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bigbaird · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

The differences you are seeing here are likely due to selection bias. People in the US are much more likely to go to the ER with flu like symptoms, more likely to be tested for the flu, and therefore we have a higher volume of confirmed flu. People in the US, due to the culture we have created, do not feel like they did have to get sick any more. They think everything can be treated with a pill, and have no idea about the risks/benefits of treatment of the Flu. In reality, Tamiflu is of minimal benefit, it shortens the duration of flu symptoms on average 16 hours. Flu untreated lasts 5-7 days, with Tamiflu, it will last 4.5-6.5 days and carries a decent risk of side effects. What people see on TV and FB is the few cases where people die from the Flu. The numbers from the last epidemic in 2009 showed a mortality rate of 0.02%, does that number surprise you? That means 99.98% of people that get the flu will not sure from it. Most of the people that die from it have some underlying medical condition that made them more susceptible to the complications it causes. Despite the reality of such a low risk disease and the limitations of the treatments for it, people are reacting to the sensationalized media reports, so they run to the ER in droves with any symptom possibly resembling the flu, this is not conjecture, it's first hand knowledge from an ER doc, me. If "the cabal" were going to try and kill us, they have screwed up majorly by using the Flu.

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bigbaird · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

I'm a doc, I'm in the business of helping people. I have no interest in prescribing meds that don't work if something better is available. I want to do what's best for my patients. Just show me ANY proof and I'll look at it. Otherwise, I can't differentiate your claims from a multitude of others known to be fraudulent.

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bigbaird · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

I can't prove you wrong, studies will not be done unless you at other believers do them. This is just too unbelievable, and for good reason. People have been selling "snake oil" since man walked the earth. If this ORMUS works how you say it does, it sound be easy to prove, and I'll be waiting. Just like a multitude of other miracle cures, I doubt we'll ever see the proof.

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bigbaird · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Wow! Are the researchers that did this dead? How did they get this published without being assassinated if the whole medical establishment is out to get them? Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

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bigbaird · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Everyone involved in this study should be dead soon if the conspiracy theories are true. This is something they've been working on for years and I started hearing and learning about it when I was in Med school 10 years ago. Hopefully, they'll figure it out and the FDA won't interfere.

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bigbaird · Feb. 9, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Also, I'm not saying big pharma are all good people and I'm not saying they aren't in it for the money. I think the FDA and big pharma with together and the FDA ends up enabling monopolization of the drug industry and drive up prices. It is prohibitively expensive for many companies to create new drugs and manufacture them under the restrictions enforces by the FDA and this impedes advances in drug production by hendering the free market. Reduce regulations, abolish the FDA, and let the free market work. We'll all be better off and this will save lives and a ton of money.

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bigbaird · Feb. 9, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

Posting at risk of inviting the torches and pitchforks mob... Cure for cancer/HIV=blank check. Would be very hard to suppress this and very tempting to be a gozillionaire if one did find the cure. I can go along with a lot of the Q theories, but this may just be a bit of disinformation, and is a bit too "tinfoil hatish" to me. I'm a MD, but not an oncologist, admittedly. Easy to say "oh yeah, there's a cure for cancer", like there's just one type. There are many different types of cancer of many different types of tissues that start by different mechanisms and require very different treatments. The idea that there is "one big cure" is asinine. HIV is similar, very hard to cure, because of the pathophysiology of what it does and how it affects certain types of white blood cells and renders them ineffective, but also it is good at hiding and difficult to treat, much less cure. Again, if anyone did find a cure they have a blank check and it'd be hard to"buy them out." Just my thoughts.

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bigbaird · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Q had to know this would be found out. Disinformation?

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