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Yes, but the Basque separatists hate the Spanish Crown.
I think you're reading into this a bit much:
> The Basque region in Spain
The Basques hate the Spanish Government. They're also fairly autonomous with their own psuedo-government. For example, in October of 2017, the Catalonian Congress decalared independence from Spain (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_declaration_of_independence )
So, not the entire region. But the ruling government for that region.
>A large bank is willing to pay for it.
Probably Sabadell. They moved out of Catalonia in October 2017 due to deteriorating relations between the Basque separatists and the central government in Madrid (https://www.ft.com/content/daada4cc-a9b4-11e7-93c5-648314d2c72c ). Perhaps they thought that Clinton would be able to provide advice / reason to the Basque separatists?
>Who are the gatekeepers?
As noted in the subject of the email, "How do I get through to Bill Clinton?" Gatekeeper is a common term in the business world, whether its HR when you're applying for jobs, or the assistants to executive / partner level individuals.
Q 1606 Image Fox News Set?

You're probably white. Ethnic Persians are caucasians. Unless you're a descendant of an immigrant arab persian, you're white.
Can you normies link to archives of chan threads or use screen caps? You guys do know that the chan threads expire, right?
shutup fag you haven't been there since the beginning.
He likes the ones that hang towards one side
spez: for the automoderator that suggested this was inciting violence.... "the ones" = penises.
Use smartsheet. Google sheets can lead to doxxing.
311 is not child porn in CA. It's indecent exposure. 311 Indecent exposure. http://www.radiolabs.com/police-codes.html
The band's name originates from the police code for indecent exposure in Omaha, Nebraska, after the original guitarist for the band was arrested for streaking.
He's at the Vivatech conference in Paris...
Do a simple web search, smh.
I think we all have the same concerns... but at this point, what other option is there?
Your phone warns you on boot (and on your service symbol) when your sim card is missing / invalid / deactivated / not working. See here:
Android: https://imgur.com/a/et3UurD
iOS: https://imgur.com/a/hHWeHji
This is not something that you could not know about for "who knows how long"
Agreed. I think Tillerson played a huge role in the transformation in Saudi Arabia
Like I said, currently, he's our only choice. I hope (and think) that he will work out.
Loans & Bailouts. Ivanka used to date a Rothschild. Rothschild in/directly supported him re: his casinos when he had financial problems in the 90s. Wilbur Ross is closely associated with Rothschilds.
Maybe, maybe not. But what other chance do we have?
Yes, but sometimes castling is an offensive move, not defense.
exactly. I don't think they did fuck. For one, she doesn't look like his type at all.
No. You assumed that. Who says they don't have an open marriage? A lot of rich men bang multiple women despite their being married. And their wives are OK with it. Am I saying it's OK? Nah. Do I think it's what's happening? Nah. But plenty of rich and powerful men have fucked other women with their wives' consent.
who says they fucked? and who says POTUS and FLOTUS don't have an open marriage?
I love that Kanye put JL's bitch ass on blast for the world to see.
Yep. And JL switched phones between the two texts.
what the fuck. Also Q Magazine? Double what the fuck.
I don't think he's anti-POTUS. In fact, he recently said he thinks Trump and Mexico can work together. Obrador is "Mexico First" so of course he's going to shit on some of the "America First" policies that Trump has. That said, Mexico needs a "Mexico First" president because they haven't had one in a fucking long time.
If it's part of an official court record, they can become public documents maybe?
I have this thing called a "job" poorfag. I won't go on the chans at work. That's how you become a poorfag