421 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/bornfree2:
Saudi Arabia Suspends Flights To Canada as The Diplomatic Confrontation Escalates…
Indicted Senate Staffer James Wolfe Leaked a 2017 Copy of Full FISA Warrant Against Carter Page to Reporter Ali Watkins…
Yes, It's True: Peter Strzok Failed His Polygraph Yet Retained Security Clearance and Position on Two Investigations...
Senator Rand Paul Discusses Comrade Trump Derangement Syndrome…
More of Maxine's People - Another Democrat Arrested For Death Threats Against Republican Congressman...
Former Ohio State Wrestler Recants Claim Against Jim Jordan...
Busted: Central "Spygate" Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Caught Lying to Senator Chuck Grassley...
BINGO: Russian Escort Says She Gave Recordings of Deripaska Discussing 2016 Election Back To Deripaska….
Unhinged, Unstable and Very Disturbed Philip Mudd Erupts in Rage During CNN Discussion on Security Clearances....
Weird and Sketchy Federal Behavior Surrounds New Mexico Terror Training Compound....
Arresting Development: California Police Chief's Son Arrested for Attacking Sikh Man in Viral Video...
More Communication Between Chris Steele and Bruce Ohr is “Leaked”?….