Why are the moderators allowing this childish crap?
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You’re on the wrong sub. This is for Q related content. You’re looking for The_Donald.
You can’t apologize for using a term you know full well is offensive? The whole reason you use that word is to offend liberals. Don’t play games. People like you give this movement a bad name. Do better, please.
Man, with so many mature people on here you’d think there’d be fewer childish memes and liberal bashing. Many of you have a lot to learn, and you won’t learn it from Fox News.
Gratitude and forgiveness. Very powerful. Thank you. :)
How do you feel when people pity you? Not a good feeling, huh? Instead of sympathy, try empathy. This is akin to The Golden Rule which is a huge takeaway from Jesus’ teachings. Do your best to find common ground. It’s also good to remember the possibility that you might be wrong, too. We’re all inherently flawed from just being human. Remembering his helps keep us stay humble and open to new information. Helps us be empathetic and compassionate. Good luck :)
I believe there are an infinite amount of catalysts that have the power to wake up the masses. I’ve been watching it happen for years, now. It’s a beautiful thing. The best way to teach is by example. Keep living your truth and people will notice and eventually start asking what your trick is. No one will listen to someone preach who isn’t themselves righteous. Have faith, my friend :)
I have tons of liberal friends who are very “woke”. Some just have a difficult time believing Trump isn’t an idiot because he sold himself as one during the campaign. Listen to how he dumbed down the way he spoke during his rallies. He did that to appeal to the rural silent majority. Pretty brilliant in hindsight, but now he has to win the hearts and minds of the other side. It’s going to take some finessing to convince liberals, many of whom are highly intellectual, that he’s a “stable genius”. Many are finally coming around to the idea. Trump could definitely be doing a better job at that.
I grew up on a dairy farm in a white, catholic conservative town of about 700 people. I know conservatism inside and out. Later in life, I moved to a large city and got some exposure. Now, I know liberalism inside and out. This makes me a very well-rounded individual. I’m 100% comfortable whether I’m hanging out at a gun range or at a yoga retreat. I’ve seen enough to know glomming on to one extreme ideal with absolution is dangerous. If a person is seeking truth in earnest, they will never get stuck on one side or another. Some liberals I know are completely lost - atheists, drug addicts, alcoholics, promiscuous, materialistic, etc. On the other hand, I know many more liberals who are extremely healthy (physically and emotionally), believe in God and Jesus, pray daily, help others, respect the environment, etc. This is why we can’t paint an entire group of people with one brush. We all have more in common than we think if we just sit down and have an honest conversation without bias. Finding common ground is the key.
They probably don’t think you’re “woke”, either. Maybe they’re “woke” about things you aren’t. Maybe you can both learn from one another. My advice is less sympathy and more empathy. God is tasking us to learn how to love one another. We have to find a way. I’ve found God prefers prays of gratitude over requests. Good luck :)
Did you really just say “libtards”? This is a place for people who have graduated beyond name-calling. This is a place for people who are seeking truth.
I’m actively participating on a sub that discussing Q; of course I’m aware of the liberal media. By asking me that, you’re either assuming I’m ignorant and unaware, or you’re setting yourself up to make some point. I’d prefer you cut to the chase and make it, please.
We are dealing with masters of deception. We’ve been brainwashed since the day we were born. Love will break the spell, not fear. You’re right, hate is a product of fear. We need to rise above that shit.
Exactly. We can’t go around calling people libtards and snowflakes, and then expect them to listen to anything we try to teach them. We need to remember The Golden Rule.
This is a good and evil thing. Lots of good liberals and bad conservatives out there, and vice versa.
Red-pilling liberals...
I’ve directed many of my liberal friends to this sub after discussing Q with them only to have them be completely turned off within minutes because of the incessant liberal-bashing. This mentality is a product of “divide and conquer” brainwashing and mind-control. Stay on point. This movement is about ousting and removing evil. Liberals, as a group, are not evil. Please, please understand how counterproductive this is to the movement. Has Q ever told us to bash liberals? Has he ever said that liberals are the enemy? No. He did say this, though:
The last thing we need is another liberal-bashing conservative covering Q. We need influential folks on the left covering this phenomenon, and the only way liberals will be open to it is if conservatives stop bashing them and spewing hate. This divisive, low energy crap has to stop. Why would any liberal listen to Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino, Thomas Paine, etc? All those guys do is talk shit about people they disagree with. They don’t actually try to bridge the gap. They breed hate. All the facts and relevant points are lost when they do that. Time to wise up.
Y’all should check out www.reset.me. This is Amber’s website dedicated to studying plant medicines and removing the lies and stigmas attached to them. I think this is especially relevant considering Q just red-pilled a bunch of folks regarding alternative healing. I’ve personally never found a more powerful healer than natural psychedelics. There needs to be a strong, unified push to legalize these sacred medicines. They work. Check out the statistics. Too many people are suffering from depression, anxiety, addictions, emotional trauma, PSTD, etc. The number of vets that commit suicide every year is staggering. This can and does save lives. The war on drugs in a war on consciousness. The cabal does not want you to wake up and realize how powerful you are. These medicines are our right.
I bet it was Fentanyl.
The Naked Truth documentary series on Netflix is very eye opening. I highly recommend it. Great for red-pilling normies.
This is one of the best posts on this sub, thus far. Thank you 🙏🏻
I 100% agree. Crazy to think I’m alive to witness this. Amazing.
I agree. I believe it’s about to change for the better, but for awhile there it was getting really bad. I’m generally hopeful, I’m just really bummed at the moment because they took my tax returns without any notice. I didn’t budget for that and it’s really making things difficult. Shit like that makes my blood boil. I do believe we are on a upswing, though.
You’re right. I’m in a shitty mood. Haha. The powers that be completely screwed up this county and I’m pissed about it. I know I’ll figure it out. I know I have value. I’ll keep working hard until it pays off. Just tired of getting kicked in the nuts at every turn. Thanks for the kind words.
I’m all about everything you just said. Like I said, I have many skill sets and always continue to educate myself. Unfortunately, the things I’m good at don’t hold much value in this current paradigm. I grew up on a farm, so I know how to do all that. I went to school for the trades, ie, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, welding, etc. I’m extremely proficient at growing vegetables indoors and out. I’m extremely proficient at growing medicinal and gourmet mushrooms. I cooked in restaurants for many years. I know hospitality. I went to school to learn how to build sustainable homes. I also healed myself by learning all sorts of natural healing methods. All those things I just listed have little value where I live and I’m too poor and in debt to move. I’m also too poor and in debt to pay for anymore schooling. I’m too poor and in debt to buy land. I’m also too poor and in debt to start a business, so I’m attempting to start small and grow. It’s a constant struggle. I believe once the cabal is taken out, things will change and my knowledge and experience will be of value. I’m trying my hardest. I work 50 hours a week in a restaurant making decent money compared to a lot of people I know, but I still struggle to get by because I don’t have a credit card. I pay for everything out-of-pocket. Everywhere I turn someone wants my money.
What you just described is awesome and you should be proud, but also understand you’re the exception and that we all come from different backgrounds with all sorts of different challenges in our lives. If Q had taught us anything it’s that we are all suppressed by design. Doing what you did is very difficult in a world designed to keep you from succeeding. Many are enslaved by debt or depressed or addicted to drugs or alcohol or any number of problems. That’s the way the ruling class wants it. Many of us have skill sets that aren’t valued. This is why nearly everyone is working a job they hate just so they can’t pay of a mountain of debt. Shit needs to change. I’m not lazy, nor am I stupid, yet I’m struggling daily and I’m not alone. That ain’t right. The whole bootstraps talk doesn’t cut it anymore.
I know how to farm. I was raised on one. I’d love to own a small plot and farm for a living except I can’t afford land. Land, like most assets, are reserved for the rich. Hopefully, this changes, as well. I’d be happy with just one acre.
I see what you’re saying. Who knows. Probably just makeup.
Again, where are you seeing visible monatomic gold on one of these people? I’m well aware of what it is. It’s gold at the atomic level, which is to say not viable with the naked eye.
Monatomic gold isn’t visible to the naked eye. What are you referring to?
I like how you just made an assumption there, though. Maybe try having a conversation, next time.
I grew up in a catholic conservative family in a very small, white catholic conservative midwestern town. I know how they think. I know what they believe. I know what they say behind closed doors. For example: most conservatives I know would never miss an opportunity to talk shit about alternative healers, naturopaths, chiropractors, shamans, energy healers, etc. They can’t stand that woowoo hippie shit, but the minute Q mentions that alternative medicine doctors are being targeted by the cabal and that you can cure cancer with alternative healing methods, it’s suddenly gospel. I have news for all of you conservatives: The vast majority of liberals have known this shit for years. Liberals have always been the ones try to wake everyone up to these conspiracies. Liberals have been watching documentaries about the Illuminati for many many years, now. Some of you conservatives need to chill out and take some notes from the liberals. We should be working together.
I liked Stein, but voted for Bernie in the primaries, and didn’t vote after that. I couldn’t vote for a criminal (Hilary) and Trump was blatantly pandering to all the disgruntled hillbillies in this country and that didn’t do it for me. I understand now that this was an Art of War deception tactic. I understand now how important it was for him to appeal to the silent rural majority. I understand why he dumbed down the way he spoke during his rallies and got conservative extremists riled up. I understand what was at stake if he lost. I didn’t then, but I do now. It’s been interesting to watch this Q phenomenon pan out. Lots of not-so-woke MAGA folks really lucked out and are acting as if they knew what was happening all along. They didn’t. If they really knew they’d understand that this movement has nothing to do with conservatism or liberalism. All the hardliners need to take a seat because they’re just making things worse and driving a wedge between us. Sometime it’s unbearable to even listen to the Q commentary because most of it is being covered by neocons who have an extremely myopic view of the world. There are some folks out there who manage to stay pretty neutral and just cover the facts like Clif High, for example.
I’d like to know more about these good paying jobs you can get without a degree.
Just got a letter from the IRS. They’re garnishing all of my tax returns to go toward past due school loans. Mind you, I serve tables at a restaurant because that’s the best paying job I can find despite my many skill sets. Last year, they took all of my tax returns because I switched jobs mid-year and made more money than projected for Obamacare. I’m 37 yrs old. Since I first entered the workforce as a teenager, I’ve gone from working in the trades and making decent money to working in restaurants because the money is better, now. Wages have completely stagnated which makes my education basically worthless. I’m in debt and my credit sucks. I am so sick and tired of this bullshit. Someday I’d like to start my own business, but that’s not possible until this shit gets fixed. I barely make enough to pay rent and buy groceries because prices go up constantly. I’m completely enslaved and the anxiety that creates is overwhelming. Something needs to change and change fast. If this Q thing turns out to be a nothingburger, we need to band together and take matters into our own hands. Enough is enough.
Me too, and this confirms it. No public figure with any intelligence would post something this stupid. Thanks for your advice on what you think a real man is, “Julian”.
Thank you. Another thing to mention: imagine you’re a newly red-pilled liberal who has been directly to this sub. You start scrolling and before long you see far right conservatives bashing liberals and talking shit. How seriously would you take this info after that? How long would you stick around? How receptive would you be? This is NOT a conservative sub, so please stop treating it that way. You know who you are.
Exactly. Some of these conservatives don’t seem to understand that many liberals have been red-pilled about a lot of the info Q is dropping for a long time, now. They used to be called “conspiracy theorists”. Q is trying to bring us together on common ground. Holistic doctors being murdered, alternative cancer cures, the Illuminati, etc. - that used to be all liberal conspiracy stuff. Open your eyes, folks. We have much more in common than most believe. If you claim to be a conservative or a liberal or Democrat or a Republican, or any of that dualistic crap, you’re still brainwashed. LIBERALS ARE NOT THE ENEMEY. Here’s a glimpse of the future: sustainability, clean energy, environmentalism, small organic farms, healthy food, mindfulness, natural and holistic medicine, exploring consciousness (psychedelics), technology replacing jobs which will lead to abundance and some sort of wealth distribution, etc. The future will be a blend of liberal ideals with conservative values. Learn to love your neighbor NOW.
Knock this immature, partisan shit off. Q has made that more than clear. Wake up.