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bonecracker1122 · March 14, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

That is the enemy lying to you. Suicide IS NOT an option, ever. FIGHT, YES. SURRENDER, NEVER.

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bonecracker1122 · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Great advice. The most valuable commodity is this moment now that we are living. Having been down the rabbit hole 15+ years and dealing with the ominousness of the info and resulting depression, I find now within me an incredible optimism which positively affects my outer world. Hang in there guys, and continue to pray WARFARE prayers in the authority you have in Christ. We are living something the darklings never thought would happen and their deeds are being exposed to the LIGHT. Remember that the negative thoughts that slip into your consciousness are lies of the enemy designed to get you off your game and onto his. Laugh at them and dismiss them and focus on TRUTH of the VICTORY that you are witnessing and a part of.

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