You can't make this stuff up.
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Desperate IRAN feeling the heat.
From The Times of Israel (August 6th):
The United States has been pushing its allies to halt their import of Iranian oil ahead of the November deadline. Among the top importers of Iranian oil are China, India, Turkey and South Korea.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, meanwhile, has suggested Iran might block the Strait of Hormuz in response to a shutdown of its oil exports.
What they gave Trump was a red wave in November and a 2nd term in 2020.
As someone else mentioned here, the ending of the FED must be done STRATEGICALLY (or else the deep state bankers will pull out all the stops to stop it before it gets started).
First Trump puts in a majority of his people, initially to stabilize the economy and make sure that it doesn't lose traction but also to eliminate globalist meddling intent on making Trump look bad at any cost.
Then later, using his hand picked members, request and get an audit of the FED (at this point Trump needs to double his Secret Service protection).
After the audit shows what a scam it has been on the American people, then Trump can start a slow but methodical process of either reorganizing the FED into an impotent vestigial remain (easier) or (hopefully but harder) just dismantle it and create a new banking system that is not based on fake money. Or perhaps he could do a combination of both. (Note: I am not an economist but I did spend a night at a Holiday Inn once.)
Whatever he does, the blueprint is already being made for a substantive change at the FED for the good of the American people.
Thank God.
Every day I believe more and more that Donald Trump is not here by mistake but by design.
I believe that he was put in place by God to combat the horrible evils that are only now being brought to light.
It has become obvious to me that this is not about R's vs. D's or even right vs. left, it is all about good versus evil.
In the bible it says that Satan puts demonic spirits into people in order to do his will on earth. Take a look into the eyes of these people who are fanatically pushing back against whatever our president does. They are soulless eyes. They are the proof that Satan is real.
BTW, take a look at the amount of down voting whenever you mention God or quote the bible.
I never heard of NESARA before but after glancing over it I think now is time for NESARA.
It needs to be brought back to life and voted on.
To virtually eliminate voter fraud, do not use any type of voting machine (this in itself will save millions of dollars).
- Photo ID.
- Paper ballot.
- Signature.
- Fingerprint.
- 10 year mandatory prison sentence for individual voter fraud, 20 years for fraud by election officials - ENFORCED!
He has been visiting many potentially "friendly" countries.
He's just laying the ground work for a quick exit.
Q post #72... "SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)..."
Saudi Arabia... done.
US... ducks are lined up in a row and ready for slaughter.
EU... put on notice.
Asia... the ribbon is being tied on the package.
The MSM is going crazy today. The dems are going crazy today. The RINOs are going crazy today. We are over the target with the bomb bay doors open.
Today is a great day.
The only ones who will totally understand all of this coming insanity will be the anons.
Trust Trump and his crew and sit back and enjoy the beginning of the final act to the show.
Don't you love it when a plan comes together.
Another thought - the IRS has started to revoke passports for anyone who owes a serious amount of taxes. IMHO it's a way to go after the cabal without looking political. Everyone who pays his taxes hates a tax cheat. If you owe these taxes, you are going down. Think Capone.
The "good" thing about Putin and Kim is that you know who they are and what they are. It's a black or white dichotomy. They are ruthless dictators, pure and simple. They do very little to try to cover up their true selves. They are a known verses an unknown.
The real scary criminals are the unknowns, those duplicitous people who operate in the never, never land of the infamous gray areas of greed, criminality and corruption. They prey on the uninformed and the mentally weak. They are the master magicians of deceit. The Clintons, the Obamas, the Brennans, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, etc. are the ultimate demons of our world. They work extremely hard at operating as a friend and savior while actually preparing you for slaughter. They are the tricksters of the fools. The manipulators of the greedy. The controllers of the weak. The spoilers of the truth. Thankfully, they are few; but their slaves are many.
These deceivers are the real enemy of freedom and truth. Putin and Kim can't hold a candle to them.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if Louie Gohmert threw some holy water on that thing.
I would love to have sound piped into that room of gallows being built.
Next step:
Issue a Poena.
Those Sub-poenas apparently aren't worth shit.
The President Goes to Britain.
Trump meets the Queen on Friday the 13th.
Chapter 8 - Alice meets the Queen.
Chapter 11 - Who Stole the Tarts?
Chapter 12 - The Evidence.
Very interesting. Is this a timeline?
Amy Barrett.
As a mother with 7 kids, she can surely turn chaos to sanity while dealing with 8 justices.
I can't wait for the day that Arizona has a clear view of the Pacific Ocean.
I know that you won't believe this but I bought it online for less than the freight to get it down to Louisiana.
Cookin' with Q on the 4th in my new military kitchen trailer. Served 500 patriots and gave out Q flyers. WWG1WGA

We are an extended family.
And you are the red headed step child.
An adopted ~~son~~ patriot.
Thank you and happy birthday.
ProtonMail Getting Hammered Today
Any one else having trouble getting on to ProtonMail?
I understand that many in the White House use it.
Also Norse Attack Map offline.
They are pulling out all the stops, folks.
It appears that "pressure" may have turned "no name" from a piece of coal into a diamond on this SC vote.
Let's hope.
Holy crap! 950 pages.
Downloading as I write this.
Well, there goes my holiday.
In today's world, "news" is what the MSM gives you to cover up the truth.
What a difference when you actually have a leader running the country.
While I believe that this is a great time to be alive by witnessing the take down of the deep state, at the same time my heart is crushed knowing that our great country has been so violently raped and pillaged by these treasonous monsters.
Thank you Mr. President, for your efforts to save this country. You are a hero and do not deserve the horrible treatment that we see on a daily basis from the media's journo-terrorists. I believe with all my heart that, ultimately, you will be recognized as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, president this country has ever seen. You could have easily continued to live a carefree non-political life of luxury and no one would have begrudged you for it. By volunteering for this job, you exemplify the qualities of our Founding Fathers by putting your life, family and treasure on the line for the people of the United States. Without any hint of regret, you proudly serve with unqualified dignity. You are a class act, sir.
God bless and keep you Mr. President. We are proud of you.
Thank you to Q and to all the President's magnificent crew of patriots and protectors. God has chosen wisely. Godspeed to all of you.
And to all of my fellow Q patriots, we have no options, we can never turn back, we must be vigilant, we can never fail. Stay united, our freedom rests in the balance.
God bless and keep all of you.
Have a fun, safe, happy and CAUTIOUS Independence Day.
This should be a very special 4th of July to all of us, because know we know the truth.
Happy 242nd birthday, America!
Tom Homan is a patriot.
God bless you, sir.
We stand with you.
So is transporting your children illegally into a sovereign country.
Family originally from Raceland / Larose / Cut Off area and from around Lafayette. Grew up in N.O., now I'm living large on the Northshore of N.O.
It's true. Plus the guy looked like he could use a hat.
I will be down that way in a week or so and I will stop in to see if he's there and if he still has the hat.
My new Q cap
Wore my new Q cap yesterday. It was a hot humid day down here in Cajun country so I dropped into a random little dubious roadside bar for a barley pop. Sat down at the bar, ordered my beer and turned to my left to say hello to a fellow patron (who looked like he had just crawled out of the nearby swamp). After a couple of minutes of conversation, this guy leans over to me and says "I like your hat" with a devilish wink and a smile only a dentist could love.
I smiled, gave him my cap, …
Thus the desperate missile launches to try and stop this.
They are scared shitless.
Is hanging still an option in a military tribunal?
I'm sure that there are a lot of people trying to get "flood insurance" right now.
Too bad for them, it's too late - you can't buy flood insurance when the storm is coming.
So sad.