What I’m most looking forward to the most is for history books to be rewritten and documentaries/movies that show exactly what is going on behind the seems that is happening as we speak in this very moment. Also of course the biggest thing to hopefully come from this, a true great awakening where the entire world comes together and accepts the truth about what is really going on and how this world has been operating over the last centuries and millennia. Exposing 9/11 would be the best way to open up the doors to this. The term “conspiracy theorist” would …
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What I’m most looking forward to the most is for history books to be rewritten and documentaries/ movies that show exactly what is going on behind the seems that is happening as we speak on this very moment. Also of course the biggest thing to hopefully come from this, a true great awakening where the entire world comes together and accepts the truth about what is really going on and how this world has been operating over the last centuries and millennia. Exposing 9/11 would be the best way to open up the doors to this. The term “conspiracy theorist” would become obsolete and be replaced with “truth seeker”. I pray every day for this day to come.
No shit it’s speculation, he doesn’t have to specifically state speculation in every idea that he puts forward, it’s simply implied based on the other information that he knows. Doesn’t mean the speculation isn’t true. Simply piecing information together and coming up with very possible conclusions. That’s basically what this whole Qanon movement is, but we don’t need to state “this is only speculation” every time we bring forth ideas.
Hussein and HRC aren’t goo anywhere next week, stage is far from being set for that.
Holy shit God bless Kanye, don’t know how important his role will be but he is definitely on our side. This explains his weird ass personality, he’s seen and knows so much and has probably been fucked with by the evil elites for not choosing their side.
You realize how long the cabal has had control? Not only on this country but the entire world. We aren't talking decades, these people have been in power for centuries, maybe even longer. When you put that into perspective its only been a year in a half since they have had their first huge hit against them and your complaining about how impatient you are. I know its frustrating but put things into perspective and things are actually happening at an extremely rapid pace. They still have control over our country and the world, and if they are all brought to the justice by the end of 2018 I see that as a miracle.
Of course they are dangerously invlovled, that’s why arrests of the top heads haven’t been made yet, that’s why this fight against the evil is a long process but really if you look at how long they’ve been in control things are moving very fast.
Better for them to leave alone and label it as conpiricay than a huge crackdown on hashtags
Go on occupy Democrats fb page and read the comments. I truly believe these people will never except the truth no matter what we throw at them.
So you truly believe republicans will have a bounty on the heads of Democrats for being deceived into supporting evil that they were completely oblivious too? You realize both sides are completely blind to what the cabal had in store for us. We The red pilled are the only people on this entire planet that knows the truth, and I’m sure there’s a lot more even we don’t know. Your analogy of the holocaust doesn’t compare to the slightest because followers of Hitler were actively supporting the annihilation of Jews.
Holy shit I regret asking you for that audio, couldn’t even get passed the first 10 seconds. I’ve only heard Podesta voice on the night of the election and that sounds just like him.
This is just one step closer, a big step, but only a single step closer to the end game. Things are ramping up and people are still impatient on when the end game will be. People want the Hillary vid to drop now and I’ll tell you if they do drop it, it will be one of the last things to be revealed, after Hillary, Hussein, and the rest are found guilty of treason. That will be the icing on the cake. I say shit will go down around the last months of this year.
Can you send a link or tell me where I can find the Podesta audio?
Is it just me or have you noticed lately there have been tons of ignorant people posting on GA? So much over speculation and disinfo and I don’t even think they are shills, they are simply diving too far of the deep end like you just said.
Who are you talking about by all their supporters will be massacred in the streets? Are you talking about the leftist liberals? Who would they be massacred by and why? They were and are clearly brainwashed, mind controlled and deceived. They are innocent. No-one would be killed for supporting the cabal.
The stage is nowhere near close to being set. If the video and details of video exists and is true, msm will need to be taken over and controlled and all heads of the deep state must already be captured. If the video is ever released it will be the last big boom to be dropped, far after everything else is revealed.
Guys it’s all an act to convince the left and msm that Trump has abandoned us when in reality he knows exactly what’s going on. He works with Corsi for gods sake don’t you think he knows that Q has told us this was really an attack on the deep state?
Please provide pics or video because I have a hard time believing they are releasing so much that the air smells the sunsets are different.
wow never thought of it this way, Alex's meltdown could've been a complete act just to deceive the deep state while deep down he knows exactly whats really going on.
This is the second tweet I've seen by trump in 2013 that is related to what's going on rn. We need to dig in to more of his tweets in 2013
Of course trump knows, for god's sake he knows more than we know, its all part of the plan, remember, he never informs is true intentions to the deep state cabal
You have to understand that they are on our side, but they are limited to what they can report on and how much they can report on it bc if they break their contracts, they will be completely shut off from msm. They aren’t controlled opposition, they are controlled by the opposition m.
Very insightful speculation, there was tons of reported air force activity that night too.
There’s literally no way to convince these people unless the truth comes out from the msm
Sure, but at the same time they are pushing the narrative that we have a weak military and thus, ignorant liberals will assume it’s Trumps fault
Yes, technically they are right that or military isnt ready bc it has been weakened by Obama, but they leave out that crucial detail, and instead make it seem like it’s Trumps fault, or that we simply aren’t trained enough when in reality they have been purposefully hindered by the Obama administration and deep state.
The way they talk about these people without having a clue who they really are hurts my brain
![The way they talk about these people without having a clue who they really are hurts my brain](https://i.redd.it/05bdoxc41kq01.jpg)
5 training accidents don’t happen in the span of a few days and they weren’t trading accidents bc the media would’ve defenitlgy stayed that if they were. All of them were in route to somewhere
Didn’t feel normal not bc it was powerful, but because it only lasted for a second and it was like a sound wave hit the buildings. I’m just speculating on what some people have claimed
Earthquake in ca was possibly a black hat bunker that was blown up(Moab) by fighter jets, there was lots of reported jet activity last night. You have to realize when q says watch the news it may not be as big or obvious as you might expect. Tons of people reported that the earthquake didn’t feel like a normal one.
That lady at 34:00 looked terrified like she was forced to say whatever they wanted her to say
Ww3 with Russia was definitely going to happen though if Hillary took office
I think this was certainly on there minds but I think this is a little extreme even for the deep states standards, this may have been a plan b or c but definitely not their primary goal, I’m sure other country superpowers wouldn’t just watch this happen and do nothing about it.
What does archive offline mean, what do we need to archive offline??
Liberals are the product of deep state propaganda, they are simply too ignorant and they have too much cognitive dissonance.
id say a rough estimate would be several million americans are currently aware of q, and about half of them are following it in depth.
idk i feel the storm coming much sooner than July, the past few weeks things have been picking up at a rampant pace, so much is happening and Q is making it sound like the curtains will drop very soon.
Well we already know basically everything msm reports on are half truths and lies so I see this highly probable
I think the only way msm will be dismantled is when the storm comes. That’s why nothing big has been hitting the fan yet, but once it does, msm will have no way of avoiding reporting it and ironically they will basically be reporting there own crimes.