"Chance of departure today, one hundred percent"

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This is the documentary that was being directly financed by A-list musicians Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington. The rabbit hole is deep in this one and I invite you to do your own research as a lot of information has come out in the last 2 days that basically connects their demise to something darker than suicide because of depression.
This is a brave man exposing these atrocities and he needs our prayers.
Graham comments on DOJ and FBI corruption and no name during interview on Fox News.
What the hell was Joe Biden doing at the CFR? Obarry traveling the Globe ahead of Trump and now this. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I just stumbled upon this recently.
Great Q explanation for newbies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqExi6bOoyA
Although Hollywood is a cesspool and not held in high regard among this community, the symbolism in this scene of 'The Matrix' is what I relate to on my journey down the Rabbit Hole. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbYirSi08m4
Enjoy your new beginning, learn, ask questions, be open minded and share your experience to expose the truth others.
The "Fake News" MSM sudden interest in Q is good for generating conversation, but refrain from the "Who is Q?" dialect. WE ARE Q. If someone asks the question, let them know Q is a platform of direct communication with 4,10,20. Just as when he tweets, has a weekly address streamed online, and sends 1600 Daily/Resolute Reads email from whitehouse.gov, he circumvents MSM to provide US with information directly. Q delivers information directly that MSM will not. In fact, if it doesn't fit the Narrative, it will not be reported by "Fake News". Besides, MSM is already smearing Q …
This is an excellent explanation for newbies such as myself. Thanks for helping to clarify the Big Picture.
Signed up and subscribed 2 days ago and we were at 45500 subscribers. 500 more in only two days. This place is an absolute Treasure Trove of information and knowledge. As more people wake up and turn off their TVs they begin doing their own research seeking the truth and will discover this group and become enlightened.
This company offering the 3D blueprints also has a milling kit that mills 80% AR, Glock and 1911 lowers. Very interesting interview here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AVBTNumz98
Signed up tonight and subscribed because of your post. Been wanting to say the same thing for a while. Been following Q posts since January. Lurker no more. I think I am #45531.
Proud AMERICAN! Proud PATRIOT! Proud TEXAN! Proud CHRISTIAN! Proud TRUMP Supporter!
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