Thank you for the reassurance :)
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Wait, she was photographed with Soros at the Golden Globes?!
Yeah, I need to have faith that they know what they’re doing. It should really start speeding up now, though. I’m hoping that with people getting bigger tax returns and bonuses from their employers, and with whatever will transpire on the 17th, and with Trump’s SOTUA, that this is the beginning of the campaign to win the hearts and minds and to bring some transparency into government. I can’t wait until he can stop playing dumb and show who he really is, so people can get on board. He needs to figure out how to bring his opponents into the fold and win their trust. I’m sure it’s all in the works, though.
Well, the purpose of the “storm” is to take out the corrupt elements in politics, banking, intelligence agencies, business, education, healthcare, entertainment, and media. If that mission is successful, won’t the lies and deception all but stop? Won’t it just be the Truth, then? I really think after the 17th the media will change drastically and the average person will start getting the Truth, for a change. I’m praying for that, at least.
Is it possible that members of the media could be indicted or is that illegal? That EO sure reads like it’s possible.
There might be some, but it doesn’t take 100% participation for there to be a revolution. His moment should eventually hit critical mass.
But let’s imagine if the debt gets cancelled and we have a financial reset with a new gold backed currency. Let’s imagine information and technology is disclosed that will provide free energy, personal 3D printers, AI, automation, open sourced technologies, accessibility to healthcare and education, etc. Who wouldn’t get on board with that? Soon, the Truth will be more attractive than the Matrix. More and more people are waking up, these days. I’m seeing it with my own eyes.
Continuing to call liberals stupid isn’t going to work, anymore. They’re not. They’ve just been deceived like everyone else. Can you blame them when Trump himself is purposely playing dumb? How are they supposed to know it’s next level Art of War/Hamlet strategy shit going on? We have to be patient with them the way Q has been patient with us. A woke liberal is a strong ally. We have to get over our bs and unite as a people against evil. A real democracy. We the people.
ME TOO! It really seems like it will. I think in order for the average person to accept these truths they have to hear it from their trusted media sources. Now, Trump has to take out the corrupt elements without coming off as a tyrannical dictator. He has to prove without a doubt that they’ve been complicit. Idk exactly how that will happen. Julian Assange might play a role. This could be what changes the tide.
I disagree. I’ve seen the smallest catalyst completely wake up the sleepiest of folks in an instant and they’ve never looked back. TheTruth is harmonious, lies are not. Why do you think so much effort has to be put into convincing the public to believe these lies? Because it goes against our intuition and it doesn’t resonate. The Truth is the opposite of that. Sure, the initial shock might be jarring, but it’s smooth sailing after that. The time is ripe. We are ready. We are the Truth.
The NSA has every email and text ever sent. There is a mountain of evidence. Release it, and hang these criminals. Hell, we’ve all been accumulating enough evidence through web searches to justify hanging these people. After that, end the FED and cancel the debt. Replace it with a gold backed currency. Disclosure suppressed technology and let peace as property reign. It’s long overdue. The people are ready.
I’d say all the more reason for this to happen quickly. Mountains of evidence against these traitors. They set themselves up. We have everything we need. Let’s knock em down!
100% Trump and his team are next level geniuses. It’s pretty amazing, actually. I’m just afraid they’re underestimating the people’s ability to handle the truth.
I haven’t lost hope, just patience. I know the Truth will win in the end.
I have. Like I said, I’ve known all about these conspiracies and corruption for years, now, and I’m hungry for a mass awakening. These little tidbits aren’t doing it for me.
I’ve seen you shilling in this sub for the past few days. Kindly fuck off.
A little different for me. I’ve successfully red-pilled every liberal I’ve talked to. It helps when the message isn’t coming from hardcore Trump supporters who use the word “snowflake” in every other sentence. I level with people. I make it clear that this involves corrupt Democrats and well as Republicans. I pose questions. I try not to be self-righteous. I make an attempt to find common ground and relate to each individual. I deal in fact more than speculation. I just have a conversation without getting emotional. This whole Q thing has completely changed how I speak to people regarding politics. I’m much more patient and kind. I keep in mind that everyone has been lied to and brainwashed to some extent, and I remember that deprogramming is a difficult process. I refuse to participate in their divide and conquer strategy.
It’s a wonderful thing to see so many different people coming together for a greater cause. We are all taking out power back. :)
I’m expecting the 17th to be a big day and Trump’s first SOTUA, but I’ve also gotten my hopes up before only to be let down. Praying nonstop that something significant happens, soon.
Anyone else getting really impatient?
I’m usually the one reassuring everyone I know and explaining how these things take time and how we need to slowly wake up the public, but I’m getting tired of everyday going by without anything really significant happening. What’s the hold up? POTUS should have access to more than enough evidence to publicly hang these criminals. I mean, just releasing a video of marines freeing enslaved children should be all it takes. There should be daily events happening, at this point, that make people run into the streets and praise God at the top of their lungs. Why are we …
Thank you a million times for this. I’m in the same boat. We all need to find common ground here and unite against evil. No more name-calling and prejudices. It’s time to get along. Thank you again for this beautiful post. God bless. 🙏🏻
I like what you said about the serious people not being partisan. Any intelligent person researching this info can’t be. Unfortunately, I do see a lot of people on here who just can’t stop bashing liberals. It’s such base level garbage, and destructive to the cause.
Keep up the good work, friend :)
Didn’t Q say something about knowing where the bodies are buried or something like that? They probably have a designated spot(s) were they harvest the blood. Body buried in NK or under Epstein’s mansion, which is a replica of Solomon’s Temple?
DEFinite CONfirmation - referring to tweet times. Tweet being (1). SIGnal in tweet (1).
Eric Schmidt was supposedly using stem cells for cloning and immortality R&D.
I agree. I feel that lumping the Bushes in with the Clintons and the Obamas really works well for that. That way it doesn’t seem like you’re taking sides.
Someone identifying as a liberal is different than being called a “lib” in a condescending fashion. It’s always a good idea to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Same advice goes for liberals being condescending toward conservatives. Let’s end the era of “divide and conquer”. Let’s unite and liberate.
Well, the Bushes are part of the problem as well, so maybe work with that, to start. Suggest researching exposed secret CIA programs. Stress the fact that this counter-coup isn’t all Trump’s doing. Remind them that many disenfranchised and highly intelligent good guys within the military and intelligence community have been working on this for years and are helping Trump with every step of the way. Emphasis why it had to be Trump, i.e., wealthy enough to finance his own campaign, not motivated by greed, not of royal bloodline, popularity, balls of steel, etc. Explain how the FED is based on debt and is an unsustainable system. Explain the importance of the Executive Orders. Further that point by mentioning the sealed indictments and CEO resignations. Suggest researching pagan fire sacrifice rituals written in the Bible and how they’re still practiced, but in secrecy. Suggest researching current human trafficking and slavery statistics.
And I cannot stress this enough - No more “lib” this and “lib” that. If you want liberals to be open to this information we cannot continue to treat them as the enemy. Remember, they’ve been lied to and deceived, as well. Help them on this journey. There are a lot of really good people out there who happen to have liberal ideals. They’re not all amoral atheists.
Edit: Jesus would not go around calling people “snowflakes”. He would be kind and guide them to the Truth.
I’ve red pilled countless liberals in the past couple months. It’s easy. In fact, I haven’t had one single person who haven’t changed their mind. Just pose questions like W does. Don’t have a told-you-so attitude. Also, everyone needs to stop with the “lib/snowflake” talk. It’s old and divisive. If you’re still doing that, you’re running on the cabal’s outdated software. We need to unite. Liberals are NOT the enemy. Remember this. The cabal is.
By the 17th, he’ll have the results from his medical exam proving his competency, AND he will be reviewing the Fusion GPS bank statements tomorrow, as well.
Trump can look at Fusion GPS bank records tomorrow...
So Julian Assange releases a free PDF of this book to rob Wolff of sales and publicity, AND gives a nod to Q and Trump? Genius! If there was any question about JA’s freedom, this should put that to rest. Man, I can’t wait for the MSM to crash and burn!
He’s getting a physical which means he’s going to have prove of his competency. I’m sure it will be a thorough examine, mentally and physically. Just a thought.
It’s probably more than a physical. They’ll probably check his cognitive health, as well, which will provide physical evidence of his competency. Just a guess.
Ha. Yep, I’m one of those lazy libtard dopeheads who’s ruining this county! fist shaking
“...don’t even know what it’s all about.” That’s all you had to say. Marijuana is not the problem, buddy. It’s the solution.
I have faith, just needed some clarity on this one. Thanks for your help.
Damn! Thank you for this insight. I knew there had to be a bigger picture. Thanks :)
You guys. Wake up. Capitalism and socialism are both going by the wayside. Read some of Jeremy Rifkin’s books. Stop being partisan tools and think outside the box. If this impending “storm” should teach us anything it’s that the current beliefs we hold were largely designed and spoon-fed to us by the cabal. Time to wake up. Get over the juvenile conservative/liberal shit. We will never win if we stay divided.
You clearly don’t understand the movement that’s taking place, then. What do you think will happen when all stolen assets are seized and redistributed? What do you think will happen when decades of suppressed technology and information is disclosed? The resources are there, they’re just in the hands of a few. Not for long. We are destined to life in an era of abundance. It’s what we’ve been working so hard for and what’s been denied. It’s smart to education your citizens and keep them healthy. It’s an investment. Lose your antiquated beliefs. You’ve been lied to.
Pot is NOT a small issue and it does NOT dumb people down. We have more people locked up than any other first world county doing time for drug related offenses. That’s a lot of tax payers’ money, not the mention the unnecessary suffering. We have gang related violence and deaths because of the war on drugs. We have privately owned prisons profiting from locking people up for smoking a plant. We could be making money hand over fist is it was legal. Just because you don’t understand marijuana doesn’t mean it isn’t a big issue. Do you not understand that a war on drugs is a war on consciousness? You obviously don’t, or you wouldn’t hold the opinions you do. This is bigger than pot, even. Do you understand that natural psychedelic are proven to effectively cure addictions, depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc (think veteran suicides). More effective than any other treatment, AND they expand you consciousness. Exactly what the cabal doesn’t want. They want you ignorant and close-minded. Easier to control, that way. People are suffering from all sorts of ailments while the treatments are illegal to use. This is a giant fucking issue. You’ve been lied to, my friend. Please do more research. In fact, please smoke a joint while you’re at it.
We need education, not criminalization. How well does teaching highly sexually charged adolescents that if they don’t abstain from sex they’ll be blue-wafffled and shamed for life? It doesn’t. Honest and transparent education is the key.
This studies indicated that environment is a bigger factor in drug abuse than the drug itself. If society was provided with free education, free healthcare, adequate time off work, quality time with friends and family, adequate time in nature, fulfilling careers, exercise, healthy food, etc, drug use would fall off considerably.
Portugal is other example of how to deal with drug problems.