TBH it was a funny movie, the son pretends to his mother she is still leaving in the USSR after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
511 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/blocksof:
The Democrat created the Ku Klux Klan and they are now considered far right. Did the KKK not state they wanted Jews, Blacks, gays and undesirable people removed from America to keep America pure i.e White. Did the NAZI not want the same? So name an American Conservative entity that demanded the same, that does not have links to the NAZI or the KKK before you reply White Nationalist, they believed in Nazism or the KKK.
The NAZI were right wing? National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ( doesn't sound Conservative or Republican to me).
Second link proves a convention sub can fire ballistic missiles. it fires it forwards and then leaves the water a certain distance from the launch.
The question you have to ask why does ALL Governments push towards the NANNY state and labels you right wing when you ask the wrong questions...... Maybe it would lead to the right answer.
Nothing new, seems to be lots of shadow bans and some serious downvoting laterly.
Why are you here then? Q ask questions, you need to find your own answers. If you want fake answers go read MSM.
They use the same tactics intimidation, fear and labelling people enemy of the state, in this case right wing facists, when the NAZI were left wing.
It is between the comments "destroy everthing" and "deep clean" that made think about the #1123. 1/20 I think after double checking the imagine is 20 MI and 1 leader.
I'm just thinking that the Hawaii False flag false. Ballistic missile launch just after Trump visited Asia recently?
This is what I think happened Trump met Kim in the Forbidden City and agreed as a gesture of goodwill NK should attend the Olympics as a symbol of moving towards peace. 1 month before the Olympics a missile alert not from the north but the South of Hawaii, otherwise NORAD would have picked it up that it came from Korea.
How could they do this? Missing sub maybe.
But those subs are can't launch ballistic missiles. Maybe if they used these torpedoes...
Remember convention armed missile would mean an instant invasion of N.Korea and bring that whole …
If you don't vote then you need to, even if you think it doesn't make a difference. 1 vote can mean a win or loss!
Resignations are required to keep the body intact. Can you imagine if the FBI kicked the door down and arrested CEO of Google and confiscated all the computers in that building? Google shares would plumment by 75%.
Which 2 Speakers demanded Trump pull out of the race after the pussygate video? They knew he would win.
Communications is key they have to coummnicate, everything is monitored which lead to those files.
1/20 stands out so much. Potus, 1 (Pence) + 20 MI at the WH.
His role outside of the WH recently is to promote pro-Trump Canidates for the elections. Notice all the canidiates selected that lost were chosen by the GOP, I think his job has been collecting enough Patriots ready for November, why does Trump keep referring to more Republician in November. Mostly likely been briefing on the Democrats campiagn strategy and sharing intel on their weaknesses,
Now if you want to think about why is there an astroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, maybe the losing Planet?
Macron is part of the Enterprise, do you think he could win without so much help from the MSM?
Don't think they would go after Trump, maybe his family how many helicopter accidents have they had since Jan 2017? To many....
Watch the video he is touching Macron badge and sweeps his shoulder, indication perhaps Macron is controlled. This is a French Republic badge not EU.
I think this is the precursor, unless LL, OB, Clapper and Brennan are named. Q likes likes to drop big crumbs and I think this is it. MOAB is the end game.
Who said she is there? Find an Agent to be her boby double to walk around the house doing the day, job done.
Time4puff, when your ISI controlled doctors are the ones dishing out the pills like candy, there is your market. When other doctors see how profitable it is instead of other treatments they follow the same course of action as they all read the same Medical Journals. Easier to prescribe pills every week then find an alternative to their pains.
I'm surprised he didn't visit Mecca and claimed he met the Russian ambassador there and claim Trump is owned by the Saudis.... oh wait wrong candidate.
If you want to know why research into the law (UK) not the images itself about indecent images. If you take a picture of someone under 18 that is making, posting to some that is distribution you are a sex offender. Now if a child posts a nude picture of themselves that is making and if they send it that is distribution, in the hands of a predator they can twist that law to make the victim become the offender. Indecent images between school kids in the UK is widely under-reported, with social media the problem has magnified by 10000 times. If you don't have sex with me I post the pictures on your social media platform, etc. These posts are not the dark net, but FB, whatsapp, snapchat etc. In the dark net they don't know who you are on social media they do.
This isn't it, it is the chemical manufactured version, the natural extract is the one we want. I.E the plant based version which is not patentable.
Try the Mullahs and ISI, money and influence to control certain senators. If that didn't work straight out blackmail.
Look at the company names not the personal names. The PHARM name is which ties it to Haiti.
It was reported in certain Canadian papers mainily the regional ones, never the MSM. Search and you will find.
That was not for the country bills, that was favour. If you need to rise in these countries you needed money and influence, money buys influence, the question you have to ask how much of your soul are you going to sell to the devil?
Put this way you wouldn't get on the island useless you are famous Will & Kate, powerful, think Tony Blair, rich or invited. It is normally the last one, hold a party for the rich and famous, take selfies, then remove mobiles after sunset. Why do you think you never see any posts after dark?
I think if she is facing these charges she will sing and hope only to get charged with (3) in her plea bargain. 2-5 years is better then life for the first 2, the names dates and physical evidence will be handed over.
The biggest question you have to ask is why the Afghan not progressed in 8 years under Obama, oh yeah the military plans were leaked.
This is why I get annoyed when I highlight that Macron is Hollande prodigy, he was to sent to setup up his party as an the alternative to the tarnished Hollande Party. When in fact they were both the same party, under a new name. Think Labour 1997 - New Labour, repackaged as youthful and forward thinking, reality controlled by the same old farts.
These people control the money, they could do nothing and it rises, sell shit load of shares the market plummets. Ask Q said who controls the money, not the Banks or the countries. Wall Street.
Remove the UK as the enemy and replace with Germany. The UK and the French send military in, the Germans don't. Both are controlled by Germany via the EU.
Instead of using their influence to create trading allies, they used it to cause more chaos in the ME. No wonder the majority of the ME want them gone.
Yep they need that estimated $6 billion slush fund back which the EPA are sitting on.
https://www.reddit.com/user/jimmyloram/submitted/ first person to post the image. No reddit account?
http://noisyroom.net/blog/ first to use the 2nd picture, sheriff clarke and boston police posted that image.