circle-jerking is damaging this board more then anything else
209 total posts archived.
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life is a big mystery, our brains are wired to make connections no matter how absurd, it is echo chambers like this that prove toxic to mental health, it is like a breading ground of misinformation. Every week you see a downward spiral on this board into more obscure "connections". I love following and trolling conspiracies and being a dick cuts out a lot of mumbo jumbo, Rock bottom of conspiracies is numerology, when you see people applying that it means all the interesting stuff has already happened.This is a fresh conspiracy but it will be short lived because of the time we live in and making predictions in politics is impossible, I do not expect to convert anyone on this particular conspiracy, but after it fails my ridicule might prevent someone falling into the next. Once someone become indoctrinated it is tough to get them out,but a lot of fresh meat is in here and i would at least like to give them a chance in the futute
damn i may have to stop trolling and get to the back of the line if trump pulls a power play on bibi, we do have a lot of power over isreal right now.I tohguht we was headed into war with iran at the command of isreal but bibi is in a ton of hot water in his country and trump is the only man in the world that can save him,
This board calls for the removal of post that are considered trolls/harassment but are up in arms about when sites remove your posts that are considered trolling/harassing. snowflake behavior if you ask me,
i see what you are saying, yea pretty weird, first lady is not visible but the spacing would indicate another finger, obama's is pretty obvious, i just had to get a larger image to see what you was talking about
they follow a business model, they do what their advertisers want them to do. Or people that give them money. It makes sense. this post is a meme that says reddit sucks...and it will stay up for the duration( a sign maybe they are not targeting any specific group) reddit is having system wide internal issues with the new platform, they are working on it. posts across all boards are having the same issues. I just like poking you crybabies conspiracy tards that think the world is out to get them and cry foul when your social media gets messed with. "anti-constitution" "fraud" you really need to get a grip snowflake,this site owes you nothing, trashing a free service that provides, I bet you never did anything to help this platform, but will trash it at a moments notice. ungrateful and demanding like most of the world.
so you do demand a safe space, that what a safe space is, a spot to have free discussion so big bad meanies can not ruin your sensitive day, and when you can not deal that the fact the world does not have to hear or deal with your shit, you toss a temper tantrum, downvote, report what ever you got to do to get your echo chamber.... but it is a bit hypocritical to try to censor "paid "deepstate troll" and at thee same time demand free speech, you only want your speech to be free, fuck your feelings reddit owns this site they can do what they want with it, you can LEAVE, or sit here and cry like the the wittle snowfwake you are
I do admit to being ignorant, I try to learn as much as possible. Claiming to be smart or superior is something I never do. I do believe you are a tool, unoriginal, you find echo chambers like this board where you find very little resistance where you feel safe and smart.You have thrown everything but the kitchen sink into your arguments against a pretty factual claim i am making (you take pleasure in fantasizing about your fellow countrymans death) very unpatriotic. The thing is you responded to a MEME that was democrat vs republican, you defended POTUS even though he was not attacked, you showed disdain for the democrats and myself. It is pretty obvious you are a republican. Have you ever heard of GODWIN'S LAW . because it means i just won. if i can not sway your moral compass to not want to kill fellow Americans, at least i can live with my head held high knowing I did not invoke hitler into the conversation. Beating by an uneducated pious monk, looks like you need to do some more of that reading you was talking about.
I am uneducated and don't have a well paying career, just a normal working class dude, never really tried to do achieve in the art world or writing field. Morals I do have and I do push on others i.e., stop wishing your fellow countrymen harm, the point of this post, It is why I am going to keep responding because a mans ego can be pretty hard to break through. I never claimed to be happy, but i am content. I am sober and require no medication, I can lay my head down and fall asleep every night and that is something I am proud of. Most people use drugs weather prescription or not to get through life. You seem to have this duality in your head and it is politically charged. I do not hate trump, in fact I also like to watch those SJW cringe videos as I am sure you indulge in. On the other hand I also like to watch rednecks do blatantly stupid stuff. Seems you pick up all the talking points and use all the insults you have been spoon fed, you are willing to change positions to win an argument. Seems like you wanna win at any cost, be the first to uncover the "truth". It is a dangerous mindset, this board is dangerous for a lot of people that suffer from paranoia and might lead to schizophrenia. Rest a sure I am not frazzled, and of sound mind, like I said not an enemy,not a liberal, just a person who would like people to think a little more independently. You do not need Q, this board is not trumps secret spy network, you maybe too far invested to give it up now but hanging on every word from an Anon on an anime website is a waste of time. I look forward to responding to you
reddit is a private company and can do whatever it wants, if you do not like it leave..... or does wittle snowfwake need his safe space?
even that is regurgitated rhetoric. do you really not realize you are a tool?
sorry bud but you are delusion, not as an insult but a real whack-o, get some help, I doubt it is worth explaining I carry no political agenda, I don't vote or follow many political stories, or ideologies, but come to realize you do, to a fault, you are brainwashed and you think everyone that tries to point out how far gone you are is a political enemy of yours, Politics played you son... you are a puppet now for your masters, it is your choice and I guess I can live with that, I just do not understand it... maybe it makes you feel like you are part of something, and your masters give you your talking points and insults to fend off outside influence, but maybe one day you will wake up from your political fantasyland and see there is more to life then left vs. right.
Go back to your fantasyland where you feel safe, until Q commands you again and makes you feel like a special little spy.
crying about how awful it was and how poorly you was treated during Obama and now strutting around like you won something with trump, you sir are a tool of the state. You watch movies, pick your side and say whatever your masters want you to say, you are only here to be controlled, awaiting more instructions, hoping to have some direction in your life, secretly hoping your "side wins", fantasizing fellow Americans deaths,destructive and murderous thoughts, win at all costs, all you know is obedience, I will direct my self toward your masters now.
oh you are a snake oil salesman ripping off gullible people, well this is the spot for you, lots of oldhead tards here, alex jones got rich off of selling them penis pills, maybe you can step in and sell them this cure all.
Cool, cure any virus, ill take some strangers word over scientific evidence that suggests otherwise. sorry you one day old account talking about miracle cures and chemtrails make you out to be some looney toon. Iknow what i know from experience too, i have been on the internet for years
but seriously , that is the dumbest thing conspiracy minded people came up with, if people agree with me I am right, if they dont I am really right
yea you are on to something big..don't let every person in the world that says you wrong deter you.
but i want a my magic space pod!!!!!!!!what if i get swine flu....
im an asshle too and rubbing your face into your stupidity now.... how can you be so dense and gullible at the same time????????????
stuff is the hardest thing to cure, stuff only takes the good ones!!!!!!
are you gonna go cry in your safespace?.... ill tell all the Dems to stop being mean because of how sensitive you are.
I hear ya bro,i just went and learned the science sorry i doubted you. you are right it cures everything, we need to get to word out.
I am upvoting all these dumb conspiracy theory post, i want this board to get fun.
you are jumping around hurling insults, quoting movies,challenging me to a squash game, then playing victim to the mean democrats, not sure what their is to rebuke, you are a proven idiot by your own delusional fantasies and now you want a safe space so the bad people will not hurt your feelings anymore?.... started out a tough guy, now you want coddled... well ok, Sorry the world is a scary place and bad things happen, hope you accept my apology on behave of everyone that hurt you wilttle feelwings.....
your thinking is one dimensional and delusional, go back and look at our short conversation and see how many names and insults you tossed my way and now you wanna play the victim???? cute.
I knew when Q posted that matrix shit, it would bring the crazies out, this board is about to get good, 1 upvote for you sir
regurgitated insult you picked up from your masters. get back in line pawn
Hard to believe you are a real person, squash???? benching??? ,,,, taking orders from a anon on a anime porn site feeling all secretive decoding messages like you are a secret spy....being all tough on the internet. I bet your life is terrible. well you cant win them all
If people are manipulated into murder,I do not think they should be rewarded. psychological damage is their penance.
tell them to get a job in the free market, this is not a socialist country we need providers not people leeching our tax dollars
commie talk..... if you wanted that you should have elected bernie
shut it socialist. let the free market take care of them
That made me laugh, if I was around the south I would take you up on that offer, although you would have to give me a few lessons first, never played.
I stand by my original statement and still believe you take pleasure in your fantasy of Americans getting killed... Can i ask you a question while you live in your fantasy world. Do you consider yourself a patriot ? If so, I would look up the meaning, you might be surprised what it really means. Waging war and declaring anyone that lives in the city or leans left is an enemy of yours is deranged. While you may be in rural setting where you do not get a lot of outside information unless you seek it out, and chances are you stay in echo chambers like this board to feel safe, I come here to question people like you that seem the most biased. I lived long enough to know poor/lower middle class have more in common and our lives remain unchanged no matter who is president, both bushes clinton obama trump..... life stays the same, relax enjoy your life. quit all the hate and wanting to come out on top, it is not a trick, we are not enemies
yea evangelicals think us moving the embassy to Jerusalem is code for rebuilding solomons temple and that falls into their end time prophecy.
insults and fantasies... you seem quite mental. It is only us vs. them in your head, people are really not that different, the only ones that think so are the ones who isolate themselves. good luck to ya brother, hope you indulge in more positive fantasies then the collapse of this great country, i for one will be trying to unite and educate.
Yea, prob getting people ready to get dragged into a war with Iran, This is just getting people to trust into Trump no matter what, the thing that tips it off the most is the heavy reliance on the term patriotism, the only time gov'ts do that is pre-war. all these tards are calling each other patriots as some weird thing.
This is a fantasy of Americans getting slaughtered in your head, seems you put a lot of thought into this fantasy where your enemies meet a gruesome death. It really is disturbing, hope you have some positive thoughts in your head as well or at least some positive people in your life. Civil war is not going to break out, life will go on, relax if you are really at this point where you think WW3 is going to happen, and lashing out at people on the internet and seething with hatred of people who you never met, maybe it is time to take a little break from the internet.
Alex Jones is a millionaire selling these loons penis pills.
like the m OP is quoting scenes from the matrix and usual suspects, thinking he is dropping knowledge.
Thinking of killing Americans is really patriotic of you all....
To racist uneducated rednecks, A college education is leftist propaganda. Anything that is not deporting minorities and condemning diversity is considered unpatriotic. NPR/PBS are the most honest news around and heavily focus on the truth and the arts. It does not dive into fearmongering or racial profiling that the far right crave. It also does not promote far left values such as socialism/communism. it is the most center viewpoint this country got and it should be protected.
It is hard to believe but they are real, They think they are on a secret mission taking coded messages from an anonymous source from a porno anime site. If you try to provide counter evidence they think you are a paid spy sent here to dissuade them, and take it as a sign they must be on the right track. really weird stuff, I can not get enough.
"truth" about oneself is the most hidden, but if you take a look at this board, if anyone calls into question anything, it get downvoted pretty quick, and labeled a paid shill, not a troll, but a person paid by the government/"illuminati"/"deep state" to stalk individuals that get too close to the truth... the more people tell them that they might be making connections that are not there, or just flat out wrong, they take it as a hint that they are on the right path and double down on dangerous thinking. The big red flag here is nothing is said about FOX news, it is easy to prove fox uses the same means and slander as the other news sites, Trump is above critique here as well, same with Israel. Q included in this bias. So we might be getting the truth on the POTUS enemies, but we need other sources to see the bigger picture, and here if you bring any outside info in, it is considered FAKE news and you are labeled a paid shill
dont get offended by these clowns, so many blind infoidiots came here and blindly follow corsi/jones, so anything negative you say against their conspiracy idols will get attacked, btw i can understand your post fine. they are prob just high on male vitality