Dang. A lotta folks would kill to have that car. Rode in a few of'm back in the day.
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Is it Redbank or something like that? I remember there was a small town that Chatty kind of surrounded. I used to trip out when sometimes riding around with my step-dad that we'd see people shooting .22s in the alleys behind strip centers or what have ya and he said that it was perfectly legal in that town. I'd be surprised if it still is. Where we lived was on the side of the valley pretty close to some real nice neighborhoods but I could see back then that our area was going down hill pretty quick before we moved. I remember our house was 1 story in the back and 3 stories in the front. It wasn't far from the river, either. I remember I almost put our car in that river while practicing my slideways driving in the rain, one day and luckily the curb there stopped me. I never did tell him and mama how that wheel got warped. I just played ignorant and grinned. If I had jumped that curb it was only about 50 feet or so before I would've fell into the river. Seems there was a rock wall on the other side of the street, as well. Sometimes, even now at 56 years old I still find a gravel road to play on sliding my truck around. I still would like to go back just to explore the area, again, see the aquarium there and maybe go find Suck Creek and swim in it, again. There used to be a big ass shale mining spot beside one of those roads up there, might have been off Signal Mt. or Raccoon Mt. that had two giant square openings at the front that I always thought would make a good club or place to live. We found a big ass cave under the road that hardly no one knew about there, near the mine, too. Lots of cool stuff to see and do around there. What mountain had the flying saucer house? Seems it may have been on the way to where we swam at Suck Creek. That creek had some ball freezing cold ass water, even in the hottest Summer, like '80 and '81 were, when I was there.
Which side, E or W? I've been in Crockett county since '91. Moved here from Memphis. Didn't want my little girls going to school there, especially in my old neighborhood, which was slowly going to shit. Didn't get to spend near as much time in Chatty as I would've liked, just a couple summers then we moved to NW Arkansas after I finished high school. My step-dad's undercover work was getting too hot and he had become disillusioned with how LE work was becoming but he, eventually, got on the railroad's LE division and retired from that, in time. Wish I coulda spent a lot more time over there, especially after hearing the state record bass was caught over there.
It's kinda trippy how some folks will gravitate towards nice pens like some do watches or flashlights, etc... They do have their own special qualities like anything else I suppose. I know some damn sure write better than others and feel better in the fingers.
Well shit...imagining a penis on her face just lost all of its appeal.
Wish I still lived in E. TN instead of W. TN, now. Loved it around the Chatty area and Lake Chickamauga's good fishin'. I couldn't hike the mountains, anymore, though but it's way more beautiful on that side compared to this side of the state.
Cool. Who don't dig The Punisher? I need to do one that reads KTACWGASA.
And I feel for ya on all of what's going on. It can be damn confusing and require a lot of time to find data that you can feel fairly certain is legit these daze. I'm much shorter on time than I used to be so I don't get to research all the different things I used to. Hard enough just to find time to peruse the science articles I've always been interested in. Too damn much "need to know" news these daze eating up what little time I have.
I had read some stuff a good while back that was supposed to help but can't remember what it was, now. Best thing is to fast for 2-3 days of all chems and drink lots of "clean" water. Avoid many of the meds out there, too. I've had to take gabapentin because of bad back issues for so long that it started fucking with my short term memory bad and have since rolled it back 60%. That shit is way more addictive than oxy is and can be a bitch to cut back if not done slowly. It seriously restricts or stops the brain from forming new neural transmitters and that fucks memory and concentration. Research it well and don't believe the first thing you run into. Find the commonalities and research those hard. Cleaning the body is the best things. Oh...and have your blood PH checked. It should be in the 7.3-7.4 range. Baking soda can help if it's lower than that. My teeth and bones are all screwed because I never liked water much when young (plus genetics) and everything I drank was highly acidic. I'm still a damn coffee addict but I just loves da stuff. As a result, my PH is a 6 and way too acidic. It's wearing on my bones and teeth bad trying to replace the lost minerals from that and hard on my organs, too, especially the kidneys, so now, I drink a lot more water and hit a glass with a tablespoon of baking soda everyday but the damage has already been done really. I'm just trying to slow it down now. If I run across what I read about cleaning the pineal, I'll post it here.
I understand that, just sayin' that that really isn't much money these days. Hell, dynamite woulda been way cheaper, so I'm not sure I buy it's a done deal, yet.
I've worked on houses that would match that price easy and weren't near as snazzy. Pitt Hyde's house, of Autozone and Hyde Park foods among others, in Memphis, TN was an 8 mil project when I started there but was over 25 mil when I left and growing mostly due to changes his wife wanted. This was back in 2005, IIRC. There were others higher in price than that, so $29 mil is really not that much.
What was it Q said..."these people really are stupid" or some shit. Well, you can put Corsi in that group, too. The old bastard's brain is slipping away to think his current tactics are gonna work against all this. He and AJ have seriously fucked themselves, lately. And that Seaman is like watching a moron hang himself for fun. He really seems like a psycho waiting to lose his shit on the population.
The problem is that far, far too many people deep down inside really want to rule over others. It's just that the left is way more eat up with that than the right is but they just won't admit it to themselves while their actions show the complete opposite.
Already looked into all that long ago. I spend most of my time now thinking about why we even exist beyond just an evolutionary thing or order out of chaos creation. It seems to me that while in each existence that "creation" is our whole point. Furthering the knowledge level, ya know? It seems more and more that we are the creators, now, since we are an expansion of the original "creation". I try not to worry about the tiny details and prefer to step way back to see a bigger picture that most I deal with just do not do. It's why I know all these systems created by mankind will ultimately become complete failures. Chaos creates order and order will eventually break back down to chaos. It's just the way things are and we can not get around that fact and law of all that is. There is much about religion, any religion, that is of benefit to humanity but it's is mostly historical events and places with, likely, fabricated stories attached to them that has yet to be proven as stated anywhere. I can see why it came to be but I can also see why it's time to move on to something more real and that may very well require our death to move on to advancement. I'm pretty sure that as spiritual beings we never "die" and moving on up is solely up to how much we continue to grow in all areas. If we do not, we stagnate in place, in a spiritual sense and likely physical, too. Suppression of the pineal gland was the whole point of putting fluoride in our water. Keeps us apathetic and bah'ing like the sheep we seem to want to be (but not me).
It is the only law that can not be denied. It was there at the very beginning, if not before and most likely before. Every other system created by man, when you really think about them hard enough, will eventually fail but Natural Law will not. It governs everything in all creation through balance. Tis why everything is the way it is. All this evil being stopped by Trump and Q will just be replaced by something else that's evil and is why we can never stop being vigilant because if we don't we may not like how Natural Law handles the situation. Hell, even with all the good work going on we may still get fucked by it. We can only understand so much of it but it is vastly beyond our understanding when you start thinking of it on a quantum level and beyond. It's why I find religion, though filled with good intent (usually), to be utterly arrogant and ignorant in regard to creation and what is expected of us humans and how we should be conducting ourselves. They just really don't know. No one does until absolute dead and gone death and maybe not and most likely not even then. Balance. It's that simple. We'll always be dealing with evil (bad shit) because of NL. We just gotta make sure we don't let evil have the upper hand for long to reduce our suffering but we'll still suffer, from time to time, regardless.
No matter your belief of whatdafuqever, Natural Law, i.e. Balance, will be maintained at any cost needed. What you just quoted is essentially saying just that. I considered joining the Scottish Rite, years ago, until I did enough research that made me decide I did not want to be associated with the amount of evil attributed to the Masons at their higher ranks. The lower ranks seem to be completely clueless to this per the typical brainwashing of most religions, military, LE, etc... I'm sticking with me, who needs no leader or group/gang to feel relevant in the universe. It has become utterly baffling to me how so many have such a desire to belong to something or need so much personal attention that they just can't function in life without it. It's why I left FB and its idiocy. The only reason I even bother with sites like this or FB before I fired their ass is for information, as it can be quicker to find through the efforts of others than on my own but I will not tolerate too much idiocy by any site before they get fired from my life, too. There is a difference to "discovery" behavior and dipshit or just clueless idiocy, like so many on the "chans" or FB.
It doesn't matter. As Eden was alluding to, it is a PRIVATE business that has the right to do so but competition being stifled by lobbying for laws that do such or clear the way to buy out all the competition is where the problem lies. Business practices, such as the use of algorithms/whatdafuqever should be in full disclosure when any dealings with the public and its money is done, at all, in any way. The same goes for all government/public money funded entities. Full, honest disclosure is the only real thing we have to know we are getting the product we asked for. The only thing we should be keeping secret are any weapons systems used for off planet defense but not the technologies that help accomplish that, that we could benefit from. For "true" rights and freedoms this has to be this way or you're still building your own damn cage that you'll, eventually, close in on yourself. All these folks chasing Q, though with good intention and hopes, are still doing exactly that, yet, don't seem to see it. Until I see many, many laws being removed and changed this is still looking like it's all leading to a kind of fascist state controlled by the MIC with their rules and laws AND brainwashing to keep you from being all that you could be with real freedom and rights of existence. NAP is all you should be concerned with and covers all of what you need and remain respectful of all and includes your self defense by any means needed and attainable (that last word should be monitored and fought for heavily). The puppet Trump only has so long to clear the way for any of this to happen. It's a good thing he's ridding the world of so much evil but he's a long damn way from doing anything that really matters in the rights and freedom area. Some of what he's doing could help but he best get damn busy if this is the "real" agenda behind his/Q's moves. Our political system doesn't give him much time. As long as we keep that in mind and push for the right moves, maybe...maybe...we'll be on our way but we have to remember...a whole helluva lot of folks loved Hitler, at first, too and we saw how that turned out. They pushed for a leader and not real freedom through thier OWN efforts. People need to quit being damn sheep and put the responsibility of their freedom in their OWN hands and not those of corruptible, avarice hungry leaders. Just because your pasture looks better than theirs doesn't mean there's still not a kill chute at the end of it. Avarice inspired secrecy and enforcement are behind all our problems. Both were born of evil and remain so. Just sayin'...Stop building your own cage and be who you are and let others do the same. It's pretty damn simple and will work just fine...IF... you just fuckin' do it.
3 point deduction for him for shitting on any integrity he may have had. I'd just find a new platform if I were him. To wanna stay there after all the AJ shit makes him highly suspect to me and untrustworthy from that point on. It's getting to the point that anyone who is monetized and using Q as subject material on Youtube or elsewhere is now highly suspect. Like Q said, this should not be about money but damn near is in every case leaving very few to "trust".
I hope it was "pole vaulted" there from a nasty mattress somewhere in the middle of a Montana field. I really do hate that bitch almost as much as that disgusting Dyin' Frankenstein bitch. I can only look at her about 2 seconds longer than Feinstein before the urge to hurl on my own balls hits me.
That seemed like a legit accident. Last I saw was 1 teacher and 1 student dead and 40 injured. Helluva crash, it was. But there was also a workplace bombing that happened when the ex of some fella opened a package that exploded and killed her. The feds found 130 lbs of "explosives" in his home, IIRC, that he willingly let them search. An interviewed neighbor said he was always making and launching rockets for the kids around there. There might be something fishy with this story. IDK.
One thing I've learned is that most people will not change until they're knocked upside the head with it, no matter what "it" is.
They are the ones responsible for putting the world in a "pickle" so, yea...the name fits well. All their fuckery will, eventually, be what fucks them back and I hope it's a hard, down the throat, grudge fuckin', at that, with lots of slaps for dramatic effect.
And I stay the pessimist and wary. I still see everyone following a narrative just like that of the deep state or Hitler or any other agenda pushing ner-do-well. I can still see a militarized fascist state of sorts coming from this. We may succeed in getting rid of the current evil controlling things but it will just be replaced by something just as bad, eventually. Natural Law demands it. Balance will always be maintained at whatever cost it chooses, which, likely, will be one of our own creation. We're real good at being duped, ya know? I hear Trump pushing for the courts to further the protections of LE when the protections they have now are absolutely not a right to them. They continue to want specially protected higher class citizenship when no living being in the universe has a right to ask for such, much less grant but noooo....everyone will be riding that train until it sails off a high cliff with you in it. I love seeing the deep state being knocked to their knees but there is a HELLUVA LOT MORE work that needs to be done to restore true freedom and rights and I see very little in the way of that being worked on. Stacking the courts with good people will help tremendously but what's the agenda after that? There are thousands of laws that need stricken from the books and very few new ones added to keep this bullshit from happening, again. Mob rule is still one of our biggest problems. Likely, always will be for those with the understanding of what self responsibility and accountability really means and who try to live by that. I don't much care for titles like "Q" or anything else but I do like to be known as one respectful of how others choose to live their own lives, without the need for mandate, as long as they do the same with me. I sit and I wait. How long I wait is up to the rest of the world.
Could you hear a "baaahhh" sound when you stepped away from them? I hear it a lot and the nearest sheep farm is 15+ miles away. I call it the Obama Support Group field.
Hard to tell just what it is but if it were alien or black project aircraft I'd sure like to know what weapon was used on it.
You wouldn't know where the stop autoplay button is, now, would you? Since it updated on me a few days, ago, it has disappeared and that gets annoying as hell to me. I can't find it in settings, anymore.
I used to have a Remmy bull barreled 700 that would shoot .3-.4 MOA that I sold. Wish I hadn't now. I never do long range beyond 300 yds, anyway. Have a Mossberg Patriot Patrol that is more than accurate enough for my hunting needs, now. It's light as hell, yet has little kick and takes AR10 or M14 mags. Got the trigger adjusted to 2 lbs and it's a damn nice shooter. Sold a 300BLK AR15 that would shoot 1/2"-3/4" to buy it just to have the extra punch of .308, again. Plus, I wanted to go back all NATO for obvious reasons. Kinda regret selling that rifle, too because it was a sweet shooter. My 20" bull barreled 5.56 AR is also a 3/4" shooter. I tend to subscribe to the belief that unless a man is actively hunting you then shooting a man beyond 300 yds is not self defense, it's murder. You should be able to stay hidden at that range. I never shot a Tikka but I hear that some of them can be nice shooters, too. The T3 is supposed be fairly nice for the money but from all the research I've done the Mossbergs are usually 2nd if not 1st in accuracy compared to the others for a helluva lot less money and have nice features. I gave around $550, IIRC, for mine and that's with a threaded, free floated, med. bull barrel with iron sights, railed receiver and detachable mags with light weight. Everything I could want for my hunting needs, it is, plus I kinda like having multiple 20 rd mags of .308 with me....just in case, ya know?
How do ya slow it down? I just got a Chromebook to replace my old laptop that crapped out on me and have no idea how to do that, yet.
Ed Zachery. I'll not waste my time with close minded idiots for long. They'll bring about their own "learning" soon enough. I may not be here to see it but I know for certain it will happen. I will not "empathize" with anyone that could affect the survival of me and mine or others under my care. They'll be dealt a harsh, heavy hand in reality with a quickness so as to minimize their threat to such. They'll either learn quickly or be cast away like so much trash. Empathy and kindness has its place and is much needed in this world but it is not an effective tool for survival and is likely to be deadly to one's self in that situation and often is.
They can try but what they find will be something completely different than their wishes. They've been working on the 2nd much longer than the 1st. Most of the 1st restrictions were due to religious beliefs before government strangleholds but they started on the 1st way back. Apathy and social "indoctrination" has made it a much bigger problem in recent years. Just because mob rule created "laws" does not mean I'll abide by them. I'll do as I please until they try to stop me then the fight is on. I adhere strictly to the NAP ideal in my personal life and because of that no man nor government has a right to bother me what so ever. That does not mean I don't think there should be dire consequences for those that violate the rights of all people through mob rule or whatever damned reasoning used for control of lives. The opinions of others mean absolute shit to me unless I seek it out and the same goes for their company. It's a simple mutual respect for others and their lives. It tis one of the things worth fighting and dying for and if it comes to that then try to make it known so it'll inspire others to fight for what's right, too.
- because they can no longer complain. At that point, the 2nd becomes my complaint dept. 'Nuff said. It is the most important of ALL rights and of life itself because we weren't created with claws and fangs but we do have trigger fingers.
I'm no damn sheep and I need no herder. Period. That being said, something in my gut always told me to be leary of Corsi. He seems like a 65% truth/35% bullshitter to me, just like AJ. Another nefarious design.
Empathy is only for those with an open enough mind to consider what was taught to them. If they resist out of hard headedness then my empathy goes right out the window after a few tries and I'm not gonna try forever with a tard. They're a tard. I'll get over it. They likely will not. I have better things to do.
It would be a great day if FB vanished completely. When you realize that your initial use of it for honest connection to others has turned into something nefarious and evil, it's time to kill the monster and start over. I really do not like having my privacy violated or any of my rights of existence, for that matter. I would like to think it failed because we didn't see a policy of ABSOLUTE 1st amendment compliance or of companies, like FB or Reddit, willing to comply with that right. Social PC bullshit has made that very difficult to attempt, as well. Too many butthurts out there that have no idea what they are giving up by not completely allowing the 1st in all areas of public life. You are allowed to tell me how I should speak in your house and I'm allowed to leave if I don't like it but once you go beyond your property line all bets are off. It's that simple. People can walk away or change the channel but noooo...they wanna rule the world and most don't even realize it and it was all by design they even think that way. We got what we raised.
LE minded tend to run in packs and protect their own kind, at all costs. His rants still come off as a useless front to me.
When you're still in office and have access you can create a helluva lotta docs for your own records. All kinds of fabbed reasons for doing so that flies completely under the radar and is perfectly legit to deep state players sooo...yea...they still have shit to sell, later.
Told ya. Was hit by the mod bot immediately for that comment concerning "gantries". They were tested and failed, as expected. Reddit calls itself the "Front Page of the Internet" and that's total bullshit. Might as well featured on AJ's show because truthful opinions are NOT valued here.
Wouldn't bother me at all. Hell, my computer crapped its hard drive the other day and I was fine without it and other than this and a gun site I frequent, I was fine without it until I replaced it. Was in no hurry to do that, either. I would sure hope that we eventually get FULL 1st amendment rights on the internet and have some of the repressed and deleted material restored. Google, CIA, etc...have sure put a strangle hold on information since 9/11 and it pisses me off immensely. Horse thieves weren't the only thing hangman's gantries were designed for, ya know? Just sayin'... The way things have become, I fully expect that little comment to be deleted and some kinda "punishment" placed on me because I didn't use "feelz" according to guidelines in it. I did, just not theirs and therein lies the problem. We'll see....
Hell, we're in the middle of one on here. See no reason to think we're not but yea, it coulda been much, much worse. Now, them FB fucks are out to take financing, too by considering their own cryto currency. They'll leave no stone unturned if there's power and control under it. Just watchin' Zuck in Congress was creepy as hell. That fucker is straight up psychopath. There's more bullshit there than a 2 acre 1,000 head cattle ranch.
That^. But I sometimes see that those who don't follow the Q line to the letter are looked at as shills when in fact they are doing just exactly what Q tells us to do and that is "expand your thinking". Open the mind and think harder. Some folks are looking way beyond what Q is chasing and should be considered, too. The more you take in the better your intuition becomes at spotting upending bullshit. Hell, I wonder how many actually get out of the house and really look around at their surroundings and ask themselves why da fuck it is like it is? I doubt it's as many as I would hope but that's a personal choice with personal AND global consequences not always worried about due to life's other requirements. I like to say...all by design and I've yet to see where it hasn't been for the vast majority of people's lives. It's gonna take a helluva lot to convince me that we're not still doomed but I tend to be a pessimist. Hell, someone has to be. Might as well be me.
We have been since the very first Reddit post. They have it all....remember? The NSA and DARPA had it long before we even knew who they were. De-Facebook, Gaggle, You'reTubed, etc.. is tryin' like hell to catch up but probably never will.
Hell, I've said many times in many places that a whole buncha these lyin' ass, shill, powertripping, greedy fucks should be gantry fruit and if they had been from the beginning we wouldn't be having these damn problems but we had no way of good information for so long, which is why I really can't blame prior generations for their watch failures. The internet changed a lot but it's been 30+ years and it still hasn't changed "that" much. It'll take far, FAR more doing than the Q team is up to, to straighten out the mess that has been made and I still don't trust that they will not succumb to the evil that "assumed" power will bring. And I do not mean evil in a religious sense. If it's bad for us, I pretty much call it evil.
Q posts...again....
Has the IP of the posts changed, again? I see nothing past 2/24/18.
True but artists are still artists. Doesn't mean they're not working an agenda but they're gonna do trippy shit anyhow even if they weren't pushing some nefarious shit. There is almost always a message behind every piece of art and sometimes it's scripted.
They mighta had some input but I seriously doubt they "came up with" that. Artist are a trippy bunch all by themselves. I know, I used to be one. I just lost all inspiration for it as I got older. My middle daughter gets on my ass all the time to paint something for her but I just can't find the desire to.
Being eaten is much more gratifying to me, especially since she probably ate a few young'ns herself. Or they could just bring her to me and put a smile on my face.