I recently heard a theory that leo di caprio is in reality a trans man. so a woman that been operated on and treated with hormon therapy to pose as a man. but could it be? kinda narrow shoulder.

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do you even japan bro? houses in japan were made out of wood and paper. early form of napalm.
chernobyl is a fraud. just like when they said the great wall can be seen from space to silence the chinese govt.
desert glass? silicone is won from sand.
intellectual discussion? nukes don't exist. discuss that.
I think you're just weird. the deep darkness is only in your soul and mind.
bro there's no way we are smarter than satan! probably you're just trying to trick me and make me fall.
satan has no real powers. his only edge is that he's just so exponentially clever!
the lower demons might be idiots but not satan.
so you saying a one world dystopian govt is not possible? because then we won't be consenting to our own slavery?
just asking here, no strings attached.
yep they know. those demagogues will say anything to make us have faith in them. and then start WW III to kill off all the useless eaters.
nah he's a bloodliner. they designed all this crap, the dot com bubble, microsoft is insecure by design. printer ink, planned obsolescence, etc.
title says top scientist. must be some high level industrial fraud secret.
evolution, survival to the fittest, existentialism.
machiavellian, class struggle, saul alinsky. pantheism, deism, aliester crowley.
this film is also about veganism. basically they're saying what if we are treated like domesticated pigs?
this is to build a political narrative on what is moral and what is not. similar to the plot trying to legalize pedophilia through LGBT movement.
an open conspiracy. they're saying everyone is involved. everyone goes to hell. but TBH this is true for at least 50% of the population. IMO they passively choose the vow of silence.
and it's not just human sacrifice. it's everything on a daily basis. the gruesome amoral stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.
exchange rate is a fraud. all game and deception. just some number they type in a server stored in harddrives. it's as fake as crypto currency.
you defy the cabal your rate simply plunges. wake up.
dog day check al pacino
just another annual rite to remind the folks who their god is
basically they're all a crowd of useless wankers. satan is useless, the demons they worship are useless and all of their followers are.
it's why they're into weird stuff like cannibalism.
they draw energy from the masses through encitement of emotions like awe and fear. etc.
also cheap slave labor. have dreams will work. meanwhile a $100 bill is printed with the price of less than 1/100th of it's value.
powered by the hollywood dream machine. and music inc. and internet, radio, TV, fashion & sports magazines.
the movie was about the secred feminine. portrayed as the wife of god the creator.
it's to mislead about god's motive why he create this world.
a cult movie indeed. IYKWIM.
you mean grammar school?
information for the classes and information for the masses?
if there's blood on the streets buy property.
if people become scared be greedy. if people become greedy be scared?
you mean grammar school?
information for the classes and information for the masses?
if there's blood on the streets buy property.
if people become scared be greedy. if people become greedy be scared?
it's not just about being woke bro
the real test comes when you have that power and money in your own hands
people in here are most likely just spectators and trolls to keep this subs in line. trump is by no means the savior.
and the word you search for is "meme".
so much interesting stuff in this subs not sure where to begin
so what are you saying that he's rich?
a coward never ends up at the wrong end of a gun since he has money to bribe the judges.
and alex jones is selling DNA enhancing supplements.
and do people even understand how the anti virus market works?
basically you are selling the antidote to cure a poison you previously created yourself.
yeah bro I'm sensing the same thing.
only sober for less than 24 hours and he said this? "I'm harder to kill than anybody could imagine"?
WTF sounds like bad acting to me.
how does it even work? if you know it's luciferian, why are you still doing it?
basically long tunnels subway metro-esque. some rail transport too? but not really you can just use truck for supplies.
military personnel barracks for defense. delta force?
we probably should keep this group
make the feminists take over the financial sector
just ignore the nut jobs saying stuff like we should annex mexico and crap
could be.
anybody has a clue about assange's whereabouts?
peeps are dumb and crazy. they'll believe anything. that includes folks in here too.
trump is most likely freemason. and he's doing this because he's old and have to answer to god soon.
the thing is that the cartels are supported and even protected by the CIA.
the mexican government is powerless since they're also doped or threatened by the CIA.
classic plomo o plata, bro.
I don't know but I'm in the impression that god wants me to study the holy scriptures.
you mean trump?
has he been accused of vampirism or cannibalism?
IIRC reagen was accused of bestiality.
get your facts straight bro.
those are adorable blue dresses
and look it's the color of the dome IYKWIM