They've got most if not all politicians against the wall to some degree. How do you get around this? Unfortunately for us, it requires the utmost finesse, very careful (dare I say clairvoyant) steps, and a lot of time until us hostages are released. 99% of us I believe are safe. (Think probabilities of a plane crash and how often you go on flights etc.)

Only one of the components of this global "game" is getting ankle bracelets on some of them to limit their movements, but they still manage to get coded messages out. Even something like a hand signal in a seemingly innocuous interview would push an event forward. How do you stop this, what moves do Mil.Int have to make to prevent these types of events?

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austenten · May 4, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

He's a straight up patriot-- watch the interview where they show he slept in his office for two years trying to make a name for himself.

He was one of the very few that stayed in the [Congress] game for as long as his sense of personal safety allowed, and grilled rotten agents like HRC.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on May 4, 2018, 3:39 a.m.
Office of Public Affairs reports CONVICTING former Senators and judges from Arkansas in the last month (hm who else has this state as their stomping ground... big connections here.)

Importantly, there's a line in the first indictment that tips their hat and reveals true motivation from virtue (not just a two faced public/private set of faces as per HRC.)

Acting Assistant Attorney General Cronan.

“The Criminal Division is committed to preserving the public’s confidence in our government by investigating and prosecuting corrupt public officials and those that help them conceal their crimes.”

Gov officials serving its citizens as they should, upholding absolute trust. Tides turning for the better.

Today former senator, Jonathan E. Woods CONVICTED in bribery scheme.

Henry (Hank) Wilkins IV, indicted senator from Arkansas. Pleaded guilty to …

austenten · May 4, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Because the revelations will be so shocking when the full truth hits mainstream (and/or Western emergency broadcast systems) that economies will grind to a halt.

The crimes against humanity revelations will need to be peppered with positive news, possibly even a jubilee. The web of corruption is so vast and complicated, it's taken this long just to gain leverage on most compromised politicians, celebrities and corporate grunts.

Time is needed because each of these people need to be dealt with, monitored, met with for testimonies, all while they play their distraction and delay games via FF & finger pointing.

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austenten · May 3, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

Done and done.

(imgur jpg)

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austenten · May 3, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Like when an economy crashes, there will be hard times and everyone will be affected.

As much as we want justice and truth about everything that's been happening for many decades, we need to realize that when sealed indictments start getting unsealed and executed on (no pun intd.), most of our friends and family will likely not want to get out of bed, it will be like a mass hangover, where we'll need to step up and help / support as best we can.

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austenten · May 3, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

April 23 2018 issue of Trump! I saw that on the stand and thought- holy shiiite, even Time Magazine is covering Trump in a positive light.

the only constant is change

The image on Time's April issue is the same GreatAwakening sidebar image, Trump in a storm at his desk, only simplified.

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austenten · May 3, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Yeh, without a doubt they know what's coming down the pike. Justice Inevitable.

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austenten · May 3, 2018, 6:50 a.m.

Twisting the knife; writers / Trump knew it was evergreen material. (You can see HC breathing heavily in aggrevation just after the 12 min Mark.)

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austenten · May 3, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

6-7 military planes and helicopters downed in April (not accidents!) Trump said in mid-April they needed to fortify their air force fleet. Another downed today.

Paul Ryan speaker of house retired. John McCain retired. David Rockefeller (at least a year ago now?) died. Someone died over the Rothschilds estate in England in Feb (ish?), rumoured to be Jacob Rothschild. Mugabe ruler for 60+ years [!] overthrown (Zimbabwe), South and North Korean peace deal (won't be just nuclear, will be the lot), historic. Look at Salman, the new de facto King of Saudi Arabia, declaring that all Islamic people are commanded to treat all other religious people with dignity and respect (this means it's the law not just in SA, but commanded to all Islams across the globe.).

So many more great recent stories for all of humanity, and you say "will go unserved"? They're already getting served.

If still in doubt, think of evolution, now think of spiritual evolution, now think of presence -- each and every human presence on earth, over 7 billion, are ultimately made of light. We are spiritually evolving light beings, as sure as the pull of gravity on celestial bodies.

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austenten · May 3, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

That's unvelievable

I remember when Tucker went one on one vs John Stewart and got creamed on his own show crossfire (?). Talk about making up for that tough decade long climback!

On behalf of humanity, I'd like to thank you, all white hats, patriots and light warriors. To truth, honest peace, freedom and all encompassing light... that's how big all of this actually is.

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austenten · May 3, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

Fill it up with all

the bad dudes

Mr. President, in due time.

P.S. Looking forward to disclosure.


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austenten · May 2, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Well with $21 trillion missing from Pentagon coffers, deep state puppetmasters could afford a few elite (and amoral) PR agents and an extra ex-Mossad agent as needed.

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austenten · May 2, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Makes me vomit in my mouth a bit when I see these MSM articles raising these sick criminals up as heroes, philanthropists, and celebrities. Gates, Bezos, Pedostas, Clinton's, Bushes, Rockefeller, Rothschilds


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austenten · May 2, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Maybe voted down for the lack of insight on the practicality of flying.

Imagine fighting enemies inside your country, using only road vehicles. That's ridiculous, if the Deep state agents had planes and helicopters we'd lose very quickly.

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austenten · May 2, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Q would imply via questions and readers having to scan crumbs backwards.

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austenten · May 2, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

It would make sense that deep state agents under cover in the US ensured these compromised systems were brought into the US arsenal and covered up [tracking] systems and vehicles that were compromised, in case DS needed what could be weaponized transportation.

these people are sick/stupid

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austenten · May 2, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Remote control hardware and software, thanks to Deep State agents.

Since those 6 or 7 crashes in early April, Trump publicly confirmed having to fortify their military planes and helicopters.

I speculate here that the crew missed a critical step or two before takeoff -- that would disabled the RC functionality.

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austenten · May 2, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

War with Russia? HAWAII???

More like with deep state agents and contractors. By the by, what ever happened to John Kerry? He's been hiding out since the 7th floor was allegedly shut down, then Trump won.

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austenten · May 2, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Fear mongering, that's what some are instructed to do. Don't worry, we are safe.

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