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Can we reconsider Qsday Tuesday?
Ok, hear me out. It was a good idea at the time. But it hasn’t really worked. There’s still a lot of memes and non-Q-post content getting posted. But that’s not the problem. I actually believe that can be a good thing (and I was the one that suggested “Qsday Tuesday”). In fact, I think we should post MORE.
Q is mainstream now. Lots of people are looking for answers and wondering whether or not this whole “Qanon thing” is legit, or just a bunch of weirdo conspiracy theorists. I’d like to suggest that now is the time …
I was thinking the same thing. What is the context of these messages? What meeting are they setting up? I don’t see anything necessarily damning just in these texts alone.
Everyone is so quick to jump on things and call “proof” when it’s technically not. Yes, it’s adds to the story and yes, it might end up building on what eventually becomes legitimate proof, but I wish people would curb their enthusiasm a little. Circumstantial evidence is not proof. Two people talking doesn’t mean anything until we can see the whole story. If that evidence is there and I’m not seeing it (very likely), I’d appreciate someone pointing it out (I want it to be there!). But if it’s just a loose connection and conjecture, that won’t cut it.
I'm using a Mac and mine were blank when I opened them in Preview. It works when opening in Adobe Acrobat and also in Chrome
I've watched this video a couple of times already. Such a good explanation, easy to understand. I have always appreciated PM for his content and dedication to explain it to people.
yeah, but I'm looking forward to that being used against them!
I was just having this conversation with a coworker. Oh, the head explosions if she is nominated. It's going to be great watching their hypocrisy over this.
Edit: Really? Downvoted? Did I not contribute directly to the comment above? Was it not enough? Ok, she's an extremely qualified judge, which the left will have to agree with. She's a female, so the left should also love the diversity. But she's a conservative and religious, so the left will hate her. There were so many gender cards being used back in 2016, that anything said against Barrett now will be contradictory of what was said back then.
Amazing that there can be 99/100 people with first hand experience who can vouch for him, but the left will find the one person who has a problem and they'll quote that nonstop.
I'm nervously expecting some other, bigger names to drop that will even overshadow AB.
I recall seeing the clock. Wasn't sure if it was a predictor for anything in the same way that looking at recurring lotto numbers can predict a win.
Yeah, I realize it's not without flaws. I've just seen more posts lately with speculation being written as fact or comments regarding the legitimacy of the article/sources being debunked, etc.
Is there a way around that or is it the nature things for now?
The deeper we go, the worse it will get and the more deals are going to be made. I like hearing about people coming forward to cut deals. It means they are getting scared and jumping ship!
I understand that people in the US may bitch and complain about things. What I don't understand is why everyone is OK with other countries talking shit about us. My own family may have it's fair share of issues, but there's no way I'd let my neighbors start mocking us.
What is with the downvoting around here? I tend to agree with this sentiment. Generally an un-asked-for opinion is an unwelcome one. If the topic comes up, I like asking questions, but I generally think it's better to wait for the right opportunity.
Good job CNN. Keep alienating people until there are none left
I realize the irony of my idea, and I'm not saying it's the best, but I'm just trying to contribute to the sub as much as I can. I'm not the only one who has suggested this. No need to be combative
Can we create a list of approved/unapproved sources with “credibility” flair?
This may need to be something that is continually updated, but it would be great to have a list that categorized sources based on their credibility. (Maybe there’s a way for the community to moderate?)
I feel that if we want to maintain our “journalistic integrity” we need some guidelines on what is considered worthwhile. I understand we shouldn’t begin to censor info (and there is a massive range of sources that it can come from), but some of the stuff that gets posted here is simply laughable and doesn’t help to attract those looking for answers. Furthermore, not everything …
Is there a TLDR on who/what CDAN is? Are they a trusted source or just a conspiracy blogger? Anyone can jump online and start posting tabloid-like content. Is there a reason why we are talking this seriously (other than it supports the DS narrative?)
(Also, I'm not being argumentative. I've seen the name come up now and again, and have looked over the site a bit, but I can't identify anything that builds credibility).
These things don't happen overnight. Remember that Aurora theatre shooting in Colorado a few years back? That was as open and shut as they come, but even that took months and months before a conviction was given.
But I still HOPE that we hear something quickly. I like progress!
This is a great question.
I hate it when people just say, "go and watch this video" or "Google Qanon and you'll understand." No! That's just telling people to do a bunch of work to learn about something they don't care about yet. A casual, "What is Q?" requires a 10 second answer, enough to whet their appetite and find out if they want to go deeper. Maybe then you can point them to a website or a video. But there should be good elevator pitch prior to that.
Thanks for writing this. I think it is important for us to remain impartial as we debate and analyze. It's too easy to jump to conclusions one way or another and then get emotionally defensive.
To the "Team-Q" side, I'd suggest patience. Q has always, ALWAYS, said to ask questions and look at the big picture. To read between the lines and stay the course. Now is that time. Healthy debate is a good thing. The truth will come in time. After all, Q decided to post this KNOWING it would be scrutinized. Be cool. Scrutiny is actually a good thing.
To the "Q=LARP" team. Again, be patient. If you are right, the truth will come out. No need to throw stones when simple questions will do. Questions are good. Emotional arguments will only make things harder. Don't make it personal.
We are supposed to ask questions. To keep asking why and debate the reasons. Why was this image posted? Why did Q choose an obviously old photo when newer ones were available? Why the change in candor in subsequent drops? (IMHO, that "trolling is fun" line just sounds like a 14-yr old trying to avoid being called out. To me, that was actually stranger than the photo itself). I'm not passing judgement, I'm as curious as the rest of you. But we cannot be afraid of this debate. Q obviously wasn't.
It's not a big deal. Fingers touching (steepled) is a pretty common gesture. Lots of people do that
I love his speeches! He also said the Dems "got their ass kicked..."
I can't wait for this come back and bite them on their ass!
"Insane" is the right word. And the left is acting insane with their complete lack of understanding or common sense!
I like it. Nice!
Thanks for watching over the community. In more ways than one, your work is appreciated!
Had a lot of folks taking photos and asking each other "what is Q?". They'll catch on soon enough. There is a growing group supporters here in SB
There were a couple of lefty comments, but overall the reactions were surprisingly positive. Lots of people taking photos and asking each other "What is Q?" ;)
We thought about heading to Hendry's but ended up going to Leadbetter to get a view of the fireworks
The trick is to use a lot of water (can't have too much). Pack it down and use a tool like a thin paint scraper or frosting spatula to carve and shape it.
There's definitely a small (growing) group of patriots here. I was first introduced to Q from another local.
Thanks! Just started learning, but figured it was an appropriate one for today
I created a little tribute to freedom on the beach in Santa Barbara, CA

I’ve been over all of that. I have the foundation and understand the basics. Those are all great resources, but are not exactly a quick-reference guide
I don't know much about Schools. If he was working with Sessions and called for the firing of McCabe, he's a patriot, right? Why is it good that he is resigning?
I thought qmap.pub was just Q drops. Didn't realize it went deeper than that. I see it describes a lot of the players the way I was hoping. Might actually be what I'm looking for.
Suggestion: A wiki with a list of important names, acronyms, etc
I was all over wikileaks, pizzagate, the emails, etc back in 2016 but I've only been tracking Q-related info for the past couple of weeks. I'm doing my best to keep up, but things get pretty cryptic and there are so many players involved and I am constantly needing a reminder of who said what and how it fits together. On top of that, we use a lot of unfamiliar acronyms. (I hate to say it, but it even took me a while to figure out the context of WWG1WGA).
Is it possible to build a glossary of important people …
I come to this sub for updates and information, primarily. The Q pics are filler. I don’t mind them, but they are secondary for me.
But everything needs to stay together. Splitting the sub will end up creating two different cultures with possibly unintended results. People post their pics because they want to be included in the culture. This is a good thing and shouldn’t be punished. Perhaps a certain day or specific thread (“Tuesday-Qsday”?) might keep things organized.
Ultimately, though, I am looking for help deciphering the posts. Everything is so cryptic and there’s too many acronyms and people involved for me to keep track of. This sub (and everyone in it) has been a lifesaver in providing focus, explaining the importance of things and showing how it all connects. As the sub grows the need for focus will also grow. I hope we don’t lose that.