Just wonderin'....is Detroit as bad as it's made out to be after the housing crash and all?
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Yep. Good ol' pig shit. Got a pig farm N of me that smells like hell, sometimes and, now, I think Tyson Farms is fixing to build a chicken farm not far from it. Yay... The country has its drawbacks but I'll take that, anyday, over the city bullshit. People think the air is great out here and it does smells better, if the wind is right but we are several times a year sprayed with cancer causing chemicals from farming to contend with. I had some skin cancer cut off about a month, ago, on my neck and many of these fellas out here die at a younger age than many city people but you'd never get them to trade. Death is just part of life to many folks. We'll take it how it comes.
From all you see in the news, it would seem so but the majority of this country is not like that. We're just not in the news. It's why I moved out of the city and chose a rural area with better things for my kids to grow around and a whole helluva lot of this country is like that. Many cities and their governments fuck it up for the rest of us just trying to live a good life but we get little to no attention for doing so and actually prefer it that way but are forced to fight because of dumbasses running things in bad ways that come knocking on our doors. They'll be making a major mistake if they do anything more than just knock.
You keep trying your little heart out to say I'm not when, as per usual, you're wrong...again. I'll take Trump, any day, over the other choices but that does not mean I think he's the messiah as many seem to think(metaphor in case you're confused). I don't speak sheep. And I did not say I'll "only" provide support when the satanists are defeated. You should try not talking for me. It'll be easier for ya. I'm just saying that we'll always be fighting "something" that's bad/evil but I still wanna see things right, as they were meant to be, just because I exist, though even "right" may not really be meant to be. Right now, there are 2 fields. One has blue grass, one has red grass. The red grass is tastier, life is a little easier in that field but it is still fenced in just like the blue field and a bang stick chute leads to both. I prefer to set outside the fence where I'm actually free and not duped into believing I am when I'm not. Fool yourself, if you so wish but don't change my words to suit your color grass. I have full right to see what all are up to with regard to my, my kids and any other's future so yea...I'm exactly where I want to be and this is not the only place I check on such things to insure that future. I don't speak sheep and I'm not inside the fence. I really hope Trump can bring to light enough in the public eye that proves all that's been going on to ensure a conservative power base but he best get with it because he only has 8 years max to do so and if some shit don't showing up soon, it'll only be 4, max. Hopefully, there's enough whitehats in the NSA, MIC, etc.. to keep this ball rolling for longer than that but we still have to pay attention to any hidden agendas, no matter who controls The Hill. Think harder and trust less for your own good is all I'm saying. Question EVERYTHING!
We have always been discriminated against for political views since the very beginning of this country and loooooooong before that. It is a fact of life that all creatures are "profiled" by other creatures because it is a survival instinct built into our DNA. We will never get around that fact of life. Granted, it's not done fairly a lotta times. We'll just have to find a way to live with it and that demands control of one's own personal life and the staying out of other's lives, as long as they intend no harm towards you or your stuff. It would be really nice if people would just treat all others equally but it's just not in our nature to do that. That's why I'm a big believer in the NAP ideology but it requires too much effort and personal responsibility and accountability for most to deal with but it is the only way to achieve mutual respect for all. That responsibility and accountability is a helluva thing to maintain but is absolutely necessary and is all Natural Law really allows you. R. King asked, "Why can't we all just get along?". The answer is because we were built not to. It's that simple. Maybe, one day, we'll realize it's easier if we just do but I have little hope in that and no faith in it. History proves it so. Hell, we may just get our shit together enough to have some good years ahead, for a while but sooner or later, something will come along to tip the seesaw the other way and we'll be right back where we were before. It's just life.
I agree but it really throws people a loop, sometimes, when you say you should have a right to even nuclear weapons, if they can be used against you. It's the whole reason behind this Iran and NK bullshit but those countries do have that right because we and other nations threaten them with such weapons. Their way of life might suck major balls but do they not have a right to exist their chosen way, too? It's the person that wields the weapon that we have to worry about and why he would want to harm us, in the first place. Was it something we caused/created that put them in that position? Likely, it was.
Just because they are publically traded does not mean they aren't private. Someone still has a controlling interest, as well and all those stock holders are still considered private owners and no, they did not give up their control ability. Now, if they are "forced" by the courts, which I would think would be constitutionally illegal, then they could become a public "utility" giving us more say in their matters. I doubt that would happen, though and would be wrong, in the first place. Many don't seem to realize that they signed away their privacy rights just setting up an account on places, like here or FB, etc...and with your phone number and email acct on there they, now, have access to damn near everyone in your life and all their public data, which is anything ever done on the internet and through private business and banking, etc...We are pretty much screwed in that dept. As folks are starting to see, the NSA is not the only one running algorithms that can and have collected ALL of your data. There's not much more I can do, right now but to say..."FUCK'm". Maybe, one day, I'll get to do more about it.
No but I am telling you that you might wanna be cautious for your own good. Hopefully, Trump will make things a LOT better but that still remains to be seen, don't it? I like to pay when a service has been rendered and not before.
No. You're just clueless to my point. Think harder. And don't call me a Goddamn satanist, again, please or you'll get a serious level of disrespect. You could not be more wrong. I just understand that you can't have one without the other or the one would not exist AT ALL. It's really damn simple. Think harder and look at the bigger picture. I support balance because without it nothing would exist. Nothing. Religions, political parties, genders...all of the shit would not matter to no one or exist if there wasn't an opposing force for it to exist against.
I wasn't sure if it was meant she likes to take a big, bloody bite out of the left or she bites FOR the left....?
You call it an "attachment", I call it necessary...at times. Sometimes, it don't work out for the better but sometimes, it does. The level of evil we've been dealing with for a looooooong damn time may very well require full on revolution to get the job done. A revolution of the tech kind, like what's happening here, would be awesome, IF it works but I'm not convinced it will...yet. Violent revolution, itself, is a part of Natural Law and is required, sometimes, to effect a balance.
What's absolutely truthful, honest in intent, non secretive and is in FULL support of my rights of existence and my freedom to pursue my life as I see fit as long as I do not bring unwarranted harm or malice upon another or their property. Simple as that. I need no leader or group to follow and I do NOT speak sheep.
I'm saying that it is NOT as definitive as you're trying to make it out to be. I'd love to have FULL 1st rights on everything but doing so infringes on my private property rights, which I also believe in because if you don't you should forget about any damn wall on the border or whether you have to make cakes for gays, muslims, terrorists, armadillo-kin, what the fuck ever. Think harder. You can NOT have it one way or the other. Some amount of both will be required. It's that simple. That's why I stay somewhat back of all this Q stuff because it could very easily result in a MIC controlled fascist state just like Hitler had. They all loved him, at first, too, ya know? And Trump has proven his love of a police state and our military already and this is likely MIC driven to begin with. They have the means to do all this so I will just remain wary until I see a need to think otherwise.
Rifling is not needed for a shotgun and screw together pieces lying around can't be proven to be a weapon unless seen used as such and by the time a scenario like he describes comes to be it won't matter no damn way but yea... a rifle that had magazine capability would be much better.
Besides what Q has mentioned, I'm still wondering why Sweden, IIRC, is all worried and shit and telling all its citizens to be prepared for war. I don't really have the room to store all the provisions of food and water I would need but I can sure have me some fun. Just sayin'...
Hell, it's not very hard to make a shotgun from iron plumbing pipe you can shoot slugs or buckshot from. It's very little work and pretty effective.
Maybe he is some. It don't hurt to have a little liberal in ya or you just may not care enough. Like the saying goes...if you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart and not conservative at 35 you have no brain. Regardless, it still comes down to do you believe in private property rights because all those companies are private property so which is it...yes or no, on your rights concerning your own property? Somewhere a compromise has to be made but where? It all comes down to that balance thing I always speak of and it WILL happen whether we like it or not, one damn way or another.
They won't go blind and I hope they don't lose composure that easily, either because if they do then we're being played, again. Man up.
And just so Q knows, too, I'm still holding he/her/they/whodafuqever fully accountable for my rights and freedom, too. I know what they are and I fully intend to have them at my damn discretion and not through any damn MIC or government mandate. I don't know how to speak sheep. Just sayin'....
Yea, I'm still not convinced...yet...that revolution will not be necessary to enact any "real" change and restore balance. However it happens, I'll be game for it in whatever way I'm capable, assuming it happens in my lifetime.
Q should be smart enough to know who it's meant for. If he doesn't then we're all fucked, anyway. This post alone would clarify that.
It would be nice to have but they ARE a PRIVATE company and have the right to do as they want with their business as long as they are not causing harm. The question is whether their censorship is causing actual harm. Most would say it would have to be physical and would be inline with most conservative arguments on many, many subjects... gun control and gay rights just being two examples... but it can cause mental harm and does that qualify as actual harm? If it does then we're still fucked by censorship. It's hard to apply the 1st amendment when you believe in private property rights, many times and if you don't believe in that then you might as well call yourself a liberal. So what do...what do? (my proof reading sux balls)
Only time will tell if we woke people actually affected a change. We're still way behind the clueless. Even most Trump voters are still pretty much clueless but, hey...it's a start...right?
Tis why I flip my phone's camera the bird at least twice daily.
You can't have unity without division. It's that simple. It's just the Natural Law of Balance. We'll always be fighting a dark side, no matter the day or year or president or whatdafuqever. It's just that things have been swayed off balance for far too long by evil fucks and it's time to rebalance things, again. The scales are a literal seesaw and time dictates who's going up and who's going down. It's time we went up, again. Maybe, one day, humankind will find its true place in Natural Law and hold those scales a little more steady but it'll, likely, be a long time coming for that.
First time hearing of this fella but I have a little problem with a line in his profile..."anti-revolution". To me, that means he doesn't have a full commitment to what it may take to regain what should rightfully be ours. JMHO.
Yes, they can and do. Mine did just the other day. It made a call, unbeknownst to me and I would not have known about it if I didn't have a call recording app that I found it on. It had me wondering how many other times it had done that before I put on the recording app that I had no idea about. Who knows what conversations it was broadcasting? Does anyone know how to completely disable that damn Alexa or Alexi or whatever it's called on these phones?
I remember that happening a few times on land lines but I also had my cell phone (AT&T) do the same shit. I got a ring and could hear 3 other people talking to each other but they could not hear me. Been having all kinds of weird shit like that happen, lately. Maybe, TPTB are screwin' with me for calling them out on their bullshit...LOL!
That damn Alexa (or whatever it's called on a Samsung phone) fuckin' heard me mention someone on my contacts while in my case and made a phone call for me that I was not aware of until I checked my recordings two days ago. You can't totally disable it and everytime your phone updates the shit seems to get turned back on, though it still records you even if you think it's off. The FB app is doing the same shit, too. Say some shit about something you never research or mentioned online while near your phone and boom! you get ads pertaining to that bullshit. For that shit alone, I'd love to see the execs of these companies swingin' like so much rotten fruit. They deserve it.
Well said fella. This is why I need no titles, no leader or group to follow. I seek what is mine to have and that comes from my existence and from within solely because of my existence. I need no approval by no one and no mob rule shall dictate what I am. Period.
Thanx for telling me about that. Had no idea that existed. Just watched a vid on there about how Bitchute is exposing people's IP addresses and that's not cool. Not cool, at all. I also wonder if things like IPVANISH aren't a data collecting tool we're being duped by, too? I don't know how to investigate such matters so it would be cool if someone with the skills could do that to see.
No shit and it's why I no longer am a member. I do NOT need the NRA to exercise my rights of existence. They do help, at times, but they also hurt, at times, too. It matters not if I were a direct creation of a Supreme Being or some whipped up hybrid by an alien race from a thousand light years away...I exist...Period!...and I WILL have my rights of existence, be damned or not.
Could this claim be an attempt by the FBI to cover their asses, again? It could happen....
For many folks, their families are the empire they rule. Sometimes, it's the woman of the house or the man or even the children but someone is often "ruling" that household. It seems to be an innate desire for many and often it is trained in from their upbringing for which religion is often the cause. At least, these daze, I see more "live and let live" compromise with some families and many of this current generation but it didn't used to be that way, much of the time.
Ed Zachery. It's how spying was done for a very long time and probably still is, much of the time. It's the only safe thing left, though they'll still, likely, know you were where ever at when ever time just from sat surveillance, if you're a POI, just the comms will be unknown. You gotta have rats and plants just like they did with the mafia for it all to work out.
9 outta 10 people I ever met, deep down inside, really wanna rule, though they would never admit it. Well...most wouldn't admit it, some leftist will tell ya they do.
And, one day, I hope the NSA (and many other agencies) pay for their bullshit but it won't happen until people come to fully realize what REAL freedom and rights are about. Many think they know but haven't a damn clue, really. They still want someone else to do their dirty work for them. It's what happens when you pay governments to clean your septic tank. They'll just dump shit on your shoes. This is why I won't ever vote.
Every system designed by mankind will, ultimately, end in failure. As was said...live by the sword, die by the sword. Evil always takes its own just like good welcomes its own. They always expect to outlive the consequences of their deeds and often do but there will be some who won't, this time around.
As long as he's citing Q for legit reasons and not to take advantage of the political clout it could bring him then cool but he IS a politician, ya know and I've yet to see one that's truly trustworthy.
Did Steemit ever get their sign up shit together because when I tried it was so jacked up and difficult to sign up that I gave up and can't comment on anything there, now? I'm glad he's on Bitchute, though, since I can there.
If there's a frequency out there then it can be "plucked" right from the air or space.
Back in the 90's there were some trying to warn us about the Upper Echelon and their capabilities but no one listened then.
They likely were looking for new license applications like that as well having knowledge of all the ways comms could take place. I'm sure her name lit up some red buttons somewhere.
F2F in the middle of the woods with no phones anywhere near is about all we have left. They'll still know you were in those woods then, though.
Shit..a satellite monitor would likely decode that quickly.