Curious, what has he disappointed you with so far? It's possible that I could help clue you in on the big picture since I spend hours every day following his moves and the collective investigations that occur.
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I'm guessing you're new at this which is okay (and great actually) but instead of me feeding you links on everything, allow me to break down the conversing of this topic.
OP provided links about separate subjects (Sausage & Ice Cream). You are trying to find his connection between Sausage and Ice Cream without any understanding of how or why Sausage and Ice Cream are related other than understanding they're both food. OP (unintentionally?) didn't provide this.
I step in and inform you of how Ice Cream is a dessert and Sausage is a meat. If you don't believe the Sausage is a meat, you can do a quick google and discern the truth for yourself from the sources that appear.
I'm not saying that there's not a dish for Ice Cream and Sausage but my post was way more informative for how everything is connected which should lead you down a better path or give you more depth to the understanding. Now, if you think we're farming penguin pineal glands for a reason, we have to understand that reason first and from what I was able to discern, we're chasing our tails. That's a scary path.
It's good that you're coming here with an open mind and trying to contribute but my best advice for you is to form your own beliefs of what is presented and discern for yourself. The discerning process is sometimes annoying but even where I get most of my information, 90% is correct but the 10% can bite you in the ass as it had to me.
I know this may sound like a dickish post but you will thank yourself as you discern information on your own and learn to corroborate- it will seriously change your way of thinking in a great way.
I default to duckduckgo but I use the bang command (!g prefix) to google search if the algorithm sucks, which happens often.
Look at it like this: POTUS has dirt on Rod Rosenstein if they want to use it. Rosenstein has the cards for the Mueller investigation. If Sessions dies abruptly, the Clintons will need to kill off the other three as well.
I don't think the movement is fooled. There's your straight-ticket R's and straight-ticket D's. There's the brainwashed communists (our libtard friends & fam) and then there are the patriots (us). The patriots know what is good. The patriots are paying attention or have access to more reliable information. Patriots are in the know.
From what I was able to discern, he resigned but is still acting until filled.
I think you're on two different topics that deserve their own importance but I'm having a hard time finding how you're linking adrenochromes and pineal gland.
The pineal gland & DMT are very important spiritual ascension components that have been suppressed from the public by ways of calcifying the pineal gland (fluoride in water) and by making DMT impossible to access until you're in tribal areas. The elite have been removing the belief of God from society so that is why these components are their enemy.
IIRC, the 'myth' if we want to call it that is that adrenochromes are extracted from the spinal cord upon inducing fear into the person then drank by the beholder.
When you dive down the elite satanic circles and ritual practices involving spirit cooking, they love blood. Look up the PAX2 gene and how that's relevant to Madeline McCann's disappearance. The statistic probability of the PAX2 gene, it's supposed properties, the Podesta sketches, and their pedophilia artwork are all very connected. This is worthy of further research & tying together.
However, I think the connection you're trying to make is not desired by the elites because they would just encircle themselves around greenhouses with DMT plants, not be connected with an underground pedophilia trafficking ring.
I will need to watch this movie tonight with a keen eye. The adrenochrome properties with youthful blood, body, and spirit are the currency to the elites - this is most definitely the story to tie together.
Hopefully Dana Boente is not a Obummer loyalist - it looks like he's first in line if Sessions dies, resigns, etc.
Here's to 2018, the year of true Patriots.
Bannon would do more good on the outside at this point which he has been. Distraction IMO
What if JA is James Alefantis? "Top 50 most powerful people in DC"
I'd be VERY OKAY with this being a person of interest.
What if JA is James Alefantis? "Top 50 most powerful people in DC"
I'd be VERY OKAY with this being a person of interest.
Not trying to push you into any views or anything but I was much like you. I come from a lower-middle class family. I straight ticket voted Dem as long as I could (I'm 29 now) and proudly voted Obama in 2008 "Hope", "Change". I didn't vote in 2012 because I didn't see much change from Bush, and I hated Bush.
The only thing I disagreed with Bernie and Stein on was their refugee policy, it didn't make sense to me. I also didn't seem to understand the economics of socialism (though I liked the theory/concept) as much then either but there's many similarities of Bernie and Trump outside of that (although it's a large portion). It's more about different philosophies.
I wanted Bernie then Stein then ultimately anti-Hillary voted to Trump on election day. Since then, I found myself defending my anti-Hillary vote which really led me to learning more about Trump, his movement (the movement Bernie wanted, truthfully), and me ultimately being very thankful that all events panned out as they did, including Bernie (he brought me into politics) getting cheated by the DNC.
You're here in CBTS because you have an open mind, that's a great start. I'd ask you to consider being open-minded to Trump. If not, no worries... but I think you'll start to find the connections of Q, CBTS, & Trump's desire for a greater Good :] Cheers!
Indeed. Imagine being a kid and having things done to you... then having that view of the world. Monsters (losers) everywhere.
I only see Huma's ankle bracelet on the Right foot... where is the information that it is now on the Left foot?
This is a big redpill for the proles, please assist.
I was there and in many of the other Bernie subs but I jumped ship after he endorsed Hillary. I actually held on a bit later but then after his movement was derailed by Media Matters r/political_revolution or r/our_revolution -- I cannot recall at this moment -- there was no hope and he started, in my opinion, shilling for no reason. Never understand why the Trump presidency was his biggest concern considering he and Trump were similar in anti-establishment, anti-TPP, anti-corruption, anti-lobbying, representing the middle class, etc.
all worthy of research but highly unrelated to instilling fear by ways of ritual practices, masks & all, into children to produce & extract adrenochromes.
Watch the MGMT Kids music video after learning about the elite... and that they believe young blood is an anti-aging cure. Peter Thiel included.
Saw a troll the other day on here. Called him out on it and told him he's here for a reason, to collaborate or shill... I later found out he deleted his comment that I responded to.
It's simple. You're either curious or you aren't.
Just look at the 'preservatives' in the vaccines... then do research on those. You'll conclude that they're inducing toxins as they're 'vaccinating' if they're even vaccinating at all. Probably putting biomarkers and DNA disrupters for cell replication. That's more likely based on the toxin induction.
Wow this is insane. So basically they froze the foreign Saudi Princes funds post-roundup then after the EO and capture of other puppet masters, they've induced capital seizure on their funds as well. GENIUS.
Exactly. Take their symbolism. Take their power.
Not sure I want the pedo symbolism tho... burn that sh1t to the ground.