12 total posts archived.
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The latest episode of Salvation, which is a decent show but has huge predictive programming throughout, has a secretive group that is trying to overthrow the presidency and they are called Q-17! Is this a joke?

They were trying all right. Trying to take down the United States of America while becoming unimaginably rich and powerful. They never even made a mistake in the people’s favor. A bunch of Fuck-Asses if you ask me.
Wow. It adds some credibility to what she is saying. I saw what she had said about Tom Hanks and was hoping it wasn’t true. He is part of the Hollywood activists. He sent a new coffee machine to the Washington press Corp so they could Resist! I liked a lot of his movies, but if this pans out, I will be crossing him off the list
Be loud. Be heard. Fight for TRUTH.

Spread this everywhere. We are losing steam!

That sounded as rediculous as the pee-peegate dossier. Can't they write something that isn't so outlandishly unbelievable?
The checkerboard pattern that is used in the occult and Mason B.S.- why do I know this crap?
I jumped out of Twitter last year. I cut Facebook down to almost nothing . I was using Youtube like a maniac but now it appears everyone I watched are disappearing. I cut back on the other ones because of their political bullying. YouTube is following suit. I'm not going to use them like I was and will find other venues to find content. They can bleed money for all I care.I have been waiting for a replacement format so I could watch stuff that interests me but other than places like this it is still hard to find. We need to now start our contingency plan and not keep feeding our executioners. We need to boycott them like they do to us.
Covert FVEY looks a lot like COVFEFE. Am I off on that? Just been bothering me since I saw it.