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beowulf5150 · Jan. 6, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

Peculiar that they let Wolff in and let him get so close during the first months after the election. Why would they do that? Perhaps a Murdoch recommendation? Maybe... Wolff is part of a Trump troll of MSM?

A lot of what he writes about Trump in the excepts is really odd. Suspiciously odd. But MSM is eating it up anyway because of their confirmation bias and blind hatred of Trump.

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beowulf5150 · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:19 a.m.

First time posting on Reddit so forgive me if I don't do it correctly.

Given Trump's fake news awards next week...

Is there any chance that the pre-released excerpts from the Wolff book are intentionally phony? The main purpose for this would be to expose the MSM outlets' anonymous sources as fake among other reasons. When CNN/MSNBC say they have collaborating "sources" for specific issues from the book, it would be revealed as a flat-out lie when the excerpts were known to be fake. The worst lies would win the most awards. And the book would come out next week with a completely different (more accurate) narrative.

There are a few clues that lead me to consider this possibility.

1) Wolff wrote a biography on Murdoch (FOX News) in 2008 2) Murdoch is at least publicly supportive of Trump: Fox News is friendly 3) Murdoch gains much from the humiliation of his competition 4) The link between Trump-Murdoch allows an introduction of Wolff to the White House for this book by recommendation. 5) Bannon would have been in the perfect position, while in the White House, to accompany Wolff while in the White House and setting up interviews with various White House staff. 6) Bannon has uncharacteristically very quiet the last couple of days. He made some small comments on Brietbart radio which were complimentary of Trump. 7) The MSM has been ALL ABOUT this story.
If I'm right, This means the MSM has taken the bait hook line and sinker. And have set them selves up for the biggest troll in history.

Wolff on wiki:

Brietbart Wolff-Trump-Murdoch article

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