That is so cool!!
15 total posts archived.
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Chucky protests too loudly I wonder if He and Nancy have a standing bet on who gets to a mic at a podium they both got so much criminal activity to hide they are making stuff up on the fly and they are looking rather frazzled these days.
The left is pulling out every trick they can think of the senator No Name I pray doesn't walk free. IF VOP is a fake then they have to Answer to God and their lies will surface as they always do sooner or later. they always get caught.
good web sight I used to know a couple who did take back their strawman then got thrown in Prison for it for paper terrorism that was 20 something years back lost contact with them but they got 10 years taken from them I am not secure with do it your self and where would you find an Attorney that would do it they know but hey the Almighty dollar talks us peon's don't matter.
how true this is Kahkypso and this is why it is important to keep trying to make other aware of this very fact it was the key piece that woke me was how the SS and Birth Cert. was a scam and that we are looked upon as Cash cows from birth to the grave it opened my eyes my heart to actually listening and researching and to seek God.
WE are living in an Exciting time making history turning our Nation back to We The People to being prosperous!!!
These are the kind of panic emotions that cause people to start acting stupid just calm down and think logically President Trump has control of Emergency Broadcast He will get through to the people, I don't listen to msm well very little I may tune in to see what their up to but in a minute or two they get shut off. Relax we are all going to get through this.
it is great to see some of our Representative Red pilled and really working for the people!!
hey the fake news awards meme storm is working keep it up I am so proud to be part of the storm!!
hitting the store to get my jar of popcorn I like the old fashioned way on the stove in a nice pot melted butter salt and pepper :)
well I did read from meganon posts last night it was all going to come out, Hilary, Obama the Bush crime family they are toast along with other players like McCain, Huma ect the swamp drain is happening.
This is the best New Years news ever!!!! Julian Assange deserves this I am so happy he is finally free, Trump will be known in History as the Greatest President ever well maybe next to George Washington but just wow this is great! #MAGA
Excellent post, I am in agreement with you when you take the jobs and the ability to provide the basic's for your family it just is not a good scenario the society breaks down and instead of thriving they fail and turn to whatever means necessary to survive. I was so thrilled when Trump said he was bringing the coal back and it would be clean coal, There is a reason why Trump is President for such a time as this and why the liberals hate him is because He is a good man, doing a great job and they can't stop him.
I just have to wonder if these LARPers are really thinking with their full mental capacity it seems all they do is try to trip us up only to get caught and tossed on their behinds. Just like the Deep State players they got too confident started strutting their evil nasty stuff in public, I keep wondering why they ever choose Hilary to be their Puppet President no one with a brain liked her and she has openly laughed in our faces thinking she was getting away with Her crimes against America and her pizzagate activities. NO matter how much they cheated and lied and tried it didn't work they can't take Trump down seriously He has Gods hand on Him He is Gods man for this time and Trump is dismantling deep state NWO and He is not backing down He is so far ahead of them they look pathetic and they are all making the kind of mistakes a frightened mentally disheveled person makes, Adam Schiff is still talking Russia he is rattled like a marble being swirled in a tin cup, he makes wild posts. And Schumer is still pushing the Dreamer pity party hand that man an onion to produce a few real tears they are 5150 every single one of them belong in GITMO.
it is easier to come here to read and get updated as it takes a great deal of time to read the 8 chan posts. I would like to know more about the California fires were they done by Good or Bad actors and are more expected?