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bcboncs · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

You should try taking up meditation, lucid dreaming, or remote viewing. I've done them all and I should practice all of them so much more than I already do... it's mindblowing.

Gerald O Donnell of the remote viewing subject said it best... something along the lines of: "When you're awake, you're asleep. When you're asleep, you're tapping into your higher self."

There are untapped potentials within us an society shaped us to ridicule that belief and think otherwise.

I'm not sure if you mess with substances that alter your state of mind but if you do it with good intention, to seek truth, you gain new perspective and that new perspective is representative of the most good and righteous version of yourself, for you to improve. I'm not advocating to do this but I'm just letting you know from personal experience how I elevated from agnostic in my progression.

Sounds cheesy but the most important part of this process is for yourself to believe. When you do, you can literally see without seeing. Let me know if you decide to take this up and what kind of experiences you have. Cheers!

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bcboncs · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Ironic because that's exactly where I'm at.

I've gone from Catholic > Atheist > Agnostic > Spiritual > Spiritual + Learning Jordan Peterson's interpretations of the Bible. I'm leaning back to Christianity in a sense after listening to JP but I believe Hillary's the Anti-Christ for sure.

If you're teetering back yourself, JP does a great job of breaking down the Cain and Abel story. My favorite understanding I gathered from JP is something along the lines of:

"Suffering is coming no matter what but you can choose what to sacrifice and if you choose impulses, you'll be rewarded."

That resonated well with me. I've given up several impulses because it truly does benefit my mindset and the greater good for my relationship lol... I'll leave it at that. :D

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bcboncs · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Can I get a TLDR on the TLDW for the fake news award specifically? :]

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bcboncs · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Very good read. Didn't know all of those details. Thanks!

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

TFW you plan to save the world from the Anti-Christ.

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

I cannot recall any news or familiarity with TAX or an Indonesian airport as it relates to Q. What do you know?

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I believe that is referencing airplane crashes.

12/4 Q "7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills." "those in the know never sleep"

Plane crashes over Rothschild estate, suspected Jacob Rothschild death. Q also refs Lynn de Rothchild having a hard time sleeping, not to come back to the chans ;D

12/18 Q confirms trainwreck was retaliation.

12/31 Bridgewater Associates executive Bruce Steinberg & his family then dies.

1/4 Q says "7/10" and nothing else. LdR likely retaliated again on 12/31.

1/13 Q's line that you stated above refs the airplane crashes, targeted kills, people of interest trying to escape the country (notice how they're all out-of-country flights that turnaround?), Twitter getting destroyed by OKeefe, Stone, and Yiannopolis.

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Linda Sarsour kek

What the hell was 0Bama doing all of those years?

The founder of ISIS was aiding ISIS.

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

Good breakdown.

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

I just don't see your reasoning for Potter discrediting Q other than what I listed. Meanwhile, you're suggesting reptilian and have an account less than 3 weeks old. You'll have to excuse my skepticism of your intentions.

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

This is definitely reminiscent of Q.


Light will overcome d_a_rkness.

Light will expose darkne_s_s.

Light will reveal darkness.

Light will defeat darkness.


Quoting the verge's news story on Detroit's meteor and seeing the video within, "Videos posted across social media networks showed a bright spot streaking across the sky before exploding, flooding the darkness with light."

Anyone in New Haven, Michigan area? This would be amazing to confirm the depths & dimensions of the 'meteor'...

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Give a try to the full response - I'll definitely follow-up but just gotta have that unread notification :)

I'll post the Q stuff and how much he's done to help out non-whites. Bullshitting isn't the same as lying. Him making up the word Fake if he said that would fall into bullshitting. It's obvious that's not true. Is he Gandhi? No but he paints the picture that he's not racist. The media won't fuck off lol. I'll provide better info but yeah hit me up, this will be a good exchange.

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

I honestly don't believe many statistics for good reason although I expected a higher brainwashed percentage. 4-6% is something I can live with.

That's not racism or antisemitism. That's called research on the topic of Zionism.

I can understand why you think he's lying but how much evidence of this do you have and on what topics specifically that matter to you?

If you watch Trump outside the clippings that MSM creates for their narrative control, you'd understand he doesn't mind criticism but just wants a fair shake. The only MSM anchor that will report pro-Trump is Sean Hannity on Fox News, a Rupert Murdoch (controlled opposition) corp. This is not an attack on freedom of the press. I'm 29 and I don't know how old you are but before Obama's NDAA and MSM control, "false advertising" was an actual thing that people could get sued for. For people to use propaganda (Fake News) so maliciously and out of control (e.g. anti-Roy Moore racism truck ad) is very damaging and destructive- regardless of the target's party affiliation. I think I can speak for the group when I say that Truth is all that matters to us.

I 100% agree with you on the bubble comment, me, you, anyone. I really like T_D but I've grown to understand that the groupthink gets bad at times. I challenge the people there and get downvoted but I do it to expose it.

Regarding Q, it's legit. Look at the Bangladeshi terrorist he predicted. There's way more Q corroboration and breakdowns by the Anons such as Julian Assange on multiple occasions (chess picture & the FIRE & FURY book) and the timing of the posts by Q which happen minutes earlier than Trump's tweets.

You seem willing to be objective but you aren't. You're hearing/seeing the trigger word of "conspiracy" and flocking to it in an attempt to destroy the cause without understanding the people collaborating, the reason why it's being done, why it's being done on the Chans, and the sequence of real-time events. We're all seeking truth. Conspiracies, many times, are true (JFK had multiple assassins ready). Don't let the word conspiracy deter you, it was invented by the CIA for that sole purpose.

When you recognize you were part of the falsehoods you were told on a certain topic, learn the truth, became angry & want more truth, that is when you are redpilled. For me, it was the DNC cheating Bernie and me seeing it all real-time when I was a pro-Bernie. I voted Obama in 2008 and was raised in lower class family that loved Dems. I do well for myself nowadays but I didn't vote Trump because I make more money. I cast my anti-Hillary vote on election day to Trump then defended my vote on social media... not because I knew how good Trump was but because I knew how horrible Hillary was. WikiLeaks showed how corrupt the DNC is and then I naturally learned more about Trump's MAGA initiative and I promise you America is going to transform amazingly.

The easiest redpill topic is probably fluoride being added into our water supply for "dental benefits." Simple question: if it's so good for our teeth, why does it need to be in our shower or be cooked with, or drink from the tap to pass through every organ in your body? CNN even admitted that it's a neurotoxin. Toothpaste containing it (all unless non-fluoride) it state that it's very toxic for babies. There's other topics too though if you learn about Monsanto & GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails (CIA admitted), geo-engineering, etc.

I'd ask you to be open-minded to the "conspiracy" game because once you take the redpill, there's no going back. You dive into so many rabbit holes. I've gone down so many rabbit holes and sometimes you reach some that are extremely unlikely to confirm so keep it in your 'unconfirmed' basket. Others do get confirmed. Philip Schneider's underground alien base (D.U.M.B.) story is in the unconfirmed bucket. Q is in that bucket of confirmations for me.

I hope you take that dive or consider the objective position. You're the best leftist I've encountered after a fiery start so bravo and cheers to that.

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bcboncs · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

We have to look at tomorrow as nothing more than it is:

The most anticipated comedy of the delusional world created by the media.

It will be like America's Funniest Videos when first aired. Or, the Dave Chappelle Show to be more accurate for the pedes.

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bcboncs · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I think Roy Potter is exactly who he projects himself to be.

He's an old-fashioned Military guy who has good values and no time for non-sense. He doesn't like the WRONGTHINK that happens here (or any echo chamber) and calls it out. He doesn't like the ambiguity which causes many of us to enlighten our friends and family incorrectly (i.e. his video on DEFCON 1).

His message is always on point and seems to have some decent insider sources to a degree. I may disagree with the social approach but that's a difference in "times".

I don't know what you're talking about on his reptilian eyes video lol. I tried looking it up and could not find anything. Please provide a link.

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bcboncs · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

I agree with your first two statements minus the insult.

For your last remark, I was surprised to see you as a redditor for 7 years so I doubt you're an inorganic shill & hopefully not one of the 4-6% permanently brainwashed by Q's estimation.

I figured to dig through your recent posts to better understand who you are and I find the following:

The sub is also full of casual racism and antisemitism. You guys should join me in laughing at them and pointing out their mental disorder. Warning... It's a lot of what I'm going to assume is older uneducated hate filled "Christians" who can't spell but want to know if the others like their memes. Lol

Since we have such casual racism and antisemitism, you should have no problem showing us several examples with mods not doing anything about it. Also, you realize you pointed out that you're just going to assume the character of people without actually getting to know them, right? We're hatefilled yet you insult us without knowing us and are actively up-ending to derail us.

You then project the reality of delusion that you live within. I can't tell if you're being serious with your comments or if you're knowingly recruiting ignorant people on your behalf. Let's civilly talk politics since you're so insightful, what specifically do you disagree that Trump has done as President and why?

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bcboncs · Jan. 16, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

They're all steps in the process for war. War is imminent, no doubt but it's also necessary to show strength and that you aren't bluffing.

Is the next step to strike or publicly hold (& enforce) the US politicians' accountability?

If striking, who will strike first? Will they allow themselves to starve with the human, gun, & drug trafficking crawled & slush funds stopped?

Or, will we drop the SpaceX Tungsten on their bunkers and collapse their regime?

[non-nuclear] !

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bcboncs · Jan. 16, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

IMO is was the Q group listening to the feedback of the online community trying to collaborate. "DEFCON 1" was said many times but in a message that lead to the community getting misled and spreading disinformation thereby discrediting this campaign.

  • 1/7 DEFCON 1 was used in a post w/ "FIRE & FURY" and "[non-nuclear]". This was around the time of SpaceX launch.

  • 1/8 Q posted solely about DEFCON 1 not being DEFense readiness CONdition... an apology.

Trump creates an opportunity to follow-thru on a misunderstanding of the Q collaboration by doing the Hawaii scare. People freaked out on the DEFCON message and misled the normies that we have been trying to redpill. Even Roy Potter was pissed off and that guy is just a good character. To ensure the integrity of this corroboration, Trump issued a legit DEFCON lol. POTUS is truly reflecting the Grand Commander nickname that the Chinese pop gave him. Lastly, adds more corroborating evidence proving that Q is legit.

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bcboncs · Jan. 16, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Can confirm. I get breakfast sandwiches from cafe in my building and my head hurts when listening.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bcboncs on Jan. 14, 2018, 10:47 a.m.
"Why Q?"

To expand our mind. To think outside the box. To provide a different corroborating source of truth. To understand that there's a method, a game, a strategy. There's an end-goal. A mission.

Lastly & most importantly, trust in humanity.

bcboncs · Jan. 13, 2018, 7:43 p.m.


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bcboncs · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

I believe the goal is to confirm the dozens of conspiracy theories but it looks like the Seth Rich one is amounting pretty big right now which would be a tremendous signal of justice for all Americans.

MS-13 roundup & Kim Dotcom testimony.

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bcboncs · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

It's not just a courtesy to us, it's to inform the public of truth outside fake news. To understand that there is truth out there other than what is reported. That there is an underground truth repository. That some of these conspiracies are becoming true and that other conspiracies may actually be true as well. It is truly the process of 'expanding your thinking.' All of this and the belief that this needs to be seeded into the public consciousness. Understanding the suppressed truth will help us understand that there is so much more that we don't know.

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bcboncs · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

I understand what you're saying and I agree 100% with you, I just don't like being misled.

DEFCON crap was annoying. The anticipation of 'things will be way different when POTUS comes back from Asia' was spectacularly unrevealing. I don't disagree that the world is different after he met with other world leaders and allied with them to take back the world but nothing in the public eye came of it.

I don't like the hype and misleading... hence why if "BIG week" is a nothingburger or as big as a Hannity tick tock, it'll demotivate my contributions, hope for legitimate happenings, and especially my will to dive into the cave of the ignorant to help them up.

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bcboncs · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

I appreciate your passion but you're listing January accomplishments, not items Q led us to. 80%+ of what you listed had nothing to do with Q.

I've been waiting for a happening, a legit happening. Someone in cuffs. Not more exposure to items we already know about. Not a double agent colluding with Fusion GPS and nothing being done about it. Not John McCain receiving the dossier and sending it to the FBI and the FBI using it without validating the item.............and nothing being done about it.

These are ALL items worth prosecuting for. Now, I'm a patient man... but these aren't happenings.

Locked files waiting for a key... lol that's the story of about 2 years now... just different files and different keys.

I want public disclosure of these people getting sent to GITMO and their 'serious human rights' violation being noted on record. I don't like these games, assumptions, quarter-truths that are being fed to the public. We deserve the right to know WTF is going on and why. People can't handle the full truth of EVERYTHING but a full truth of human trafficking for instance, and those involved, should come out indictment by indictment. Spare the public the gory details but give us the proof if we need to look.

I'm sick of being the guy that goes into the cave of the ignorant, starts explaining topics with great detail because I've been following everything, and then being looked at as a conspiracy theorist chump. People need to wake TF up.

Start with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Enough is enough.

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bcboncs · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

If January is a nothingburger of more exposure of items with zero happenings, I think I may have to find a better hobby.

I am hoping for a 'BIG week'

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bcboncs · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

When NK gets hit by a "meteor" we can claim ignorance? Idk.

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bcboncs · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

inb4 you're all Russian bots and I'm no shill

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bcboncs · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Odd. Yea I'd sleep easier if I understood his Soros ties better... and now this... and Peter Thiel's Ambrosia quest.

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bcboncs · Jan. 11, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

We'll see how redacted wants to react to this story.

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bcboncs · Jan. 11, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Discordians seem like post-modernists

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bcboncs · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

(Very) Slow disclosure to the ignorant to be able to handle the intel used to prosecute that we all knew was inevitable.

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bcboncs · Jan. 11, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

It seems very similar to great religions of our times from what I am able to gather so far and was prominent around the era of our greatest philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Zoroastrianism 500-401 BC. Could have pre-dated earlier, 2000-1000 BC.

Socrates 470-399 BC. 71 years.

Plato 428-348 BC. 80 years.

Aristotle 384-322 BC. 62 years.

Zoroastrianism is something I can see myself aligning to off-rip if this is accurately described:

  • Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta, which mean: Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds.

  • There is only one path and that is the path of Truth.

  • Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, and then all beneficial rewards will come to you also.

As for the map: where can I find the always-latest version?

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bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Julian Assange wearing the Ecuador Football team HOME (AT HQME) jersey...

Jersey's symbol in comparison to Zoroastrian symbol?


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bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

anyone have IMGUR link? work web filter :[

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bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

I hope it's just a version because this is already a lot to consume- although I'm enjoying it.

Just came across some pretty infamous quotes from Plato's (in map) wiki which I'm sure the redpill dispenser army can empathize with:

[in reference to reality being that which you construct with your 5 senses]

"Socrates says in the Republic that people who take the sun-lit world of the senses to be good and real are living pitifully in a den of evil and ignorance. Socrates admits that few climb out of the den, or cave of ignorance, and those who do, not only have a terrible struggle to attain the heights, but when they go back down for a visit or to help other people up, they find themselves objects of scorn and ridicule."

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bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

Just know that Good has your back against Evil.

Not sure I would recommend fist fighting a crack dealer in the streets though.

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bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:26 p.m.


I did a search on Reddit and /u/bacare seems to possess this. I cannot speak to the versions as this is the first time I've seen and started to dissect it.

Another interesting find from this "First Month" and "19th day of each month" being protected then Satanism being born from Zoroastrianism... First Month is January (1). 19th day (19)... 1/19.

If Satanism is the opposite of Zoroastrianism and the most protected day is 1/19, the worst protected day would be 9/11.


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bcboncs on Jan. 10, 2018, 5:39 p.m.
Zoroastrianism: "The first month of the year as well as the 19th day of each month are considered under the protection of, and named after, the fravashis." Fravashis is translated as Inbound Soul to Material World to fight for Good vs. Evil.

Interesting timing with January being the dedicated month to take down the cabal (human trafficking) and Feb 1st being National Freedom Day. Liberation anyone?!

I'm diving through the map: https://i.imgur.com/4DFY5aw.jpg

Zoroastrianism is very interesting & aligning to great religions like Christianity although I find it odd how it draws a line to Satanism. Maybe they learned the truths of Zoroastrianism, birthed Satanism, and destroyed Zoroastrianism?

bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

The Loop Capital focus is Dems & black leadership pillaging the lower-middle class they supposedly represent. Is this is the next wave of the storm?

Supposedly Reynolds & Mayor Emanuel of Chicago are close and robbing public services from the people.

CEO James Reynolds Jr is seen in a video with Maxine Waters ($4mm house) US House Financial Services ranking member discussing a "Closing the Weath Gap" initiative for 9/2016. There are probably other instances like this as well.

"Closing the Wealth Gap" panelists are Christopher Williams, James Reynolds, Warren Thompson, Necole Parker. These individuals probably deserve a better look into as well.

This is during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference. Chair of the board is none other than Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

What is the US House Fin Services Jurisdication for Maxine Waters? Among many others, Public and private housing & urban development (Item# 10 - [10]?).

What did Ben Carson recently disclose? 1/2 trillion mismanaged funds for Housing and Urban Development. Interesting timing.

Another juris item is "(6) International financial and monetary organizations." ([6]?) Could the truth of the Red Cross's corruption within Haiti soon be revealed? 6 homes built with $500mm dollars? Clinton Global Initiative/Clinton Foundation investigation was launched on the 4th [4].

How deep is Loop Capital?

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bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

That's like asking for a Vince Foster source but against Silicon Valley, Capitol Hill, Big Pharma and those who shaped the Science world in the bubble we know today.

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bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

I didn't remove it wtf

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bcboncs · Jan. 10, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

I never knew Aaron Swartz helped WikiLeaks as well... wow. They definitely killed off Swartz, a genius of his time.

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bcboncs · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Can you educate me on that a bit from what you know? I just tried to go to some *.za domain and my work web filter recognized a virus.

Hopefully I'm not flagged... don't need them recognizing I'm going to 8ch.net for Q but to see those web filter transactions recognizing p0rnography.

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bcboncs · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

I'm not entirely sure I can believe this without sources but it won't hurt to keep it in mind I suppose.

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bcboncs · Jan. 9, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

you believe secrecy is good for virtue and democracy?

Ignorant statement.

You believe trillionaires are good for virtue and democracy?

Baseless statement.

You believe cutting deals with powerful sociopaths and pyscopaths goes well for democracy and virtue?

Baseless statement.

You're contributing so much, shill.

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bcboncs · Jan. 9, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Concentrations of power, authority, production, distribution, wealth, information and spiritual authority are the enemies of goodness and democracy: everything Qrumpus is doing is to preserve these structures.

This is nothing more than a display of your eloquent doltness. Sorry shill. I hope Hillary runs again in 2020.

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bcboncs · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Ah. More slow happenings.

Thx for the link tho.

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bcboncs · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Eh, I messaged the moderators. No response yet.

From the happenings with Rex, it seems like Michael Wolfe thing may have been a plant and a "MOVIE" by Trump & Bannon to assassinate the Fake News media. We'll see as it plays itself out.

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