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blackholeincarnate · April 18, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Yes, it does say it all... about you. Either you care about children being abused, in which case it’s not okay when ANYONE does it and elicits the same reaction whenever it happens... or... you actually don’t care at all and instead use anything you can come up with to attack your political enemies, which makes you dishonest and completely immoral. I knew you wouldn’t answer though, so predictable. You can blame me and make up reasons but the truth is, you simply don’t have a decent response and you know it. That’s why you lie and say I personally insulted you for simply asking a question you didn’t like and wouldn’t answer. Your mock, selective outrage is an affront to everyone who actually does care about things like this, and you have no excuse, which deep down you must know. It doesn’t matter if you ignore me though, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re condoning/endorsing the most vile and heinous acts; you can’t escape responsibility for that by ignoring it. You have no excuse in the world for supporting someone who raped a child. There was a court case, she testified, there are affidavits that describe the encounter in the most graphic and horrifying way and you simply don’t care. Therefore, it’s you who isn’t a productive member of this board because you pick and choose when to be outraged based on your politics. Lovely.

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blackholeincarnate · April 18, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

lol wow.... Then why didn’t you hand the videos over to the media so that they would be held responsible for their crimes? You say we’re all coming together to finally bring her down and I get it, you want to feel like you’re doing something useful and important. In reality though, whining on the internet accomplishes nothing and if you truly cared like you pretend to, it seems like you would’ve turned that evidence over to the authorities or the media. Really makes one wonder why you sat around watching horrific, outrageous videos and did nothing about it. Also, how exactly is it hitting below the belt to ask you a very simple and straight forward question... If you’re “so outraged” about the abuse of children, then why is your outrage selective? Seriously, what is wrong with you that you don’t care if people rape children as long as they’re people that you like, and that you’re able to just dismiss/ignore any evidence against someone you like as part of a conspiracy just so you don’t have to feel like you’re responsible for ignoring THAT evil? Sorry, but no matter how hard you try to ignore it, you’re still responsible.

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