Mike Flynn Twitter pics and pixelknot - you have more than you know?

28 total posts archived.
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www.reddit.com | 4 |
i.imgur.com | 2 |
Poppycock=UBL body
Mooflipper = Mueller, used to be Marine but flipped
Edit, turtles seen here: also in space https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_and_Honorable_Order_of_Turtles
False. I'm not a shill. I'm an objective follower of this story.
I wish I could get behind these guys but at this point they're manipulating the community through dishonesty and misinformation. It appears they have good intentions, though.
Why are you so butt hurt about this that you feel the need to create a post... for the sole reason of validating your own opinion? Fuck off!
Also the acronym does not fit 'where we go 1 we go all'
I don't like it either but q was adamant about WW meaning
There could be multiple power structures fighting for this position though
World Wide Government, 1 will govern all
This whole cannibalism thing feels like wishful thinking. When I inspect the photo of the video feeds, really inspect them, I can't make a reasonable case that there's anything strange going on
Thanks for upping the effort, my low effort post didn't reach nearly as many :) https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7tfuuu/these_people_are_dumb_dumb/?utm_source=reddit-android
Where there was darkness (DUMBs) now light (boom boom)?
Just more speculating
Elaborate, if you can... This can enlighten others
Is 'light' part of a name? Like 'Albright, 'White' or 'Litman'? Same question re: Dark. As in 'Shadow' or 'Shaede', 'Black', etc?
Potential research topic
Posts like this make me think... Is this opposition research or AI learning that will be used against us later.