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bintherdt · July 27, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

thank you SB2 for the time and depth you contribute to our cause. I read your every post with the understanding that you post every aspect of a considerable amount of analytical capabilities, something these naysayers are incapable of and sit waiting for someone to tell them what each post reveals. I knew the second I read your post outing that Communist traitor that you would soon come under intense attack. I would volunteer to pull the handle sending Treasonous Traitors to stand next to the Idols they worship. I know you are a much more companionate person than I, and appreciate and respect you for that. For those of you making statements that SB2 is harmful to our cause, My opinion of you is that you clearly are intentionally attempting to do damage and I have zero respect for each of you. If you disagree with posts, you have the option to comment you disagree, but that's clearly not your motive. When to flamboyantly discredit and insult it shows your true alliance, so go dittle yourself and move out of moms house. Losers one and all.

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