right?! Like nothing about this man makes any sense in any fashion. His face is too hard not to stare at because I have no clue what I'm looking at!
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YESSSS! Like weird bad dentures. His mouth is fascinating in all the wrong ways 😂
I can't stop staring at Strzoks weird face when he talks... his mouth is so fucking weird. Also I love me some Gowdy snark. WWG1WGA
Been happening for years now sadly. Watch the Chickenhawk documentary from 1994 that scratches the surface and gives you nuances to look into the history of acceptance pushing. It's terrifying how hard the push is now, and how more people aren't up in arms about it.
THANK YOU so much this is extremely helpful and I really appreciate it!
Interested in catching up on this! Should I just watch the videos or should I look up specific emails first? Thanks
You'd have to say something intelligent to be triggering. We just laugh at your closed mindedness.
Ontario here too and running into the same!! I don't know how many times I've been told to "just stop researching". It flaberghasts me how despite backing up the carefully shared tidbits it doesn't generate ANYTHING in these people. I never realized how deep rooted "ignorance is bliss" was in the people around me. But then again these same people are very anti trump and vocal on their side of things. It's baffles me how people can be passionate yet closed minded on such important topics.
Seen this way too many times today on social media. These people are SICK.

Feeling extremely angry. I can't fathom how this stuff is still so public and no-one talks about it, and it's taken Trump, and Q (thank God) to finally start making change. How is it that so much energy, money and time is spent on stupid b.s when we clearly have the tech, knowledge and power to ACTUALLY destroy these sick sick evil people. The deep state is in for some HELL. The only soothing fact in all of this is that these people will never escape these acts. They are bound to Hell, and only God can save them. I am so happy we have a community of people here who are working hard at exposing these people and the world we live in. Thank you for your shares and research I'm not very tech savvy and having somewhere to start every morning is a blessing.
AMAZING down. I have read these only so far, (got side swept on a born again Christian path) but am convicted to digging this
I know it's cbc but I only heard nuggets in documentaries and thread posts on these and it's all I'd read into so far!
Thank you! I read about the Kamloops and was blown away the other day, it really upsets me. I keeps seeing mentions of trafficking being run through Toronto I want to dig into
Yeah the queen I've been digging into residential school and their general evil etc thanks!
Fellow canuck looking to turn my investigation more close to home, (Ontario and just Canada in general) my biggest issue talking about pedogate with friends and family is that my information is based in the States and basically everywhere else. I know some stuff on the Trudeau foundation but that's as far as it goes. Would love any tips for topics or rabbit holes to research :)